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Saul P. Greenfield, MD
- Clinical Professor of Urology, State University of New York
- at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- Director, Pediatric Urology, Women and Children? Hospital
- of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Population health management is fundamental to the transformation of health care delivery anxiety symptoms everyday buy effexor xr 75 mg low cost. Its principles recognize the importance of focusing attention not only on improving individual patient care anxiety symptoms 4 weeks buy effexor xr 75 mg on-line, but also on improving the health of an entire population anxiety symptoms extensive list purchase effexor xr visa. In fact anxiety 19th century generic effexor xr 37.5mg with visa, direct health care accounts for only a small proportion of premature deaths in the United States anxiety drugs effexor xr 75mg low price. Population health management is anxiety symptoms losing weight purchase effexor xr 37.5mg visa, in effect, about coordinating care and improving access in order to enhance patient/family engagement and reduce variation in care to achieve better long-term outcomes at a reduced cost. Guide to Measuring the Triple Aim: Population Health, Experience of Care, and Per Capita Cost. Another important step is to identify the specific health status and needs of that group and deploy interventions and prevention strategies to improve the health of the group. Technology-enabled solutions are essential to the efficient management of a program. A new model of health care in the United States is replacing fee-for-service with value-based care, where health care professionals are rewarded for keeping entire populations of patients healthy. Instead of rewarding exclusively for the treatment of acute medical problems, the new system provides incentives for the health care system to maintain healthy populations, prevent disease, and avoid acute medical problems through the active monitoring and management of chronic disease. Quality in health care is measured by outcomes achieved, rather than the volume of services delivered. Note: Value in patient care can be defined as quality of care divided by total cost of care. Strategies that increase quality and reduce unnecessary costs result in improved value for patients. Shifting the focus from volume of care to value of care will improve the overall status of health care in the United States and contain the currently unsustainable costs of care. It is important not to confuse value-based care with rationing of care, which seeks to reduce needed services in order to preserve resources. Value-based care seeks to reduce unnecessary or unwanted waste in care which increases cost without increasing quality of care to the patient. Many health care organizations are developing guidelines and recommendations to promote value-based care. These approaches motivate patients and their clinicians to follow effective care practices and guide them away from unnecessary and ineffective care; the result is greater value and effectiveness of healthcare utilization. Population health management employs value-based care principles by promoting preventive care, encouraging care patterns that have been proven effective, and reducing waste and unnecessary care. Continual access to patient data and analysis of outcomes is the key to providing proactive, preventive care. Steps in Population Health Management: Step 1: Define population Step 2: Identify care gaps Step 3: Stratify risks Step 4: Engage patients Step 5: Manage care Step 6: Measure outcomes Several advances in technology are required to perform effective population health management and accomplish risk stratification; identify gaps in care; achieve patient education, compliance education, disease state monitoring; ensure general wellness; as well as to implement and assess specific interventions targeted to selected populations. Effective population health involves establishing multidisciplinary care teams to coordinate care throughout the entire continuum of care. High-performance clinical care teams can manage a greater number of patients and more comprehensively respond to patient care needs compared with individual clinicians working in isolation. Care teams can include physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, patient navigators, medical assistants, dieticians, physical therapists, social workers, and care managers, and others. The medical home model emphasizes care coordination and communication beyond episodic care in order to transform primary care. It stresses prevention, early intervention and close partnerships with patients to tightly manage chronic conditions and maintain health. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to establish 1 of 6 population health demonstration projects nationwide. The hospital system took steps to address the needs of 2,500 of their highest-risk patients. The results revealed a decrease in hospital readmissions by 20%, and a decrease in emergency room visits by 13% for the patients enrolled in the program. Satisfaction was extremely high among both patients and caregivers, and the system was associated with significant cost-savings. This is one example of using population health to increase quality while decreasing costs, thereby increasing value in patient care. Systematic reviews (summaries of health care research results) provide information, which aids in the process of evidence-based practice. The health care provider makes this recommendation because research shows that acetaminophen is associated with less risk for stomach bleeds than other common pain relievers. In the United States, for example, the life expectancy from birth for men and women combined is 78. Care is facilitated by registries, information technology, health information exchange, and other means to assure that patients get optimal care. The purpose of screening is to find the disease so that treatment can be started as early as possible. For example, a breast exam and mammogram are both screening tests used to find small breast cancers. A 59-year-old man with a history of type 2 diabetes is diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy and referred to ophthalmology for additional management. One of the first steps in designing a population health management program is to define the target population and identify common risk factors or gaps in care. Ideally, this should be done prior to implementing any intervention, so that it is clear which patients have the greatest need for the intervention and what risk factor(s) the intervention should address. An 8-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his mother after he develops acute shortness of breath and wheezing. He is afebrile and responds well to supplemental oxygen and initial respiratory treatment. He has a history of asthma and has presented with similar symptoms 4 times in the past 12 months. Rapid use of nebulizer treatments in the emergency department Administration of weight adjusted dose of steroid treatment Asking the mom to purchase an inhaler to keep at the home Parent education on second-hand smoking risk and enrollment in a smoking cessation program (E) Prophylactic antibiotics (A) (B) (C) (D) Answer: D. Educating parents about the risks of second-hand smoke to children-especially one with a history of asthma-and offering parents enrollment in a smoking-cessation