







































Paul S. Pagel, MD, PhD

  • Professor of Anesthesiology
  • Director of Cardiac Anesthesia
  • Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

An unbiased proteomics screen of the closely related N-type calcium channel medications ok during pregnancy order synthroid on line amex, CaV2 spa hair treatment order generic synthroid. The lower panel summarizes critical interacting proteins along with approximateCaV1 medicine x ed order synthroid 125 mcg with amex. Deactivation relates a rapid symptoms sleep apnea purchase synthroid 200mcg mastercard, reversible transition between an ion-conducting channel conformation and a nonconducting conformation symptoms appendicitis order synthroid online now. Inactivation is a longer-lasting medicine nausea buy synthroid online, nonconducting conformation that may be influenced by the position of the voltage sensors. As with the closely related NaV channel family, CaV channels contain four S4 segments that presumably displace toward the extracellular space upon depolarization. This S4 displacement then drives allosteric rearrangements, resulting in an increase of channel conductance. Collectively, the depolarization-dependent increase of channel conductance is referred to as activation gating. Thus, when the transmembrane potential (Vm) is negative, the S4-positive charges are electrostatically drawn toward the cytosol. Conversely, depolarization results in relative motion of S4 charges toward the extracellular space. If no ionic flux occurs and a depolarization is applied, S4 segments will move, generating what is commonly called a gating current. Gating current yields information of the number of active channels, and the movement of the S4 segments, but gives incomplete information for activation gating. To reiterate, activation gating begins with voltage sensing (measured as gating current). Gating current normalized to ionic current in a given cell is a measure of coupling between voltage sensing and allosteric rearrangements, resulting in channel opening. There is no complete molecular structure data available for voltage-gated Ca channels; however, voltage-gated Na channels have recently been crystallized in two potentially inactivated states. There are obvious critically important distinctions in structure-function detail between CaV1. By contrast to T-type Ca2+ channels, and closely related NaV channels, CaV channels require various subunits to generate basal function. Perhaps the single most critical class of subunits are the CaV- mainly CaV2 in the myocardium. Thus, crystallography data support the revised model that CaV binding transmits changes to inactivation gating of CaV1. Timothy syndrome is a monogenic, autosomal, dominant disease likely caused by a missense mutation in CaV1. Patients with Timothy syndrome have a broad spectrum of disorders, including cardiac arrhythmias, and the myocardial phenotypic changes are captured in induced pluripotent 10 Cav1. To measure steady-state activation gating, cells are voltage-clamped at a relatively negative potential often approximating the diastolic potential of cardiomyocytes. Depolarizing pulses are then typically used to determine the activation range for macroscopic current, that is, whole-cell ionic current. Resulting current-voltage curves can then be transformed, considering the driving force as the difference between channel reversal potential and applied potential, to yield a steady-state conductancevoltage curve. The steady-state activation-voltage range will vary with species of permeant cation, for example, Ca2+ versus Ba2+, permeant cation concentration, phosphorylation status of the channel complex, and perhaps even dynamic protein-protein interactions with the heteromultimeric channel complex. The calcium-dependent component of inactivation is dominant during a step depolarization (discussed in the next subsection). Inactivation can also be measured by evaluating channel conformation at steady state. Several manipulations have been performed, and each presents confounding factors for data interpretation. Some concern that Ba2+ weakly interacts with CaM motivated the use of monovalent cation flux to measure channel availability. Monovalent flux measured by removal and chelation of divalent cations yields nonselective current with inactivation that is independent of current flux amplitude. Calmodulin bound to the proximal carboxyl-terminus of the calcium channel30,66 senses calcium ion fluxed through the channel56,67 and Ca2+ ion in the cytosol. L-type Ca2+ channels are organized in the junctional membrane in close opposition to ryanodine receptors. Colocalized ryanodine receptors are present with a four- to tenfold excess to the number of L-type Ca2+ channels. Forthebasal state, the midpoint of activation is 0, and a -10mV shift simulates -adrenergic stimulation. All else being equal, the shift of the steady-state activation curve increases channel conductance at 0mV from 50% to more than 90% (vertical arrow). Some uncertainty to this model includes the paucity of data showing distal carboxyl-terminus autoinhibition of Ca2+ current in cardiomyocytes and incomplete understanding of the mechanisms of gating modification of L-type Ca2+ channels by the proteolytically separated distal carboxyl-terminus domain. A requirement for Ca2+ and calpain activity for carboxyl terminal cleavage in cardiomyocytes is inferred from studies on the skeletal muscle homolog (CaV1. Nevertheless, the majority of studies showing Western blots probed with anti-CaV1. Moreover, Rem knockout sheds light on the contribution of Rem to L-type Ca2+-channel activation gating. These findings are consistent with a mechanism that includes Rem interference with CaM modulation. Calcineurin links cytosolic Ca2+ to transcription signaling responsible for cardiac hypertrophy. Yang X, Chen G, Papp R, et al: Oestrogen upregulates L-type Ca(2)(+) channels via oestrogenreceptor by a regional genomic mechanism in female rabbit hearts. Hagiwara N, Irisawa H, Kameyama M: Contribution of two types of calcium currents to the pacemaker potentials of rabbit sino-atrial node cells. Gomez-Ospina N, Tsuruta F, Barreto-Chang O, et al: the C terminus of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel ca(v)1. Schroder E, Byse M, Satin J: L-type calcium channel C terminus autoregulates transcription. Leroy J, Richter W, Mika D, et al: Phosphodiesterase 4B in the cardiac L-type Ca(2)(+) channel complex regulates Ca(2)(+) current and protects against ventricular arrhythmias in mice. Lu L, Zhang Q, Timofeyev V, et al: Molecular coupling of a Ca2+-activated K+ channel to L-type Ca2+ channels via -actinin2. Almagor L, Chomsky-Hecht O, Ben-Mocha A, et al: the role of a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel intracellular linker: A structure-function analysis. Mitarai S, Kaibara M, Yano K, et al: Two distinct inactivation processes related to phosphorylation in cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel currents. Findlay I: Beta-adrenergic and muscarinic agonists modulate inactivation of L-type Ca2+ channel currents in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes. Findlay I: beta-Adrenergic stimulation modulates Ca2+- and voltage-dependent inactivation of L-type Ca2+ channel currents in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes. Ferreira G, Yi J, Rios E, et al: Ion-dependent inactivation of barium current through L-type calcium channels. Acsai K, Antoons G, Livshitz L, et al: Microdomain [Ca(2)(+)] near ryanodine receptors as reported by L-type Ca(2)(+) and Na+/Ca(2)(+) exchange currents. Brandmayr J, Poomvanicha M, Domes K, et al: Deletion of the C-terminal phosphorylation sites in the cardiac beta subunit does not affect the basic beta-adrenergic response of the heart and the Cav1. Beguin P, Nagashima K, Gonoi T, et al: Regulation of Ca2+ channel expression at the cell surface by the small G-protein kir/Gem. Wang G, Zhu X, Xie W, et al: Rad as a novel regulator of excitation-contraction coupling and beta-adrenergic signaling in heart. Autonomic nervous system control of heart rate and cardiac contractility, through sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, is a fundamental property of the cardiovascular system. Defective regulation of cardiac electrical activity in the face of sympathetic nervous system activity can lead to arrhythmias. This balance of modulated currents is thought of as a necessary mechanism to regulate calcium homeostasis in the face of sympathetic activity. Electrostatic interactions between side chains in the "e" and "g" sites from neighboring helices are believed to help specify binding partners. These regulatory enzymes work in concert to regulate the phosphorylation state and biophysical function of the channel. Cardiac electrophysiologic effects of beta adrenergic receptro stimulation and blockade. Virag L, Iost N, Opincariu M, et al: the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current in undiseased human ventricular myocytes. Charpentier F, Merot J, Loussouarn G, et al: Delayed rectifier K(+) currents and cardiac repolarization. Vidarsson H, Hyllner J, Sartipy P: Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes for in vitro and in vivo applications. Yoshida Y, Yamanaka S: Recent stem cell advances: Induced pluripotent stem cells for disease modeling and stem cell-based regeneration. Iost N, Virag L, Opincariu M, et al: Delayed rectifier potassium current in undiseased human ventricular myocytes. The eag (ether-a-go-go) locus of a mutant strain of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) was associated with repetitive firing of motor neurons, an ether-induced leg-shaking phenotype, and altered K+ currents. A low stringency screen and degenerate polymerase chain reaction was later used to identify additional channel genes, including erg (eag-related gene) and elk (eag-like). A rapid rate of recovery from inactivation combined with a slow rate of deactivation (channel closure elicited by membrane repolarization) facilitates rapid repolarization during phase 3 of the action potential. Delayed ventricular repolarization increases the incidence of Torsades de pointes arrhythmia that can lead to syncope and sudden death. Currents are usually activated by pulsing to test potentials from a negative holding potential. Channels were activated at potentials greater than -60 mV, and the resulting whole-cell currents activated slowly throughout the two-second test pulses in response to test potentials from -50 to -10 mV. These currents are typically analyzed by plotting the peak outward current as a function of test potential. The decrease in current magnitude associated with more depolarized test potentials is caused by progressive channel inactivation. The relationship is fitted with a Boltzmann function to determine the half-point (V0. This paradox can be explained by the kinetics of channel inactivation versus deactivation. Immediately after the cell is repolarized to -70 mV, channels first rapidly recover from inactivation. The time constant for recovery from inactivation at -70 mV is approximately 10 ms (at room temperature), approximately 30 to 100 times faster than deactivation at this potential. Most importantly, because channels are far less inactivated at -70 mV compared with more depolarized test potentials, tail currents are actually larger than test currents despite the considerably smaller electrical driving force. The two-step protocol includes a prepulse to +40 mV, followed by a test pulse applied to a variable potential. The second (test) pulse is applied to a voltage that is varied between -140 and +30 mV. The peak initial current measured for test pulse is divided by the product of the maximum slope conductance and the driving force for K+ (test potential - reversal potential), is normalized to a maximum value of 1, and is plotted as a function of test voltage, Vt. Finally, a third pulse is applied to a fixed positive potential to measure the relative proportion of channels that were in the open state at the end of the second pulse. Here, the interpulse voltage is kept constant and the voltage of the final pulse is varied and used to observe the onset of current inactivation. Using this method, the time constants for inactivation vary between 16 ms at -20 mV and 2 ms at +50 mV. The delay reflects the time required for the channel to recover from inactivation and is shorter at more negative potentials. Once opened, channels briefly close and reopen repetitively until they finally enter a stable closed state. Analysis of these brief open and closed times indicates that single channels have at least two open and two closed states. At -90 mV, the mean open times are approximately 3 and 12 ms, and the mean closed times are approximately 0. As opposed to ionic currents, which result from movement of ions through the channel pore from one side of the membrane to the other, gating currents represent the intramembrane displacement of charged residues in the voltage sensors of the channel protein. The fast-gating component likely represents rapid transitions between channel states during the early steps of the activation pathway. The majority of the gating current represents intramembrane displacement of the highly-charged S4 domain. In simple terms, this means that voltage sensor movement occurs at more negative potentials than that required for channel opening or closing. Generally, this modeling leads to a system of ordinary first-order differential equations, such as: dP (t) = P (t) Q dt with the probability of states, P, and the matrix of transition rates, Q. Each matrix element Qij specifies the transition rate from the i-th to the j-th state. The major task of model development is the definition of these states and parameterization of transition rates. Transitions are commonly described with voltage-dependent or constant rate coefficients. Elicited current traces were described with parameters from fitting to exponential functions. Measured current traces were compared with current traces simulated with Markov models of different topologies, that is, sets of states and transitions. On the basis of this comparison, appropriate model topologies were identified and transitions rates were defined.

