
Dr Peter Anderson
- Specialist Registrar in Critical Care
- St. Georges Hospital
- London
Stones are totally radiolucent on X-ray and computed tomography (Ct) chronic gastritis recipes generic 300 mg allopurinol otc, but seen on echography [9] gastritis diet pregnancy cheap allopurinol on line. Cola soft drinks gastritis diet ������� discount 300mg allopurinol overnight delivery, which reduce urine pH gastritis symptoms nhs direct order 300 mg allopurinol overnight delivery, are useful in reducing the formation of crystals and stones [1] gastritis healing symptoms purchase generic allopurinol. Atazanavir Atazanavir gastritis diet in telugu purchase allopurinol 300mg with visa, an azapeptide inhibitor of HiV-1 protease first marketed in 2003, was soon reported as inducing urolithiasis [10] and sometimes acute interstitial nephritis [11]. Other sulfonamides Sulfasalazine, used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, may induce bilateral stones [19]. Sulfamethoxazole, a component of co-trimoxazole, induces frequent crystalluria but stone formation [18] is infrequent relative to its wide use, likely due to the small size and smooth rhomboid shape of the crystals. Other antibacterial or antiviral drugs Quinolones and aminopenicillins are rarely involved in drug-induced nephrolithiasis (reviewed in [1]). Ciprofloxacin causes frequent asymptomatic crystalluria, especially in alkaline urine (in contrast with first-generation quinolones) but formation of stones is very infrequent [20]. Ceftriaxone is largely used for the treatment of bacterial meningitis, pneumonia or pyelonephritis, especially in children. Guaifenesin, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine A number of non-prescription oral cough suppressants, expectorants, and decongestants, often in the form of mixed preparations, are available OtC 112 types of Urinary Stones and their Medical Management and freely available via the internet. As a result, new OtC preparations were produced, combining guaifenesin and ephedrine in a 8:1 ratio, and subjects who previously took OtC ephedrine as a stimulant and switched to these new preparations were ipso facto consuming high doses of guaifenesin (some up to 24,000 mg/day). Stones are radiolucent, but visualized on unenhanced helical Ct scan, their weak density leading to frequent misdiagnosis as uric acid urolithiasis. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are widely used as decongestants and bronchodilators. However, ephedrine is often used as a stimulant and ephedrine abuse has become popular due to its easy OtC availability (combined with guaifenesin) or as "herbal preparations. Silica-containing drugs, mainly as magnesium trisilicate, used as antacids over long periods, or as colloid silica, used as milk thickener for prevention of esophageal regurgitation in babies, may induce stones made of opaline silica [34]. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors block the reabsorption of bicarbonate and sodium ions, and inhibit the excretion of H+ ions, in the proximal tubule. Such urine composition favors the precipitation of calcium phosphate crystals and formation of phosphate stones [35], mainly in the form of carbapatite [1]. Acetazolamide Acetazolamide, used for a long time in the treatment of glaucoma and more recently epilepsy, provokes the frequent development of nephrolithiasis [35], as do its analogs methazolamide, dorzolamide, and dichlorphenamide (reviewed in [1]). As for acetazolamide, prevention essentially 114 types of Urinary Stones and their Medical Management relies on high fluid intake and thiazides to reduce hypercalciuria, whereas the effectiveness of potassium citrate remains to be evaluated [36]. Concomitant prescription of potassium citrate reduced the prevalence of stones and increased the duration free of symptomatic stones [42]. Calcium and vitamin D supplements Calcium supplementation Calcium supplements, especially when associated with vitamin d, may increase urinary calcium excretion and induce calcium nephrolithiasis, especially in subjects with underlying idiopathic hypercalciuria [43]. At variance with high dietary calcium, which reduces the risk of forming calcium stones, supplemental calcium increased the risk of calcium stone formation by 20% [44]. Other drugs Furosemide therapy in preterm neonates may induce bilateral calcium calculi (and nephrocalcinosis) by rising urinary calcium concentration, unless combined with a thiazide diuretic [52]. Carefully checking the medical history, co-morbidities, and current therapy is essential in every stone-forming patient and may immediately identify the diagnosis. All drug-containing stones are radiolucent on conventional X-ray and need to be differentiated from uric acid, cystine, dihydroxyadenine or xanthine stones. Solubilization of stones or obstructive crystalluria may be achieved by active urine dilution and/or adjustment of urine pH according to the specific pH dependence of the drug. Etiological diagnosis of metabolically induced stones is oriented by medical history, co-morbidities, and composition of stones. Recommendations for the proper use of nonprescription cough suppressants and expectorants in solid-organ transplant recipients. Low serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin d in older persons and the risk of nursing home admission. Effect of vitamin d repletion on urinary calcium excretion among kidney stone formers. Introduction Patients suffering from renal colic can present in a variety of ways. While there is no formal medical definition of this term, it is generally used to describe an acute-onset, severe flank pain, often radiating to the ipsilateral groin and commonly associated with nausea and vomiting. Prostaglandin E2 also triggers vasodilation of the afferent arterioles, promoting a diuresis which further increases renal pelvic pressure and likely exacerbates the pain [5]. Finally, activation of pain receptors can occur in any organ that shares innervation with the kidney, including the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thus explaining the frequent association of nausea and vomiting with renal colic [6]. Phase two is marked by efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction that causes a decrease in renal blood flow. At this point the patient often enters the "constant phase" whereby pain is continuous and severe. While costovertebral angle tenderness and flank pain are hallmarks of these alternative conditions, the degree of pain is generally less than that seen for renal colic due to acute ureteral obstruction. Many of these patients will ultimately be diagnosed with non-obstructive intrarenal stones or papillary tip calcifications and rarely may be diagnosed with loin pain hematuria syndrome if noted to have hematuria associated with these episodes. Unfortunately, the benefits of Ct must be measured against the associated ionizing radiation and potential for carcinogenesis. Performance parameters for this diagnostic tool may be lower among obese patients and those with small stones <4 mm in size [18]. Given growing concerns regarding the overuse of Ct, numerous algorithms have been formulated to ideally utilize imaging modalities in the patient with acute renal colic. While this test eliminates the exposure to ionizing radiation, stones are not readily identifiable and must be inferred by the appearance of a filling defect and other secondary signs such as hydroureteronephrosis. One particular instance where this test may be useful is in the case