program may have a dramatic benefit to the health of the child and help prevent future asthma attacks. Use of nebulizers or steroids in the emergency department may be necessary to treat the acute episode of care; however, will not help prevent future attacks. Index A Alcohol effect on sleep, 74 Abandonment of patients, 146 mild neurocognitive disorder and, 46 Abbreviations, "Do Not Use" list for, 198 Alcohol abuse, 56 Abortion error, 135 Roe vs Wade decision, 145 error, in hypothesis testing, 135 state variations in laws about, 148 Alternative hypothesis, 134 Absolute risk reduction, in observational studies, 119 Amitriptyline, 86 Abuse, of substance. Mean as measure of central tendency, 129 confidence intervals of, 133 standard deviation and, 133 standard error of, 133 Measurement bias, 123 associations with, 123, 124 Median, as measure of central tendency, 129 Medical error(s). In industrially underdeveloped countries, rheumatic disease (RhD) is the most common cause. Endomyocardial fibrosis is an underresearched disease common in equatorial Africa. In industrially developed regions, diseases of old age predominate, particularly calcific aortic stenosis and secondary mitral regurgitation. In the United States, valve disease is most common among the elderly, with a prevalence of 13% among those older than 75 years. Infective endocarditis is increasingly related to medical devices and intravenous drug use. Failure of biological replacement valves is a major burden in all regions of the world. Substantial variation in access to health care exists in all countries, including those that are industrially developed. The main global challenge is to prevent chronic RhD, which will require collaborations among social, political, and medical programs. This includes a wide spectrum of severity, from mild mitral prolapse to a flail mitral leaflet or aortic sclerosis to critical aortic stenosis. The term does not describe a unitary diagnosis but instead a set of conditions affecting one or more of the four heart valves caused by genetic, environmental, or acquired pathologic processes that vary with geography and demography. The global disease survey1,2 used 56,356 unique sources of data from 195 countries to estimate incidence, prevalence, mortality, and disability rates arising from 328 diseases and injuries. Countrywide estimates are usually extrapolated from these small studies to people of all ages and socioeconomic classes and therefore remain uncertain. In the industrially developed world, there have been population surveys of all types of valve disease in the United States4 and Norway5 and studies of the elderly in the United Kingdom. Estimates of the prevalence of valve disease vary with the method of diagnosis, which for RhD was originally clinical but more recently includes echocardiography, which is approximately 10 times more sensitive than auscultation. Prevalence in Economically Poorer Countries Causes Chronic rheumatic heart disease Endomyocardial fibrosis Calcific aortic stenosis Bicuspid aortic valve Mitral regurgitation Mitral prolapse Prolapse and mitral regurgitation Secondary mitral regurgitation Failing biological replacement valves Aortic dilation Inflammatory conditions. The prevalence of bicuspid valve is 35 million based on a population prevalence of 0. These areas include parts of Africa, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and South America. Acute RhF occurs mainly between the ages of 5 and 15 years, and heart failure, usually as a result of acute rheumatic mitral regurgitation, occurs most commonly within a year of the acute episode. Mitral prolapse occurs within the differential diagnosis of chronic RhD diagnosed by echocardiography. Subvalvar aneurysms are the third most common cause of mitral regurgitation after RhD and mitral prolapse in sub-Saharan Africa. The second pattern occurs in economically richer areas, where the epidemiology of valve disease changed (Box 1. Rheumatogenic serotypes were found in 50% of children with pharyngitis in Chicago between 1961 and 1968, compared with 11% between 2000 and 2004. New types of valve disease are increasing in frequency as a result of drugs or radiation exposure. With older populations, more Staphylococcus aureus and more cases as a result of health care, mainly hemodialysis and implanted electrical devices. Conversely, richer people in the disadvantaged areas of the world are more likely to reflect patterns of valve disease usually seen in the industrially developed areas. Many countries, such as India and China, are in the process of rapid development and have a falling incidence of RhF while retaining a higher prevalence of chronic rheumatic heart disease among the more elderly population than seen in the United States or Western Europe. In the developing world, the detection rate is approximately 10% using clinical examination alone without systematic echocardiographic screening. A survey of open access studies found that significant valve disease was suspected from a murmur in 127 patients but was unsuspected in 177 cases. In Brazil, only 11,000 operations are performed each year, and 80% of those needing surgery remain on a waiting list. A comparison of rates of aortic valve replacement in the United Kingdom against estimated need found a variance between observed and expected ranging between 2356 and 1230. Subjects 65 years of age or older without known valve disease and who were registered with one of five primary care medical centers were invited to participate. The plot illustrates that a substantial burden of valve disease was not previously detected. The elderly are particularly disadvantaged, and about one third with aortic stenosis are denied surgery inappropriately. Incidence of Rheumatic Fever and Chronic Rheumatic Disease the annual incidence of all first or subsequent attacks of acute RhF worldwide is estimated at 471,000 cases38 based on a meta-analysis of regional reports. Acute rheumatic fever continues to occur sporadically in industrially developed areas, such as in Utah,39 and the annual incidence is 30 cases per 100,000 people37 for all attacks but less than 10 cases per 100,000 people p. The incidence of new RhD is 27% to 35% at 1 year, 44% to 51% by 5 years, and 52% to 61% at 10 years. Prevalence of Rheumatic Disease the global disease survey1 estimated a worldwide prevalence of chronic RhD of at just under 30 million in 2016, an increase of 3. A seminal study in 2007 in Cambodia and Mozambique12 found a prevalence of 230 cases per 100,000 children as estimated by clinical examination but 2810 cases per 100,000 using echocardiography. A retrospective re-evaluation of results gave a range in prevalence for the same population of 510 to 3040 cases per 100,000, depending on the echocardiographic criteria used. A retrospective re-evaluation of results gave a large range in prevalence in the same population of 510 to 3040 cases per 100,000, depending on the echocardiographic criteria used. In a lower-income area of Cape Town, the prevalence was 2700 cases per 100,000 school children in a lower-income area compared with only 1250 cases per 100,000 in a higherincome area. Similarly in Addis Ababa,44 the prevalence of rheumatic disease was seven times higher among low- than high-socioeconomic-class school children. Disease stage is based on echocardiographic imaging, physical examination, clinical symptoms, complications, and adverse outcomes. The echocardiographic criteria