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This cholesterolsensitive current medicine jewelry buy synthroid mastercard, inhibited by low concentration of 4aminopyridine (a blocker of Kv channels) medicine 6 year purchase 75 mcg synthroid overnight delivery, activates concomitantly with the progressive increase in the activity of single Kv1 medications ending in zole buy synthroid overnight. This suggestion is supported by the finding that cholesterol depletion causes the accumulation of active channels in the plasma membrane symptoms 8 days after ovulation discount synthroid 25 mcg with mastercard. These newly recruited channels might arise from endogenous pools of channels localized beneath the plasma membrane treatment chronic bronchitis synthroid 100mcg low cost. For example medicine of the wolf order synthroid with paypal, Rab11 regulates the recycling endosome and has been shown to be involved in the effect of cholesterol on Kv1. Caveolae is an important route of endocytosis for many proteins in the myocardium. As already described, cholesterol content regulates the shape and size of lipid rafts; for example, the depletion of cholesterol causes the flattening of caveolae. More recently, cholesterol has been reported to play a role in internalization through the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathways. LipidRaftsandtheClustering ofPotassiumChannels Cholesterol and sphingolipid, two structural lipids of the plasma membrane, pack together to form cholesterol-enriched domains referred as lipid rafts. A subset of lipid rafts that form small invaginations of the plasma membrane are named caveolae and contain the scaffolding protein caveolin. However, there is controversy between studies conducted in heterologous expression systems versus native myocytes on the localization of potassium channels in lipid rafts and notably caveolae. This channel is present predominantly at the level of the intercalated discs where caveolin-3 is expressed poorly. This complex regulation over time (turnover) and space (tethering) suggests an important plasticity for these protein complexes, which could be a major determinant of physiologic adaptation of cardiac excitability and of pathogenesis of electrical disorders. It is possible that potassium channels are recruited or recycled in response to various physiologic stimuli or during pathologic conditions, as in other excitable tissues. Antiarrhythmic agents such as quinidine can also accelerate the internalization of Kv1. Progress also will come from the development of new tools to study protein processing, assembly, and interactions in native myocytes. Shi G, Nakahira K, Hammond S, et al: Beta subunits promote K+ channel surface expression through effects early in biosynthesis. Tessier S, Godreau D, Vranckx R, et al: Cumulative inactivation of the outward potassium current: a likely mechanism underlying electrical memory in human atrial myocytes. Dobrev D, Carlsson L, Nattel S: Novel molecular targets for atrial fibrillation therapy. Ravens U, Wettwer E: Ultra-rapid delayed rectifier channels: molecular basis and therapeutic implications. Tessier S, Rucker-Martin C, Mace L, et al: the antiarrhythmic agent bertosamil induces inactivation of the sustained outward K+ current in human atrial myocytes. Takumi T, Ohkubo H, Nakanishi S: Cloning of a membrane protein that induces a slow voltagegated potassium current. Kim E, Niethammer M, Rothschild A, et al: Clustering of Shaker-type K+ channels by interaction with a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinases. Balse E, Steele D, Abriel H, et al: Dynamic of ion channel expression at the plasma membrane of cardiomyocytes. Leonoudakis D, Mailliard W, Wingerd K, et al: Inward rectifier potassium channel Kir2. Schmidt D, MacKinnon R: Voltage-dependent K+ channel gating and voltage sensor toxin sensitivity depend on the mechanical state of the lipid membrane. Balse E, El-Haou S, Dillanian G, et al: Cholesterol modulates the recruitment of Kv1. Hardel N, Harmel N, Zolles G, et al: Recycling endosomes supply cardiac pacemaker channels for regulated surface expression. Subtil A, Gaidarov I, Kobylarz K, et al: Acute cholesterol depletion inhibits clathrin-coated pit budding. Delmar M: Connexin43 regulates sodium current; ankyrin-G modulates gap junctions: the intercalated disc exchanger. Schwarzer S, Nobles M, Tinker A: Do caveolae have a role in the fidelity and dynamics of receptor activation of G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels However, the pathophysiologic consequences of a molecular interplay between the individual channels at the center of such diseases have not been investigated. It comprises a model independent, reciprocal modulation of expression of their