of pregnancy, though White et al. Management of Renal Colic and Medical Expulsive therapy 125 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs versus narcotic analgesics Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a direct effect on pain from renal colic via inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. A 2004 Cochrane review addressing this subject found that patients using narcotics were more likely to require additional analgesia at earlier times in greater doses [21]. Desmopressin desmopressin has also been investigated for use in renal colic because of its ability to cause vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole and potentially reduce renal pelvic pressure seen in obstruction [27]. Management of Renal Colic and Medical Expulsive therapy 127 Several other novel therapies have been used to alleviate stent-related discomfort, including botox injections at the ureteral orifices [38] and intravesically administered medications such as oxybutynin, ketorolac, and lidocaine [39]. Medical expulsive therapy the decision to observe versus intervene in the case of an obstructing ureteral stone is a commonly encountered clinical challenge. Ureteral peristalsis, considered to be a promoter of stone passage, becomes disorganized and unco-ordinated in the case of acute obstruction. Furthermore, the stone induces ureteral spasm and edema, further inhibiting the ability of the stone to pass spontaneously [40]. One commonly administered therapy for this purpose is the use of intense hydration and diuretics. Furthermore, there was a shorter time to passage amongst the tamsulosin group (72 versus 120 hours). Conversely, use of -blockers was associated with a 29% increased likelihood of stone passage, which was significant. Corticosteroids have also been studied based on the premise that they might decrease ureteral edema and thus facilitate spontaneous passage. Future efforts must ensure that urologists are not the only members of the medical community with a knowledgeable understanding of this common and treatable problem. Relationship between renal blood flow and ureteral pressure during 18 hours of total unilateral uretheral occlusion. Unenhanced helical computerized tomography for the evaluation of patients with acute flank pain. Low-dose and standard-dose unenhanced helical computed tomography for the assessment of acute renal colic: prospective comparative study. Assessment of clinical efficacy of intranasal desmopressin spray and diclofenac sodium suppository in treatment of renal colic versus diclofenac sodium alone. Pharmacology of tamsulosin: saturation-binding isotherms and competition analysis using cloned alpha 1-adrenergic receptor subtypes. Meta-analysis showing the beneficial effect of alpha-blockers on ureteric stent discomfort. Forced versus minimal intravenous hydration in the management of acute renal colic: a randomized trial. Physiologic effect of nifedipine and tamsulosin on contractility of distal ureter. Medical-expulsive therapy for distal ureterolithiasis: randomized prospective study on role of corticosteroids used in combination with tamsulosin-simplified treatment regimen and health-related quality of life. Corticosteroids and tamsulosin in the medical expulsive therapy for symptomatic distal ureter stones: single drug or association Medical expulsive therapy for ureteral calculi in the real world: targeted education increases use and improves patient outcome. Unfortunately, multiple methodological challenges exist in the literature making definitive, evidence-based recommendations impossible for many of the questions in stone disease. Expectant management Observation may be considered in the absence of the above-mentioned indications for urgent treatment. Stones within the distal ureter at presentation were more likely to pass (45%) compared to the mid (22%) and proximal ureter (12%). A more recent retrospective study of 172 patients with ureteral stones diagnosed by non-contrast computed tomography (Ct) reported more encouraging results [5]. Once again, stones within the proximal ureter were less likely to pass than those within the distal ureter (48% compared to 75%). Failure of stone migration after 2 months of observation, indications for Conservative and Surgical Management 137 even in the absence of symptoms, is a relative indication for surgical treatment. Medical expulsive therapy A variety of pharmacological agents have been found to affect ureteral function. While cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors have been found to reduce renal colic, only calcium channel and -blockers have been shown to improve stone passage rates [8]. However, the authors ultimately concluded that "meaningful comparisons were not possible" between ureteroscopy and shock wave lithotripsy for proximal ureteral stones due to the great variability in the clinical characteristics of the four randomized studies. Role of antegrade ureteroscopy and ureterolithotomy More invasive treatment options such as antegrade ureteroscopy and ureterolithotomy may be considered in selected cases. Renal calculi Asymptomatic renal calculi Renal calculi causing pain, obstruction, demonstrating growth, associated with infection, and staghorn calculi require treatment in the majority of cases. Just as we are seeing increasing numbers of small renal masses identified due to the expanded use of diagnostic Ct scans, urologists are now faced with increasing numbers of asymptomatic, incidentally identified renal calculi. Also, by treating asymptomatic renal stones early rather than later after the stones may have grown, we may be able to avoid more difficult and more invasive procedures required for the resulting larger stone burden. Unfortunately, despite the increasing number of renal calculi identified and treated over many years worldwide, we do not yet have well-performed prospective studies to help guide our decision making. Active surveillance for asymptomatic renal calculi Many of these patients with asymptomatic renal calculi can be managed initially with active surveillance, but the risk of failure remains high. Factors that correlated with progression were stone size >4 mm, lower pole or renal pelvic location, and elevated urine and serum uric acid levels. Overall, indications for Conservative and Surgical Management 141 using survival analysis, this study demonstrate a required intervention rate of 50% at just over 7 years follow-up for these asymptomatic renal calculi. One could argue that any patient with renal calculi who is not surgically treated should undergo metabolic evaluation and treatment. Laparoscopic treatment may be utilized for stones in a calyceal diverticulum, or for stone removal at the time of laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Stone size Symptomatic renal stones less than 4 mm in diameter can be safely allowed to pass. A period of attempted passage with medical expulsive therapy is warranted given an acceptable rate of successful passage of what will soon become a small ureteral calculus. Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy can also be used to treat these smaller renal calculi. One of the weaknesses of shock wave lithotripsy treatment for larger calculi is the limitation on total session shock wave energy permitted to prevent renal trauma. Use of a second ureteroscopy when needed increased the success rate to 91% overall. Staghorn calculi will generally require treatment because of the risk of kidney injury and life-threatening sepsis [27,28].