are relatively labor intensive to apply, and for the sake of screening children to give secondary prophylaxis, there is a move to handheld devices, nonphysician operators, and much simplified criteria, typically a 2-cm or larger mitral regurgitant jet or any aortic regurgitation. There is uncertainty about the clinical significance of echocardiographic borderline RhD. Small studies with a follow-up at a maximum of 24 months suggest that two thirds of mild lesions remain unchanged, one third improve or resolve completely, 57,58 and one third become worse, particularly if there is regurgitation plus a morphologic abnormality. In a lower-income area of Cape Town, the prevalence was 2700 cases per 100,000 school children compared with only 1250 cases per 100,000 in a higher-income area. The inadequacy of World Health Organization criteria for optimizing the diagnosis of subclinical disease. The prevalence of rheumatic disease is plotted against the Gini coefficient, which is a measure of income inequality. In total, there were 11,911 subjects with echocardiograms (40% black and 59% white). These data were compared with those from the Olmsted County echocardiography register, for which the echocardiograms were performed for clinical reasons (data not shown).
Penile zoster is neither commonly seen by dermatologists nor reported in dermatologic journals anxiety disorder 3000 order 75 mg effexor xr visa. Postherpetic neuralgia is the most frequently reported complication anxiety uncertainty management theory trusted 37.5 mg effexor xr, and risk factors include older age anxiety symptoms hypertension purchase effexor xr once a day, more severe acute pain anxiety natural supplements generic 150mg effexor xr with amex, and greater rash severity anxiety eating order generic effexor xr on-line. Bladder dysfunction and urinary retention have been reported in patients with herpes zoster anxiety symptoms neck tightness 37.5mg effexor xr fast delivery, and penile herpes zoster should not be overlooked in patients with unilateral vesicular rash. Lymphogranuloma Venereum Lymphogranuloma venereum is a sexually transmitted disease caused by C. It was established in 1913 by Durand, Nicolas, and Favre as a clinicopathologic entity separate from other venereal diseases. The pathognomonic clinical sign is inguinal lymphadenopathy, commonly known as bubo. It is painful, usually unilateral (66%), and may enlarge to form an abscess and rupture (33%). The ulcer is coated with exudate and neutrophils; the base is composed of granulation tissue, with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate containing large mononuclear cells with occasional granulomas. The lymph nodes show follicular hyperplasia and elongate stellate abscesses like those of cat scratch disease, tularemia, and fungal and atypical mycobacterial infections. Culture of the organisms by aspirating the lymph nodes is a useful method of detection but is technically difficult and costly. The Frei test is no longer used, but serologic tests have gained wide acceptance for diagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum. Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) Granuloma inguinale is a chronic, progressive, sexually transmitted disease caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, a nonmotile, gram-negative, pleomorphic intracellular bacillus of uncertain classification. Although rare in the United States, it is more prevalent in areas of Australia, India, the Caribbean, and Africa. The lesion starts as single or multiple small papules that subsequently form ulcers that bleed readily and have abundant beefy-red granulation tissue at their bases. These histiocytes have cytoplasmic vacuoles that contain dark particulate inclusions (Donovan bodies), seen best with Giemsa or Warthin-Starry stains. Mimicking granuloma inguinale, organisms may be evident within histiocytes in rhinoscleroma, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, and leishmaniasis, but the small size (1 to 2 m) of C. Surgical intervention may be needed in severe cases, especially those with pseudoelephantiasis. It is common in uncircumcised men in whom heat and retained moisture within the preputial sac create a favorable environment. Microscopy of a wet-mount preparation with potassium hydroxide is sufficient for diagnosis. Conversely, positive culture alone is not diagnostic, because fungi may colonize other forms of balanitis. Therapy consists of eliminating environmental factors predisposing to the infection, improving local hygiene, and application of topical antifungal agents. Other penile fungal infections include penile pityriasis versicolor and tinea genitalis caused by dermatophyte fungi. The patient presented with multiple ulcers on the penis and scrotum that coalesced, followed by the appearance of cutaneous lesions. It is characterized by necrotizing genital ulceration that may be accompanied by inguinal lymphadenitis or bubo formation in 50% of cases. First described by Ricord in France in 1838, chancroid is a major cause of genital ulceration in Africa, with a recent increase in prevalence in the United States. The ulcer is not indurated, but has undermined edges and is covered by grayish yellow exudate. The lymphadenitis is unilateral, and the lymph nodes may enlarge and rupture spontaneously. The presumptive diagnosis based on the recognition of these typical zonal histologic features may be confirmed by demonstrating the bacteria by Giemsa, Gram, or methylene blue stain. Candidiasis and Other Fungal Infections Believed to be the first human disease with a known causative agent, scabies was discovered in 1687 and found to be caused by the bite of the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei). In addition to the genitalia, the palms, wrists, feet, and elbows may be involved. Burrowing by female mites produces scaly red patches that may be papular, nodular, or excoriated. Definitive histopathologic diagnosis requires demonstration of the mite or its products. Treatment consists of antipruritic agents and antiscabietic drugs, which also should be administered to family members and sexual partners. History, physical examination, and a high index of suspicion are necessary to make the correct diagnosis. Treatment, essential for the patient, sexual partners, and close family members, consists of mechanical measures, such as combing, topical insecticide in cream or shampoo form, and antibiotics, if necessary, for secondary infection. Lymphangioma circumscriptum of the penis may clinically mimic molluscum contagiosum. The inclusions, known as molluscum bodies (Henderson-Paterson bodies), contain viral particles. The inclusions initially are eosinophilic but gradually acquire basophilia and granularity as they enlarge and displace the nuclei. The stratum corneum ultimately ruptures, releasing the molluscum bodies through a central crater. The underlying dermis usually lacks significant inflammation unless the molluscum bodies and epidermal contents rupture into it. Treatment consists of curettage with application of podophyllin or silver nitrate or laser vaporization. Examination with a Wood light (ultraviolet light in the ultraviolet A range) reveals characteristic coral-red fluorescence. Screening methods presently employed for anal intraepithelial neoplasia, a precursor for anal cancer, combine anal Papanicolaou cytology and high-resolution anoscopy with biopsy of suspicious lesions. Significant barriers