In many countries gastritis en ingles buy cheap allopurinol 300mg online, including the United States acute gastritis definition discount allopurinol 300mg on line, pigs are fed with grain gastritis diet ������ buy allopurinol 300mg otc, which explain the low incidence of trichinosis gastritis symptoms from alcohol purchase generic allopurinol. In the United States gastritis diet peanut butter allopurinol 300 mg amex, laws were enacted to prevent the feeding of uncooked garbage to pigs gastritis diet recommendations order allopurinol 300mg otc, and as a result, fewer than 100 trichinosis cases are reported annually. Most cases of trichinosis result from improperly processed pork, but undercooked bear, walrus, cougar, wild boar, horse meat, and soft-shelled turtle have also been sources of Trichinella infection. Because the number of cysts ingested is often low, most infections are asymptomatic. Heavier infestations can result in diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting during the intestinal phase, followed in 1-2 weeks by fever, periorbital edema, subconjunctival hemorrhages, and chemosis. The extraocular muscles are frequently involved first, followed by the neck and back, arms, and legs. These symptoms usually peak within 2-3 weeks, but they may be followed by a prolonged period of muscle weakness. Death is uncommon, but can result from severe myocarditis leading to congestive heart failure. Diagnosis and Treatment An elevated peripheral eosinophil count associated with periorbital edema, myositis, and fever strongly suggests the diagnosis. A specific diagnosis requires biopsy of a symptomatic muscle to demonstrate Trichinella larvae. Because exposure history and the clinical manifestations are usually distinct, a biopsy is rarely required. When administering meben-dazole myositis may be reduced by using a dosing regimen that starts with a lower dose for 3 days, and then follows with higher doses for 10 days (see Table 12. In critically ill patients, corticosteroids (prednisone 50 mg daily for 10-15 days) may be helpful, but no controlled trials have been conducted proving efficacy. Heavy infection causes abdominal pain and diarrhea, followed by fever, periorbital edema, muscle pain (ocular muscles first), and myocarditis, associated with marked eosinophilia and increased creatine phosphokinase. Prevalence, Epidemiology, and Life Cycle Echinococcus is member of the cestode (tapeworm) family. Infections with Echinococcus granulosus are found worldwide, including in Africa, the Middle East, southern Europe, Latin America, and the southwestern United States. A second species, Echinococcus multilocularis is found in northern Europe, Asia, the northern United States, and the Arctic. Humans represent an inadvertent intermediate host, the infection being contracted by ingestion of food contaminated with viable parasite eggs. Echinococcus is carried in the feces of sheep, goats, camels, horses, and domestic dogs that live around livestock. The primary host for Echinococcus multilocularis is the fox, and domestic cats and dogs become secondarily infected. An outbreak has been reported, Alaskan Eskimos villages contracted from infected hunting dogs. Because eggs are partially resistant to drying and can remain viable for many weeks, food can become contaminated without coming in direct contact with infected animals. Ingested eggs hatch in the intestine forming oncospheres that penetrate the bowel wall, enter the bloodstream, and are deposited in various organs-most commonly, the liver and lungs, and less frequently the brain, heart, and bones -where they encyst. A computed tomography scan with both oral and intravenous contrast shows multiple echinococcal hepatic abscesses. She was noted at that time to have a large liver cyst consistent with Echinococcus. Although she was asymptomatic, resection of the left lobe of the liver was performed that year. Despite surgical resection, she experienced recurrent cysts and on three occasions underwent percutaneous aspiration followed by injection of hypertonic saline. One month before admission and 6 years after her last aspiration and injection procedure, she began coughing up blood. Her coughing then became productive of gelatinous, foul-smelling serosanguinous fluid. Pulmonary examination revealed decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion at the right base. Bronchial breath sounds and E-to-A changes were noted in the right posterior mid-lung field. Most patients with echinococcosis are asymptomatic, the infection being detected incidentally on an imaging study. Symptoms generally develop when the hydatid cyst reaches a size of 8-10 cm and begins compressing vital structures or eroding into the biliary tract or a pulmonary bronchus (as occurred in case 12. Cyst leakage or rupture can result in an anaphylactic reaction, causing fever and hypotension. Asymptomatic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus rarely progresses; however, 90% of cases of asymptomatic Echinococcus multilocularis infection eventually progress to symptomatic disease. Complete surgical resection of the hydatid cyst is often recommended in early symptomatic disease. The cyst should be removed intact, taking great care to avoid a rupture, which will spread the infection by daughter cysts. To reduce the risk of spread, aspiration of the cyst is recommended-a procedure that involves removing a fraction of the contents and instilling a hypertonic saline solution (30% NaCl), iodophor, or 95% ethanol to kill the germinal layer and daughter cysts. Surgical resection should be performed 30 minutes after instillation of the solution. In cases with biliary communication, the foregoing cidal agents are not recommended because of the risk of inducing sclerosing cholangitis. As compared with medical treatment alone, debulking of cysts does not improve outcome, but it may relieve symptoms in specific cases. Treatment in the perioperative period with three to four cycles of albendazole 400 mg twice daily for 4 weeks, followed by a 2-week rest period, is generally recommended to limit the risk of intraoperative dissemination. The same medical therapy is recommended for patients with inoperable hydatid cyst (see Table 12. A comprehensive consensus paper describing staging, surgical, and medical management was published in 2010 (see Further Reading). Eggs hatch in the intestine and oncospheres enter the bloodstream, where they migrate to the liver or lung, or (less commonly) to the brain, where they form hydatid cysts. Hydatid cysts survive and grow over decades, causing symptoms when they reach 8-10 cm in diameter. Treatment involves administration of albendazole, combined with surgical resection preceded by instillation of an agent cidal to the germinal layer. Prevalence, Epidemiology, and Life Cycle Taenia solium is another cestode (tapeworm) common in Central and South America, Mexico, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and southern Europe. This infection can also be contracted eating raw or undercooked pork containing encysted larvae. Once ingested, the encysted larvae are released into the stomach, where they migrate into the intestine and develop into adult worms that can reach 8 m in length. These individuals become chronic carriers who carry the tapeworm, but do not develop cysticercosis unless they accidentally ingest eggs from their own feces. Chronic carriers spread the disease via the fecaloral route, and person-to-person spread is now thought to be the primary mode of transmission of the disease. However, if the eggs released by the worms are ingested, the eggs hatch releasing larvae that penetrate the intestine, enter the bloodstream, and eventually encyst in the brain, causing neurocysticercosis. Cysts may lodge in the cerebral ventricles (causing hydrocephalus), the spinal cord (resulting in cord compression and paraplegia), the subarachnoid space (causing chronic meningitis), or the cerebral cortex (causing seizures). Cysts may remain asymptomatic for many years, becoming clinically apparent only when the larvae die, an event associated with cyst swelling and increased inflammation. Diagnosis and Treatment Computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance scan is the preferred diagnostic studies, demonstrating discrete cysts that may enhance following the administration of contrast media depending on the degree of surrounding inflammation. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid usually reveals lymphocytes or eosinophils accompanied by low glucose and elevated protein. Serologic tests detecting antibody directed against Taenia solium may be positive, particularly in patients with multiple cysts. The sensitivity of the test depends on the activity of the cysts as well as their number. Computed tomography scan with contrast of the cerebral cortex, showing two typical ring-enhancing lesions of neurocysticercosis (arrow). Albendazole and praziquantel may kill living cysts, but larval death results in increased inflammation and edema, and may exacerbate symptoms. A recent randomized trial and a meta-analysis suggested that in symptomatic patients with cortical lesions, albendazole combined with oral dexamethasone (2 mg three times daily) or oral prednisone (40 mg daily) enhances resolution of the lesions and reduces the incidence of seizures. Surgical resection of cysts may be required depending on the symptoms and size and location of the offending cyst. Antiepileptic medications can be safely withdrawn for solitary lesions, if albendazole treatment results in complete resolution without residual calcification. Contracted by ingesting eggs in fecally contaminated food or encysted larvae in undercooked pork. Symptoms develop after many years when the larvae die, causing increased inflammation. Diagnosis is made by computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, or serology. Treatment involves administration of albendazole plus corticosteroids for symptomatic disease; surgical resection can be performed in selected patients. Occasionally, fatal during the early stage of infection as a result of a severe serum-sickness syndrome. Primary infection does not occur in the United States because the critical intermediate host-a specific type of freshwater snail-is absent. However, approximately 400,000 imported cases occur in immigrants from Puerto Rico, South America (particularly Brazil), the Middle East, and the Philippines. The parasite is contracted by exposure to freshwater containing infectious cercariae. The fork-tailed cercariae are able to swim to and penetrate the skin of people wading in stagnant infested freshwater pools or rice paddies. Once inside the host, cercariae lose their tails and mature into schistosomulae that enter the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, they penetrate the lung and liver, where over a period of 6 weeks, they mature to adult worms. The adult worms then migrate through the venous plexus to various sites, depending on the Schistosoma strain. Once resident in the host, the worms can live for decades, releasing eggs into the bowel or bladder. Improper handling of contaminated stool and urine leads to egg contamination of water. Eggs hatch in freshwater, forming miracidia whose cilia enable them to swim and infect freshwater snails. Each species of schistosome requires a specific freshwater snail intermediate, which explains the geographic distribution of each strain. Cercariae mature into schistosomulae that enter the bloodstream and migrate to the liver and lung, where they mature. The worms release eggs into stool or urine for many years, resulting in contamination of freshwater. Freshwater snails are infected by miracidia, a necessary step in the production of cercariae and infection of humans. Soon after returning from a 1-week vacation in Malawi, he had an episode of perineal pain associated with painful ejaculation and browncolored ejaculate. Four months before the evaluation, this patient had begun experiencing urinary frequency, with intermittent passage of small blood clots in the urine. A urogram and ultrasound demonstrated a round structure, 8x10 mm in diameter, adherent to the bladder wall. Cystoscopic examination disclosed multiple, slightly raised, polypoid lesions that were less than 5 mm in diameter. Low-power microscopic examination of material from a bladder biopsy revealed a polypoid inflammatory lesion of the bladder mucosa with dense inflammatory infiltrate surrounding clusters of eggs in the submucosa. At higher magnification, the granulomas were found to contain clusters of helminthic eggs surrounded by epithelioid histiocytes, chronic inflammatory cells, and eosinophils. An avian schistosome is also able to penetrate the skin, but it is not capable of entering the bloodstream. Patients develop a serum-sicknesslike syndrome as they react with elevated levels of immunoglobulin E and peripheral eosinophilia to egg antigens. Fever, headache, cough, chills, and sweating are accompanied by lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. This clinical constellation has been called "Katayama fever" and is most commonly associated with S. The symptoms usually resolve spontaneously, but in heavy infections, this acute reaction can be fatal. Granulomatous reactions in the bowel can lead to chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and blood loss. Eggs may enter the portal venous system and gain entry to the liver, where chronic inflammation is followed by fibrosis leading to portal hypertension, splenomegaly, and bleeding esophageal varices.