to establishing anal cancer screening programs include the small number of healthcare professionals who perform high-resolution anoscopy and the lack of data showing that anal cancer screening can reduce morbidity and mortality related to anal carcinoma. Apart from squamous and melanocytic lesions, the differential diagnosis includes extramammary Paget disease, a nonsquamous intraepithelial lesion of the vulva and anus that may be a primary epidermotropic apocrine neoplasm or may represent secondary involvement by a synchronous/metachronous adenocarcinoma. These benign epithelial lesions are highly infectious and occur most frequently among men 25 to 29 years of age. The incubation period for penile condyloma varies from several weeks to months or even years. Although condyloma may regress spontaneously, it persists in approximately 50% of patients. The lesion is usually treated with topical podophyllin or laser and, in most cases, responds to treatment. Laser treatment offers an advantage for improved cosmetic outcome in treatment but is not routinely used. They appear as yellow-white papules on the corona or, rarely, on the frenulum of the penis. Histologically, they show epithelial thickening covering a central fibrovascular core resembling angiofibroma, and lack they glandular elements. The differential diagnosis includes condyloma acuminata, Tyson glands, or molluscum contagiosum. Unlike Tyson glands, which are modified sebaceous glands in a parafrenular distribution, these papules are not predominantly parafrenular and have no glandular component. Molluscum contagiosum lesions can be distinguished clinically from pearly penile papules based on their umbilicated appearance, their larger size, and their characteristic inclusion bodies. However, these modalities may have considerable adverse cosmetic effects, including scarring, pain, Penile Cysts Epidermal cyst is the most common cystic lesion of the penis and usually occurs on the penile shaft. It can develop after an inadequate procedure for penile girth enhancement and should be treated by complete resection. Usually located on the prepuce or the glans, most are unilocular and range from 0. Median raphe cyst arises during embryogenesis from incomplete closure of the genital fold. This cyst is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium and may be unilocular or multilocular. The foreskin often becomes phimotic, and a solitary, well-circumscribed, hyperkeratotic lesion develop on the glans with a laminated (micaceous) appearance. Verruciform Xanthoma Verruciform xanthoma is a warty lesion characterized by acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and long rete ridges associated with a neutrophilic infiltrate. This lesion is usually solitary and arises in the oral cavity; only a few genital lesions have been described (scrotal, penile, and vulvar areas). Therefore an accurate diagnosis is important to avoid overtreatment, considering it is a benign lesion that does not require any radical treatment. The etiology and pathogenesis of verruciform xanthoma have yet to be determined; however, recent literature reported that multifocal cutaneous verruciform xanthomas are frequently associated with preexisting inflammatory processes. A significant number of verruciform xanthomas of the skin coexist with cutaneous disorders, including graft-versus-host disease, discoid lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris, and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Awareness of these lesions in the differential diagnosis of penile masses presenting in early childhood is important to avoid potentially unnecessary ablative genital surgery. Careful assessment also should be made for any systemic involvement and for associated pathologies. Angiokeratoma is a distinctive, asymptomatic, well-circumscribed, benign vascular lesion with red or blue papules but is not considered to be a true neoplasm. The four clinical types are: (1) angiokeratoma corporis diffusum in association with Fabry disease, in which multiple angiokeratomas appear late in childhood; (2) angiokeratoma of Mibelli, in which bilateral angiokeratomas are found on the dorsum of fingers and toes; (3) angiokeratoma of Fordyce, in which angiokeratoma characteristically occurs on the scrotum, with rare occurrence on the shaft or glans penis (one recent case report documented the occurrence of angiokeratoma of Fordyce after penile carcinoma and thus raising a differential diagnosis of recurrent squamous carcinoma); and (4) solitary angiokeratoma. The lesion is present from 4 days to more than 6 months before surgical intervention. Microscopically, a prominent, often occlusive, fibrointimal proliferation is seen, with plexiform architecture involving the vasculature of the corpus spongiosum. The proliferation consists of stellate-shaped and spindled cells embedded in abundant fibromyxoid matrix. Occasional lesional cells have well-developed myoid characteristics with moderately abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, blunt-ended nuclei, and juxtanuclear vacuoles. Foci with degenerative changes, including ghost cell morphology, are also present. Benign melanocytic lesions such as melanocytic nevi, melanosis, and lentiginous melanosis also occur on the penis. Premalignant Lesions of the Penis Premalignant lesions of the penis can be difficult to distinguish from other benign dermatoses and have an uncertain natural history. A tendency for delayed presentation, often with a history of long-term self-management or unsuccessful treatment, can result in progression to invasive carcinoma, requiring more extensive surgery. Accurate early diagnosis and treatment before invasion provides the best approach to the management of these lesions. One of the major areas of confusion in the nomenclature of penile lesions is the terminology of premalignant epithelial proliferations. The terms erythroplasia of Queyrat, Bowen disease, and bowenoid papulosis were used in the past to describe lesions that are histologically similar but may have different clinical presentations and biologic behaviors (Table 15. However, they are also associated with rarer chronic inflammatory conditions such as penile cutaneous horn, leukoplakia, and pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, keratotic, and micaceous balanitis. There was definitive correlation of special types of invasive carcinomas with subtypes of dysplasia (squamous intraepithelial lesion) based on the morphologic correspondence of invasive tumor and the associated intraepithelial lesion. Differentiated lesions predominated (68%), followed by warty-basaloid (14%), basaloid (11%), and warty (7%) subtypes. Differentiated lesions were preferentially located in the foreskin, whereas warty and basaloid subtypes were more prevalent in the glans. Balanitis xerotica obliterans was present in 51% of differentiated lesions and absent in warty and basaloid subtypes. The authors stated that the proper pathologic characterization of these lesions may provide important clues to the understanding of the pathogenesis and natural history of penile cancer. Balanitis xerotica obliterans was identified in 42 cases, and their epithelial component was p16in all cases. Warty penile intraepithelial neoplasia with parakeratosis and koilocytic changes in the papillomatous epithelium (B and C). The choice of treatment should be tailored to the type and site of the lesion, considering patient preference