A prothrombin time above 100 indicates irreversible hepatic damage gastritis kronis pdf allopurinol 300mg without a prescription, and these patients should be promptly considered for liver transplant gastritis diet ����� generic allopurinol 300mg without prescription. In fulminant hepatitis gastritis lettuce cheap 300mg allopurinol free shipping, disseminated intravascular coagulation can develop gastritis empty stomach buy allopurinol with american express, leading to thrombocytopenia gastritis symptoms pain in back buy allopurinol 300 mg fast delivery. This test should be performed when several causes of hepatitis are possible or when therapy is being considered gastritis young living buy online allopurinol. Histopathologic examination classically reveals ballooning and hepatocyte necrosis, disarray of liver lobules, mononuclear cell infiltration, and cholestasis. Particularly in patients with hepatitis C, chronic infection can follow asymptomatic acute infection. In most instances of hepatitis C, hepatic failure takes more than 20 years; in hepatitis B virus infection, hepatic failure usually occurs more rapidly. Levels are usually mildly to moderately elevated and do not exceed 7-10 times normal values. Chronic generation of high antibody levels directed against the virus can result in the production of immune complexes that deposit in the glomeruli and the small- to mediumsized blood vessels, causing membranous glomerulonephritis and vasculitis in some patients with chronic disease. Polyarteritis nodosa is frequently associated with persistent hepatitis B infection. Complications include chronic active hepatitis (after acute hepatitis B or C), vasculitis, and glomerulonephritis. It is inactivated by chlorine and does not survive well in buffered saline, but in protein solutions such as milk, the virus is able to withstand high temperatures for brief periods. In tissue culture, the virus is not cytopathic, and replication has to be detected by immunofluorescence staining of antibodies. Isolation of the wildtype virus is often unsuccessful, making tissue culture an ineffective diagnostic tool. The virus enters the host via the gastrointestinal tract, traversing the intestine and infecting the hepatocyte, where it survives and multiplies within the cell cytoplasm. The virus infects primarily hepatocytes, and it is then released into the bloodstream and excreted into the bile, resulting in high levels of virus in the stool. Peak titers of virus in the blood and stool occur just before or when liver function tests become abnormal. Preschool daycare centers are an important source of infection, because children under the age of 2 years develop asymptomatic disease and excrete high concentrations of the virus in their stool. Sexual transmission of the virus occurs in male homosexuals, and intravenous drug abusers readily spread the virus to each other. Common-source outbreaks occur as consequence of contaminated water, milk, and food. Raw and/or undercooked clams, oysters, and mussels are major sources of foodborne disease. These bivalve shellfish filter large volumes of contaminated water, concentrating the virus. Two large foodborne outbreaks were recently described in the United States: one caused by contaminated frozen strawberries and the other by contaminated green onions from Mexico. Infected food handlers have caused several outbreaks, and hand washing is an important measure for preventing spread of this disease. Breakdowns in sanitary conditions that occur during natural disasters and war increase the risk of hepatitis A. Inactivation of the virus can readily be accomplished by treating potentially contaminated surfaces with a 1:100 dilution of household bleach. Enters via the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates the bowel, infects hepatocytes, multiplies in the cytoplasm, is excreted in the bile, and is found in high concentrations in the feces. Epidemiology: a) Spread by fecal-oral route in daycare centers; children under the age of 2 years experience asymptomatic infection. Diagnosis: a) Antibody titer for immunoglobulin M is detected when symptoms begin; persists for 6 months. However, 10% of hospitalized patients follow a relapsing course characterized by improvement followed by a second episode of jaundice that usually develops 6-12 weeks later, but that can occur up to 6 months after the first symptomatic attack. Young children who have a less robust immune response to the virus often have few symptoms and do not develop jaundice. Fulminant hepatitis is a rare complication and occurs more frequently in patients who are coinfected with hepatitis C or hepatitis B. Levels are observed at the time of symptomatic disease and usually persist for 6 months. Low titers are observed during early symptomatic disease, but they continue to rise, peaking at about 4 months. Strict bed rest is not warranted, and moderate activity as tolerated is now recommended. In patients with fulminant hepatitis, exchange transfusions and glucocorticoids fail to alter the clinical course, and liver transplantation may be required for survival. Administration of pooled human immunoglobulin has been shown to prevent or reduce the symptoms of hepatitis A. The duration of protection is dose dependent, with intramuscular administration of 0. Postexposure prophylaxis is recommended after recognition of the index case for household and sexual contacts; daycare center staff and attendees; classroom contacts in school-centered outbreaks; people residing or working in institutions with crowded living conditions such as prisons, military barracks, and facilities housing disabled people; and for hospital personnel who have come in direct contact with feces or body fluids from an infected patient. Prophylaxis is not recommended for casual contacts and is not effective for common-source outbreaks, because the outbreak will not become apparent until after the 2-week window of immunoglobulin efficacy. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis is recommended for a) household and sexual contacts, b) daycare center staff and attendees, c) classroom contacts in school-centered outbreaks, d) persons residing or working in institutions with crowded living conditions, e) hospital personnel with direct contact with feces or body fluids from an infected patient, and f) travelers to endemic areas. Vaccine should be given to a) children over the age of 2 years, b) homosexual men, c) intravenous drug abusers, d) heterosexuals with multiple sexual partners, e) people requiring repeated administration of concentrated coagulation factors, f) people with occupational risk of exposure, and g) patients with preexisting chronic liver disease. A safe and effective formalin-killed vaccine is available and is now being given to children over the age of 2 years in many areas of the country. As a consequence, the incidence of hepatitis A in these regions has decreased by two-thirds. The vaccine should also be considered for individuals at high risk of hepatitis A: homosexual men, intravenous drug abusers, heterosexuals with multiple sexual partners, individuals requiring repeated administration of concentrated coagulation factors, and people with an occupational risk of exposure. The vaccine is also recommended for patients with preexisting chronic liver disease. Recognizing that many cases of hepatitis A are contracted by tourists visiting endemic areas, travelers planning to visit highrisk areas should be vaccinated before their departure. Its pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations are similar to those of hepatitis A (Table 8. Outbreaks have been associated with contaminated water in India, Nepal, Southeast Asia, Africa, China, and Mexico. Infection occurs in areas where sanitation is poor and fecal contamination of water is likely. Indigenous cases have not been reported in the United States, Canada, or the developed countries of Europe and Asia. In those countries, infection is reported in tourists who have traveled to endemic areas. As observed with hepatitis A, the disease is self-limiting and does not result in chronic hepatitis. The hepatitis E virus can cause fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women in their third trimester, with resulting mortality rates of 15-25%. Injections of immunoglobulin have not been proven to protect against hepatitis E, and no vaccine is currently available. Reported in developing countries with poor sanitation, but not in the United States, except in travelers. The bloodstream of infected patients contains not only fully competent viral particles but also an even higher abundance of defective viral particles that form small spheres and filaments. These latter forms are noninfectious and are composed of HbsAg and host membrane lipid. These inserts may alter the expression of critical regulatory genes and upregulate host oncogenes. Blood and blood products were previously the major mode of transmission in the United States. However, the risk of transmission by this route has been reduced to one to four per million blood component transfused. Hepatitis B virus is also found in other body fluids, including urine, bile, saliva, semen, breast milk, and vaginal secretions. The virus can be spread to sexual partners, and it is prevalent in homosexual men and heterosexuals with multiple partners. It can be readily spread from mother to neonate at the time of vaginal delivery-a common mode of transmission in developing countries. Reuse of needles has also led to transmission of the virus during placement of tattoos and ear piercing. Crowded environments, such as institutions for the mentally handicapped, favor spread. The virus has also been spread to transplant organ recipients when the donated organ originates from a hepatitis B infected donor. Symptoms usually resolve over 1-3 months, and transaminase values usually return to normal within 1-4 months. Afterward, the full virus remains in the liver for a decade, and in a significant percentage of patients, elevations in transaminase values persist for more than 6 months. The percentage that progresses to chronic disease is age dependent, being 90% in neonates, 20-50% in children 1-5 years of age, and <5% in adults. The IgG antibodies directed against the core antigen develop in the later phases of acute disease and usually persist for life. Spread from person to person, previously through blood and blood products, but incidence decreasing in developed countries. Intravenous drug abusers who share needles are at risk; reuse of needles for tattoos and ear piercing can also spread the virus. Resides in other body fluids (urine, bile, saliva, semen, breast milk, and vaginal secretions). Mucosal contact with infected body fluid can transmit infection to a) homosexual or heterosexual sexual partners of infected individuals, b) neonates during vaginal delivery by an infected mother, c) residents in crowded environments such as institutions for the mentally handicapped. Prevention requires education of those who engage in high-risk behaviors, screening of the blood supply, and universal precautions by hospital personnel. High-titer hepatitis B immunoglobulin reduces the incidence of clinical hepatitis B. A safe and effective recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is available, and vaccination should be initiated in most individuals at the time of exposure. In the United States, vaccination is also recommended for all children who did not receive the vaccine as a neonate. Among adults, vaccination is recommended for health care workers, laboratory workers who handle blood and blood products, patients who require repeated blood transfusions or clotting factors, hemodialysis patients, morticians, people with multiple sexual partners, intravenous drug users, residents and staff of closed institutions such as prisons and institutions for the mentally handicapped, and household and sexual contacts of carriers. The vaccine should be given intramuscularly in three doses at months 0, 1 to 2, and 6 to 12. The vaccine is highly effective, and has markedly reduced the incidence of hepatitis B in health care workers. Acute disease is clinically similar to hepatitis A; however, persistent infection can develop in a) 90% of infants, b) 20-50% of children 1-5 years of age, and c) <5% of adults. Recombinant vaccine is safe and efficacious and should be given to a) health care workers, b) laboratory workers who handle blood and blood products, c) patients requiring repeated blood transfusions or clotting factors, d) hemodialysis patients, e) morticians, f) people with multiple sexual partners, g) intravenous drug abusers, h) residents and staff of closed institutions, and i) household and sexual contacts of carriers. The immune system recognizes the virus as a foreign antigen, and active inflammation ensues. In some patients, however, viral replication may continue, and those patients are said to have had an episode of abortive immune clearance. Patients with persistent HbsAg and ongoing hepatic inflammation can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Patients with normal transaminase values at the time of therapy have a poorer response rate. Three stages: a) Immunotolerant replicative stage, laboratory findings within normal limits, and viral load high. Treatment indications include a) Rapidly deteriorating liver function, b) Decompensated as well as compensated cirrhosis, c) Patients receiving chemotherapy or immu-nosuppressants, d) Mothers who have infants and have a positive HbsAg. Treatment is evolving and requires management by a specialist a) Multiple antiviral agents including lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, telbivudine, and tenofovir. A specialist in the treatment of liver disease should manage these patients whenever possible. The efficacy of antivirals as monotherapy and in combination is under investigation including lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, emtricitabine, telbivudine, and tenofovir, Treatment with lamivudine alone selects for lamivudine-resistant virus within 1 year. These agents reduce the viral load and improve liver function tests, but must be continued for years. However, this agent is expensive and is associated with a high incidence of unpleasant side effects (see Chapter 1). Treatment is usually reserved for young patients who do not wish to take antiviral agents for prolonged periods. When possible, antiretroviral therapy should include tenofovir and emtricitabine (combination pill: Truvada) in combination with a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or a protease inhibitor (see Chapter 16). The hepatitis D virus, also called delta agent, can replicate only in a human host who is coinfected with hepatitis B. During acute disease, it is thought to be directly responsible for cytotoxic damage in those cells.