and likely compliance with treatment regimens and the need for close follow-up with the more minimally invasive techniques. Although it largely depends on the type of lesion and treatment modality used, a logical and standardized protocol for follow-up should be used, especially given the uncertain natural history, the risk for malignant transformation in up to 30% of patients, and the risk for recurrence in up to 30% after certain treatment modalities. Patients should be seen every 3 months for the first 2 years, reducing to every 6 months for at least 5 years of follow-up, although lifelong follow-up would give a better insight into the natural course of this rare condition. The highest incidence rate of penile cancer is reported from Brazil, where an epidemiologic study reported an incidence between 2. In the United States, the incidence of penile cancer between the years 1993 and 2002 has been estimated at 0. Rarely, other cancers such as melanoma and basal cell carcinoma arise in the penis. The very low rate of penile carcinoma in Northern European countries, where males are not circumcised but where good hygiene is practiced, supports this conclusion. Penile neoplastic lesions are often complex with multiple lesional areas and different histologic patterns. In a 1992 study from the United States, 22% of the patients were younger than 40 years, and 7% were younger than 30 years.
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With ganglioneuroblastoma nodular anxiety symptoms 100 effexor xr 75 mg on-line, placement into the favorable or unfavorable histology categories is dependent on the histology or character of the neuroblastic (schwannian stroma-poor) component described previously can anxiety symptoms kill you discount 37.5 mg effexor xr visa. Large numbers of S100 protein immunoreactive cells in undifferentiated neuroblastoma have been associated with a more favorable prognosis anxiety jaw clenching order effexor xr 75mg amex. An unbalanced gain of 17q is found in more than one-half of neuroblastomas anxiety symptoms in 2 year old discount effexor xr uk, often as part of an unbalanced translocation between chromosomes 1 and 17 anxiety girl cartoon buy effexor xr 150 mg with mastercard, and is associated with more aggressive neuroblastomas anxiety disorder definition buy effexor xr now. Staging of Neuroblastoma and Ganglioneuroblastoma the staging classification proposed by Evans et al. Metastatic spread of neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma occurs by both hematogenous and lymphatic routes, with involvement of sites such as bone and lymph nodes. Cranial involvement by metastatic neuroblastoma is usually confined to calvarial bone, leptomeninges, and dura, with intrinsic involvement of brain parenchyma being rare. Grossly, the cut surface of ganglioneuroma may have a trabecular or whorled appearance reminiscent of leiomyoma. Larger tumors may have degenerative features such as hemorrhage and cystic change. Ganglion cells may be exceedingly well differentiated with Nissl substance and a complete or partial collarette of satellite cells, and some ganglion cells may contain granular tan to brown pigment resembling lipofuscin or neuromelanin; red granules may be present possibly representing megamitochondria. In the International Neuroblastoma Pathology Committee scheme, ganglioneuroma is in the category ganglioneuroma (schwannian stroma-dominant) mature subtype, and should not be confused with ganglioneuroma (schwannian stroma-dominant) maturing subtype, where, in the latter, dispersed individual differentiating neuroblasts and maturing ganglion cells are seen. Overall the prognosis is favorable, with survival rates of 80% or more, and many of the tumors undergo spontaneous regression. The outlook for these patients is less favorable, because massive hepatomegaly may cause secondary complications such as compromise in cardiorespiratory function. Two syndromes of metastatic neuroblastoma can be found in the early literature, the Pepper syndrome with prominent hepatic metastases and the Hutchison syndrome with skull metastases manifesting at a somewhat later age. A tumor with ganglion cells mingling with Schwann cells replacing much of the cortex. When patients are symptomatic, it is usually because of the large size of the myelolipoma, resulting in abdominal or flank pain, dysuria, hematuria, or, rarely, catastrophic spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Treatment varies from radiographic surveillance for small Diagnosis of mature ganglioneuroma requires the absence of any neuroblastomatous component. Thus when making a diagnosis of mature ganglioneuroma, it is imperative that one examines the tumor thoroughly to be certain that no areas of immature neuroblastic tissue exist, even in small amounts. Whether ganglioneuroma arises de novo or by maturation (differentiation) of a preexisting neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma remains controversial. Transformation of ganglioneuroma to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (malignant schwannoma) has been rarely observed. A few examples have been reported of adrenal ganglioneuroma with hilus or Leydig cells containing typical crystalloids of Reinke; the tumor reported by Aguirre and Scully was associated with masculinization. This lesion occurs most frequently in the adrenal gland, although it also occurs in extraadrenal sites, including the retroperitoneum, stomach, liver, mediastinum, pleura, spleen, nasal cavity, and presacral region. On cross-section, it is red-brown because of abundant hematopoietic elements with a focal area of hemorrhage. Adenomatoid Tumor Although rare, adenomatoid tumors have been described in extragenital sites, including the adrenal gland. The tumor may have an infiltrative border and typically has a sievelike appearance. Recently a cystic adrenal adenomatoid tumor was reported resembling a cystic lymphangioma. Electron microscopy reveals desmosomes, Malignant Lymphoma Malignant lymphoma secondarily involving the adrenal gland usually occurs in the setting of widespread or advanced-stage tumor, with an incidence in fatal cases of 18% to 25%. Plasmacytoma manifesting primarily in the adrenal gland is extremely unusual and may represent an early stage of malignant lymphoma with plasmacytoid features. Adrenal hemangioma may be found incidentally at autopsy, but several cases have been detected during life as a surgical lesion. Visceral hemangioma also may occur in the setting of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome), but adrenal involvement is very rare. Note the uninvolved adrenal cortical tissue (upper right) intimately adjacent to the tumor cells, forming cystic, tubular, and glandlike spaces. Melanin pigment is typically present in varying amounts, but the tumor may be amelanotic. There may be a nesting pattern or a biphasic growth pattern consisting of epithelioid and spindle cells. It may be very difficult to exclude the possibility of primary mucocutaneous malignant melanoma that has metastasized to the adrenal gland. Other Unusual Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions Ovarian thecal metaplasia is an incidental microscopic lesion composed of bland spindle cells. It is typically wedge-shaped and attached to the adrenal capsule, and may contain small nests of cortical cells. Rarely, such lesions may arise in association with ectopic adrenal cortical tissue. Other rare adrenal tumors include solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, calcifying fibrous tumor, Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor, and malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor. Rarely, metastases to the adrenal gland are massive, resulting in adrenal cortical insufficiency (Addison disease). The development of the adrenal gland in man, with special reference to origin and ultimate location of cell types and evidence in favor of the "cell migration" theory. The timing and sequence of events in the development of the human endocrine system during the embryonic period proper. Embryology, developmental anatomy and selected aspects of non-neoplastic pathology. Observations on human adrenals with special reference to the relative weight of the normal medulla. Observations on the weight of the human adrenal gland and the effect of preparations of corticotropin of different purity on the weight and morphology of the human adrenal gland. Familial congenital absence of adrenal glands; evaluation of glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and estrogen metabolism in the perinatal period. Bilateral congenital adrenal agenesis: a rare disease entity and not a result of poor autopsy technique. Accessory adrenal cortex in the broad ligament: incidence and functional significance. Atlas of Tumor Pathology Third Series: Tumors of the Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts. Intrarenal ectopic adrenal tissue and renal-adrenal fusion: a report of nine cases. A nodule of adrenocortical tissue within a human placenta: light microscopic and immunocytochemical findings. Ectopic adrenal tissue in the thorax: a case report with in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies. Ectopic adrenal cortical adenoma in the spinal region: case report and review of the literature. Intra-adrenal bile ductules associated with adreno-hepatic fusion: a possible origin for adrenal epithelial cysts. Extreme cytomegaly of the adrenal fetal cortex, omphalocele, hyperplasia of kidneys and pancreas, and Leydig cell hyperplasia: another syndrome Presented at the Annual Meeting of Western Society for Pediatric Research, Los Angeles, Calif, November 11, 1963. Macroglossia, omphalocele, adrenal cytomegaly, gigantism and hyperplastic visceromegaly. Congenital hepatoblastoma and schizencephaly in an infant with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Screening for Wilms tumor and hepatoblastoma in children with BeckwithWiedemann syndromes: a cost-effective model. Adrenal cytomegaly is a frequent pathologic finding in hemoglobin bart hydrops fetalis. Co-expression of mutated and normal adrenoleukodystrophy protein reduces protein function: implications for gene therapy of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Clinical and pathological features associated with the testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome. Ovarian adrenal rest tumor in a congenital adrenal hyperplasia patient with adrenocorticotropin hypersecretion following adrenalectomy. Adrenocortical adenoma associated with inadequately treated congenital adrenal hyperplasia. A peculiar type of adrenal cortical damage associated with acute infection, and its possible relation to circulatory collapse. Primary adrenal insufficiency in children: twenty years experience at the Sainte-Justine Hospital, Montreal. Common mutations in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy patients of different origins. A statistical analysis of five hundred and sixty-six cases and a study of the pathology. Identification of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in adrenal glands biopsies of two patients with paracoccidioidomycosis and adrenal insufficiency. Disseminated pneumocystis carinii infection causing extrapulmonary organ failure: clinical, pathologic, and immunohistochemical analysis. Evolving health effects of Pneumocystis: one hundred years of progress in diagnosis and treatment. On the prevalence of adrenocortical adenomas in an autopsy material in relation to hypertension and diabetes. From the radiologic pathology archives: Adrenal tumors and tumor-like conditions in the adult: radiologic-pathologic correlation. Adrenal incidentalomas: a disease of modern technology offering opportunities for improved patient care. Risk assessment in 457 adrenal cortical carcinomas: how much does tumor size predict the likelihood of malignancy Visualization of nonfunctioning adrenal adenomas with iodocholesterol: possible relationship to subcellular distribution of tracer. Paradoxical response to dexamethasone in the diagnosis of primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease. Synaptophysin immunoreactivity in primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease: neuroendocrine properties of tumors associated with Carney complex. Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease: the original 4 cases revisited after 30 years for follow-up, new investigations, and molecular genetic findings. Osteochondromyxoma of bone: a congenital tumor associated with lentigines and other unusual disorders. New insights in the genetics of adrenocortical tumors, pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas. Cushing syndrome in Carney complex: clinical, pathologic, and molecular genetic findings in the 17 affected Mayo Clinic patients. Adrenocorticotropin-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia: an uncommon cause of primary adrenal hypercortisolism. Enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural study of four cases with a review of the literature. Clinical and genetic features of adrenocortical lesions in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Activating mutations of the stimulatory G protein in the McCune-Albright syndrome. Primary bimorphic adrenocortical disease: cause of hypercortisolism in McCune-Albright syndrome. Endocrine hypertension: an overview on the current etiopathogenesis and management options. Adrenal histologic findings show no difference in clinical presentation and outcome in primary hyperaldosteronism. Sporadic unilateral adrenomedullary hyperplasia with hypertension cured by adrenalectomy. Adrenal medullary disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2: pheochromocytoma and its precursors. Immunohistochemical evidence for the vascular origin of primary adrenal pseudocysts. A clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of endothelial and hemorrhagic (pseudocystic) variants. Vascular adrenal cysts: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of six cases and a review of the literature. Unusual variants of adrenal pseudocysts with intracystic fat, myelolipomatous metaplasia, and metastatic carcinoma. Clinical and laboratory findings and results of therapy in 58 patients with adrenocortical tumors admitted to a single medical center (1951 to 1978). Report of two cases with enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural studies and a review of the literature. Ultrastructural types of cell in adrenal cortical adenoma with primary aldosteronism. Factors affecting the frequency of occurrence of spironolactone bodies in aldosteronomas and nontumorous cortex. Black (or brown) adrenal cortical adenoma: its characteristic features on computed tomography and endocrine data. The evaluation of adult females with testosterone producing neoplasms of the adrenal cortex. Intracortical Leydig cells in a patient with an aldosterone-secreting adrenal cortical adenoma.