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Laminated membrane Beneath germinal layer is 1 mm thick, vascular, brain, kidney and adrenal glands. Differential Diagnosis Outer layer Dense fibrovascular tissue with chronic inflammatory cells, variable calcification develops after 5+ years. Emperipolesis Hepatocyte regeneration may be promi- nent, with regenerating rosette-like structures. A florid bile duct lesion of mid-sized intrahepatic bile ducts and bile duct paucity. Florid duct lesion sometimes also called chronic non-suppurative destructive cholangitis. The three components of florid duct lesion are inflammation, injury to bile duct epithelial cells and disruption of the bile duct basement membrane. The inflammatory infiltrate is composed of lymphocytes, scattered eosinophils, macrophages and a variable number of plasma cells and is intimately associated with the bile duct. Histopathology Chronic hepatitis pattern of injury, with portal and periportal-lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and interface hepatitis. Case History: An 8-month-olol boy baby, abdo- minal distension, ultrasound-cystic lesion. The other two variant gastric and oncocytic types are lined by the respective type of epithelium. Histological grading was done into three classes (adenoma, carcinoma or borderline). Based on: 0 the cystic lesion appears well defined with the cyst containing mucoid and haemorrhagic contents. Microscopy 0 Trabecular pattern with 4+ cells surrounded by layer of flattened endothelial cells; also clear cell, giant cell, pelioid, pseudoglandular, sarcomatoid, and solid. Epithelial Type Fetal component 0 Fetal-type cells are polygonal and large with round to oval nuclei and with single nucleoli and clear or granular cytoplasm. Variants of Epithelial 0 Anaplastic 0 Macrotrabecular Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal type 0 Fetal and embryonal epithelium component admixed with mesenchymal elements. Metastasis from carcinoid tumor results in classical carcinoid syndrome including flushing, diarrhea and palpitation. Gross 0 Colon: Prominent central dirty necrosis in metastatic glandular lumens; mucin production can be abundant and may undergo calcification. Occasionally metastases from the breast, prostate, or stomach can spread through the liver as small punctate lesions simulating cirrhosis. Colonic metastases are usually multiple large nodules with marked central umbilication on the surface of the liver. Hemorrhage is seen in metastatic angio- histologically indistinguishable if poorly differentiated. Biliary Pyloric type (most common) 0 Tightly packed tubular glands pyloric or Brunner gland appearance. Intestinal type 0 Tubular and papillary or both lined by pseudostratified, mucin depleted cells with cigar-shaped nuclei. Microscopy Intestinal type Signet ring cell type Mucinous Adenosquamous Squamous Small cell Undifferentiated 0 Diffuse fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate. Microscopy 0 Large polygonal cells with abundant, eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm. Gross Sex cystic neoplasm F>M M>F Age Location 40-50 years Tail-not in 60-70 years Head and 0 Dilated principal pancreatic duct, filled with mucus is noted in the head and body of pancreas. Case History: A 27-year-old female with pancreatic tumor and a 26-year-old female cystic pancreatic tumor. Ancillary Tests Location: Body and tail 0 Size: More than 10 cm Encapsulated solid and cystic lesion C/S: It is soft with hemorrhage and necrosis. Differential Diagnosis Lymphangioma Mucinous cystic neoplasm Pancreatic pseudocyst Solid pseudopapillary tumor. Branching pseudopapillae lined by bland fragile epithelium; cells with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, oval grooved nuclei, finely stippled chromatin and inconspicuous nuclei. Gross 0 Exclusion of insulinoma by macroscopic, microscopic and immunohistochemical examination. Microscopy Ductoendocrine proliferation, numerous small and large endocrine areas. Casts are variably eosinophilic with irregular, angulated, geometric shapes and fracture planes. Immunofluorescence microscopy: Only Disorder in which monoclonal urinary immunoglobulin light chains (Bence Jones proteins) lead to acute or chronic renal failure. Cast nephropathy can occur as the first manifestation of multiple myeloma or can develop later during the course of myeloma. Clinical Issues when the casts are acutely formed, monotypic light chain staining is seen. Granular electron dense material and occasionally crystalline structures may be seen. Classification of Crescentic Glomerulonephritis 0 Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis 0 Immune complex associated crescentic glomerulonephritis. Earliest glomerular lesion is focal and segmental necrotizing glomerulo-nephritis. With time the cellular crescents evolve from cellular to fibrocellular then into fibrous crescents. Late microscopic finding; mesangial hypercellularity, some degree of mesangial matrix expansion. Case History: A 56-year-old male wifh hyper- fensive for 2 years, diabeiic for a years. Ancillary Tesfs 0 Immunofluorescence microscopy 0 Linear positivity along the glomerular capillary walls and tubular basement membranes is common with IgG and albumin. Differential Diagnosis Clinical Issues Proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome and progres- sive renal failure. Microscopy 0 Affects all 4 compartments 0 It has 2 forms: Diffuse and nodular For nodular diabetic glomerulosclerosis: 0 Light chain deposition disease /heavy chain deposition disease / light and heavy chain deposition disease 0 Amyloidosis 0 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 0 Fibrillary glomerulonephritis 0 Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis 0 Collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy 0 Fibronectin glomerulopathy 0 Idiopathic nodular glomerulosclerosis mebooksfree. Amyloid-first noted in the mesangium and then extends to peripheral capillary walls. Clinical Issues Oliguria, elevated serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and serum potassium levels. Microscopy 0 Immunohistochemistry: To identify precursor protein and characterize the type of amyloid present. Case History: A 43-year-old male with hyper- tensive-3 years, on irregular treatment, not a diabetic. Advanced intimal fibrosis-media focally has reduced number of smooth muscle cells that are replaced by fibrous tissue. Ancillary Tests 0 Immunofluorescence microscopy: IgM, C3 may show non-specific changes. Microscopy 0 Glomeruli: May be normal or may show ischemic changes with retracted capillary loops and wrinkled basement membranes. Microscopy 0 A few focal clusters (variable) of epithelioid macrophages and large confluent masses. Ancillary Tests Definiiion Active / chronic endocapillary and extracapillary glomerulonephritis involving >50% of all glomeruli sampled, typically with subendothelial immune deposits, and usually with mesangial alterations. Clinical Issues 0 Immunofluorescence microscopy: Nonspecific 0 Electron microscopy: May help to identify Hypertension, proteinuria and renal insufficiency in >50% of cases. Differeniial Diagnosis 0 Infections: Tuberculosis, fungal 0 Sarcoidosis: Well formed, discrete and non- necrotizing granuloma with numerous giant cells. Differential Diagnosis 0 Immunofluorescence study: There is often segmental glomerular staining for IgM and C3 (consistent with non-specific trapping in areas of sclerosis) 0 Electron microscopy: Podocyte foot process effacement overlying areas of segmental sclerosis and in more than 50% of the capillary surface area in the non-sclerotic glomeruli. Gross Pathology Post-inflammatory scarring from immune complex mediated glomerulonephritis and pauci-immune glomerulonephritis. Gross Pathology 0 Both the kidneys are enlarged 0 C / s swollen, edematous Light Microscopy 0 Minimal or no glomerular abnormality 0 Tubular epithelial cells may show clear vacuoles. Light Microscopy 0 External surface is smooth 0 Kidneys are pale, edematous and enlarged with the degree of enlargement proportional to the extent of involvement. Light Microscopy 0 Mesangial hypercellularity may be mild, moderate or marked, more often segmental. Ancillary Tests 0 the cellular infiltration and edema in the interstitium are multifocal and vary in intensity. Differential Diagnosis 0 Drug reactions are frequently, though not always, associated with eosinophilic infiltration. These cases are characterized by positive culture, hypocomplimentemia and subepithelial humps. It may occur spontaneously or after invasive vascu- by light microscope, with mesangial immune deposits. A few isolated subepithelial or subendothelial deposits may be visible by immunofluorescence or electron microscopy, but not by light microscopy. Clinical Features inactive focal, segmental or global endo- or extracapillary glomerulonephritis involving <50% of all glomeruli, typically with focal subendothelial immune deposits with or without mesangial alterations. Ancillary Tests inactive diffuse, segmental or global endo- or extracapillary glomerulonephiritis involving 250% of all glomeruli, typically with diffuse subendothelial immune deposits, with or without mesangial alterations. Segmental is defined as a glomerular lesion that involves less than half of the glomerular tuft. This class includes cases with diffuse wirloop deposits but with a little or no glomerular proliferation. Indicate and grade (mild 25%, moderate 25 to 50%, severe >50%) tubular atrophy, interstitial inflammation and fibrosis, severity of arteriosclerosis or other vascular lesions. Indicate the proportion of glomeruli with fibrinoid necrosis and/or cellular crescents. Activity and chronicity index Index of activity Score (0-24) Endocapillary hypercellularity Neutrophil infiltration Subendothelial hyaline deposits Fibrinoid necrosis / karyorrhexis Cellular crescents Interstitial inflammation Index of chronicity (0-3+) (0-3+) (0-3+) (0-3+) x 2 (0-3+) x 2 (0-3+) (0-12) Glomerular sclerosis Fibrous crescents Ilflnflarauophy Interstitial fibrosis (0-3+) (0-3+) (0-3+) (0-3+) mebooksfree. Nuclei are overlapping, evenly distributed, slightly coarse chromatin and small nucleoli. Gross 0 Lobulated masses with diameter between 6-8 cm with delicate membranous capsules 0 Soft, fleshy, grey, partially hemorrhagic tumor it:~ 5"": if. Neuroblastoma (schwannian stroma-poor): Groups / nests of neuroblastic cells separated by delicate, often incomplete stromal septa without or with limited schwannian proliferation (comprising <50% of the tumor). Ganglionearoblastoma, nodular: Maturing or mature ganglion cells with at least one well circumscribed nodule of neuroblasts. Ganglionearoblastoma, intermixed (schwannian stroma-rich) at least >1 foci neuroblasts 0 Mitoses and karyorrhexis index 0 Low/intermediate/high risk based on biologic and clinical risk factors. Differential Diagnosis For neuroblastoma: intermixed with ganglion cells, intermixed or randomly distributed pattern of microscopic neuroblastic nests. Ganglionearoma (schwannian stroma-dominant): Individually a few scattred neuroblastic cells in schwannian stroma with ganglion cells (maturing and mature subtype). Neuroblastoma and neuroblastic component of nodular-type ganglioneuroblastomas are classified into 3 subtypes: 1. Undifferentiated: Neuropil absent; no tumor cell differentiation; diagnosis relies on ancillary techniques. Poorly differentiated: Neuropil evident in the background; <5% of tumor cells show features of differentiating neuroblasts with synchronous differentiation of nucleus and cytoplasm. Differentiating: >5% tumor cells show evidence of the differentiation and neuropil is usually abundant. Histopathology 0 Circumscribed with pseudocapsule 0 Composed of papillae with delicate fibrovascular core neutrophils / foamy macrophages and cholesterol crystals. Type 1: Papillae lined by a single layer of cuboidal cells with scant pale cytoplasm. Type 2: Taller, nuclear pseudostratification, high nuclear grade with cells having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Microscopy Genetics 0 Trisomy and tetrasomy of Ch 7, trisomy of Ch 17, loss of Y Ch. Differential Diagnosis 0 Tumor cells in solid sheet-lil<e pattern, separated by incomplete hyalinized vascular septa. Case History: A 70-year-old male with history of polycythemia vera and mass in lumbar strong and reticular. Gross 0 Large, often 7 cm in diameter, geographic necrosis 0 Oncocytoma 0 Eosinophilic papillary or clear cell carcinomas. Usually benign but may be complicated by hemorrhage, invasion of contiguous organs or non-contiguous involvement of other organs. Gross Cysts of varying sizes lined by cuboidal epithelial cells surrounded by immature tubules or ducts, islands of immature- appearing cartilage. Microscopy Triphasic with myoid spindle cells, islands of mature adipose tissue and dysmorphic thick-walled blood vessels without elastic lamina.
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