Although a single universal risk prediction model based on the minimal number of important risk factors that is applicable to all patients undergoing treatment of valvular heart disease is desirable anxiety symptoms numbness buy 37.5 mg effexor xr with mastercard, the reality is that multiple algorithms have been proposed that measure different outcomes anxiety heart rate order effexor xr 150mg on line. The purpose of these databases was to assess outcomes in various clinical programs anxiety symptoms of menopause order effexor xr 150mg with amex, but they did not account for patient-specific factors that could influence outcomes anxiety examples buy 75 mg effexor xr visa. However anxiety 3 year old order effexor xr toronto, outcomes from randomized anxiety relaxation techniques purchase effexor xr american express, controlled clinical trials may not be generalizable to the larger, unselected population of patients. Registry data are important for comparing outcomes among various treatments or providers with covariate matching or propensity score matching techniques to account for case mix. Construction of Risk Models Risk scores are predicted probabilities calculated from a multivariable logistic regression model calibrated on data from a fixed time. The first element in constructing a robust risk model is a clinical database with as complete and accurate data as possible. The development sample was then used to identify predictor variables and estimate model coefficients. Data from the validation sample were used to assess model fit, discrimination, and calibration. The higher the value of the C-index, the better the discrimination, whereas values closer to 0. Second, risk adjustment loses accuracy at the extremes of the population studied, where there are too few patients on which to build a statistically valid model. This tail of the bell-shaped curve is where high-risk patients with aortic stenosis reside, accounting for some of the overestimation of risk seen with many models. This lack of accounting has one of two causes: (1) the occurrence of the factor or condition. Fifth, all risk predictors fall prey to the phenomenon of "garbage in equals garbage out. The greater number of variables collected in formulation of the risk algorithm, the more accurate the prediction of risk; however, the more burdensome the collection of data required, the less complete and accurate will be the information. There must be a balance between including all information that is likely to be a factor in causing risk and user-friendliness by being least burdensome to facilitate complete and accurate collection and ensure that the tool is routinely employed in decision making. Second, patients undergoing medical procedures frequently have comorbidities that cause various levels of risk, and they therefore can adversely affect the outcomes of a procedure. When different modalities of treatment or different caregivers are compared, risk adjustment allows a balanced analysis of outcomes. This correction allows for a more level playing field of outcomes assessment, and the ability to achieve an apples-to-apples comparison is one of the advantages of clinical outcomes databases over administrative databases, which have limited ability to adjust risk. Risk adjustment allows a more meaningful analysis of hospitals or therapies for comparative safety and effectiveness of treatment (Table 7. This approach creates an observed-to-expected ratio (O/E) that is a multiplier of the observed mortality. Without the risk adjustment that takes into account the patient-specific factors that may adversely affect outcomes, meaningful comparison is not possible. It was derived from a data set from eight European countries and was based on a population sample of almost 15,000 patients undergoing all types of cardiac operations. The shortcoming for use in the United States is that the algorithm is calculated on a relatively small sample size from almost 20 years ago for a population outside the country. This updated risk predictor was derived from more than 22,000 patients operated on in 2010 in 43 countries. It includes all cardiac procedures and has 18 covariates predictive of surgical aortic valve mortality. Other risk prediction models for early mortality include only in-hospital mortality, which misses between 10% and 40% of the early deaths. The advantage of reporting in-hospital mortality is that the data are more easily collected and probably more accurate. The disadvantage, however, is that very ill postoperative patients who are quite likely to die are frequently discharged to long-term acute care or skilled nursing facilities less than 30 days after surgery and therefore may not be counted. Risk prediction models for early mortality after cardiac surgery have been expanded to use for other procedures. Rankin et al30 published a risk prediction for multiple valve operations, including aortic and mitral valve operation; mitral, tricuspid, and aortic valve operation; and mitral and tricuspid operation, which has acceptable discrimination (C-index 5 0. The updated version includes multiple potential risk factors not previously collected, such as previous radiation exposure, liver disease, and frailty as measured by gait speed. As with all risk algorithms, calibration drift occurs as the original data set becomes dated, and the algorithm will need to be updated after sufficient numbers of patients are available for the new version that has captured the new possible predictors. The most important risk predictors were age, body mass index, renal disease, urgency status, and left ventricular function. Third, the model was developed for interhospital comparisons only and therefore can predict only overall outcomes in German hospitals and cannot discriminate among different procedures, approaches, or devices. It is also likely that different factors constitute different risk profiles for different procedures. Another limitation of the German Aortic Valve Score is the methodology with which the risk model was constructed. Most risk models are developed with a portion of the overall population, usually 50% to 60% of the study group, to construct a weighted risk model. However, given the lack of other options, this approach was reasonable at the time. The study population was randomly divided into two groups, with 2552 patients used to develop the score and 1281 patients used for validation. Strengths of this model are inclusion of all commercially available valves in the United States and the use of nine variables to predict in-hospital mortality. However, this model does not predict longer-term mortality beyond the hospital course, and frailty indices and quality of life measures were not included in the model. The model showed good discrimination in the development and validation data sets (C-statistics 5 0. However, the internal validation and the small size of the patient cohort may limit its accuracy. What is unique about this risk model is the addition of frailty and disability assessments. Significant predictors of 30-day mortality included age older than 85 years, home oxygen use, residence in an assisted living facility, and albumin level,3. Risk Score highlighted the need to incorporate current risk models with frailty to predict early and late mortality. Mortality risk after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: analysis of the, predictive accuracy of the Transcatheter Valve Therapy registry risk assessment model. Additional models are being developed for 1-year mortality and a patient-reported outcome of being alive and with an improved quality of life at 1 year. The most commonly used metric in assessing frailty of patients with cardiovascular disease is the 5-m walk test, but other measures also have been proposed. A high score was associated with a threefold higher 1-year mortality rate compared with nonfrail patients (Table 7. Hermiller et al62 found that home oxygen use, assisted living, a serum albumin level less than 3. For example, multiple factors area associated with an increased risk of the surgical approach, including porcelain aorta, prior chest irradiation, and patent bypass graft that might be jeopardized at the time of surgery. Quality initiatives and the power of the database: what they are and how they run. The development of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons voluntary national database system: genesis, issues, growth, and status. Continuous assessment and improvement in quality of care: a model from the Department of Veterans Affairs cardiac surgery. Assessing the outcomes of coronary artery bypass graft surgery: how many risk factors are enough Propensity score analysis of stroke after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Regression modeling strategies with applications to linear models, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Adult open heart surgery in New York State: an analysis of risk factors and hospital mortality rates. Multivariate prediction of in-hospital mortality associated with coronary artery bypass graft surgery. A method of uniform stratification of risk for evaluating the results of surgery in acquired adult heart disease. Assessment of predictive models for binary outcomes: an empirical approach using operative death from cardiac surgery. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2008 Cardiac Surgery Risk Models: Part 2-Isolated Valve Surgery. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis for evaluating diagnostic tests and predictive models. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons risk model for operative mortality after multiple valve surgery. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 30-Day Predicted Risk of Mortality score also predicts long-term survival. German Aortic Valve Score: a new scoring system for prediction of mortality related to aortic valve procedures in adults. Predictive factors of early mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: individual risk assessment using a simple score. Validation of transcatheter aortic valve implantation risk scores in relation to early and mid-term survival: a single-centre study. Mortality prediction following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a quantitative comparison of risk scores derived from populations treated with either surgical or percutaneous aortic valve replacement. Development and validation of a risk prediction model for in-hospital mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Predicting mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: external validation of the transcatheter valve therapy registry model. Mortality risk after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: analysis of the predictive accuracy of the Transcatheter Valve Therapy registry risk assessment model. Gait speed and dependence in activities of daily living in older adults with severe aortic stenosis. Albumin is predictive of 1-year mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Evaluation of multidimensional geriatric assessment as a predictor of mortality and cardiovascular events after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Reliability of risk algorithms in predicting early and late operative outcomes in high risk patients undergoing aortic valve replacement. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation versus surgical aortic valve replacement: a propensity score analysis in patients at high surgical risk. Multivariable prediction of in-hospital mortality associated with aortic and mitral valve surgery in Northern New England. Risk of Assessing mortality risk in elective cardiac operations: age, creatinine, ejection fraction, and the Law of Parsimony. The easier, the better: age, creatinine, ejection fraction score for operative mortality risk stratification in a series of 29,659 patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. An Australian risk prediction model for determining early mortality following aortic valve replacement. Predicting operative risk for coronary artery surgery in the United Kingdom: a comparison of various risk prediction algorithms. Prediction of poor outcome after transcatheter aortic valve replacement J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;68: 1868-1877. Impact of the clinical frailty scale on outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Development and application of a risk prediction model for in-hospital stroke after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a report from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons/ American College of Cardiology Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry. However, selected thresholds were used to define the risk categories for the initial trials and continued to be used in the clinical setting. Additionally, functional status measures such as frailty were not included in the risk models and are of paramount importance in the procedural risk assessment. In this article, we reviewed the important risk assessment models and other risk measures that are used by the multidisciplinary heart team. Keywords: Risk scores, risk assessment, valvular heart disease, procedural risk 8 Imaging the Aortic Valve Rebecca T. In addition to symptoms, quantitative echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular size and systolic function is key in clinical decision making for adults with aortic valvular heart disease. Aortic stenosis severity is defined by maximum aortic jet velocity, mean gradient, and continuity equation valve area. The dimensionless velocity index should be also considered, particularly in the absence of good echocardiographic windows. Aortic regurgitant severity is defined by vena contracta width, the continuous-wave Doppler velocity signal, and presence of aortic flow reversal. In selected cases, calculation of regurgitant volume and regurgitant orifice area is recommended. Computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can be used to determine the cause and severity of aortic valve dysfunction when echocardiography is nondiagnostic or there is discrepancy between symptoms and echocardiographic findings. Primary indications for transesophageal imaging include clarification of aortic valve morphology, quantification of function, and assessment of aortic root morphology. Three-dimensional evaluation of the aortic annulus by transesophageal imaging can be when gated computed tomography angiography is suboptimal for planning of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Echocardiography remains the primary imaging modality because of ease of use, portability, and high temporal resolution enabling accurate real-time assessment of moving structures and flow in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) formats. Extensive outcomes data are associated with echocardiographic measurements of ventricular and valvular function.