respective channel proteins (Nav1. It will be shown that sodium and potassium channel interactions depend on more than membrane voltage alone. Altogether, the evidence that will be discussed suggests that cardiac cells undergo model-independent co-regulation involving posttranslational mechanisms of Kir2. Moreover, the evidence suggests that similar interactions might apply to other sarcolemmal ion channels as well, which could themselves have unique effects on myocardial function. This inward current causes "all-ornone" membrane depolarization at a rapid rate (~500 V/s in the Purkinje fibers) in a process that moves the membrane potential to positive values. The rapid voltage-dependent activation of the sodium channel is immediately followed by an inactivation process that is also initiated by the initial depolarization. These properties are important for the rapid (1 m/s) conduction of the electrical impulse in the myocardium. As suggested by Abriel,7 one possible explanation to account for the disparate results of the two studies may be that the sodium channels are binding in a macromolecular complex. Based on this premise, and the assumption that there are a limited number of docking sites or complexes to which the sodium channel binds in the adult heart, then this complex. Recently, the authors took advantage of the availability of the heterozygous Kir2. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a change in the functional expression of Nav1. Such interactions can be mediated through common partners in a macromolecular protein complex. This interaction could have a role in determining the channel density at the plasma membrane. Concerted ankyrin-G interaction with potassium (Kv7) and Nav channels has also been demonstrated in neurons,48 but Kir2. Syntrophin was detected in ventricular membrane fractions following immunoprecipitation with antibodies raised to Kir2. It also provides assurance that the observed reciprocal regulation in rat myocytes was not a virally mediated artifact of overexpression. Furthermore, the results suggest that regardless of whether these reciprocal changes lead to downregulation or upregulation of channel proteins, they appear to involve posttranscriptional or posttranslational mechanisms. Recently, it was suggested that these channel proteins share a common trafficking pathway where the synergistic effects act to modulate the surface levels of Kir2. The balance between anterograde and retrograde trafficking pathways determines steady-state cell surface expression of channel proteins. In contrast, once at the plasma membrane, endocytosis is the initial step in retrograde movement, after which internalized proteins can follow multiple routes to different intracellular fates. Alternatively, trafficking through recycling endosomes allows proteins to return to the plasma membrane and thereby protects them from degradation. Dynamic reciprocity of sodium and potassium channel expression in a macromolecular complex controls cardiac excitability and arrhythmia. The corresponding Amido black nitrocellulose (protein stain) is shown on the bottom to demonstrate analysis of equal total protein. In summary, the results discussed in this chapter provided the first evidence that two major ion channel proteins that control cardiac electrical function, NaV1. Most likely, their interactions provide a means for their reciprocal regulation, with vital functional consequences for myocardial excitation, conduction velocity, and arrhythmogenesis. Most exciting, the demonstrated intermolecular interaction between these two essential channels controlling cardiac excitability opens a new pathway in the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying sudden cardiac death in highly prevalent heart diseases, including heart failure, and with inherited cardiac arrhythmias in which defects in the functional expression of Kir2. McLerie M, Lopatin A: Dominant-negative suppression of ik1 in the mouse heart leads to altered cardiac excitability. Kim E, Niethammer M, Rothschild A, et al: Clustering of shaker-type k+ channels by interaction with a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinases. Sato T, Irie S, Kitada S, et al: Fap-1: A protein tyrosine phosphatase that associates with fas. Bladt F, Tafuri A, Gelkop S, et al: Epidermolysis bullosa and embryonic lethality in mice lacking the multi-pdz domain protein grip1. Caruana G, Bernstein A: Craniofacial dysmorphogenesis including cleft palate in mice with an insertional mutation in the discs large gene. Boeda B, El-Amraoui A, Bahloul A, et al: Myosin viia, harmonin and cadherin 23, three usher i gene products that cooperate to shape the sensory hair cell bundle. Verpy E, Leibovici M, Zwaenepoel I, et al: A defect in harmonin, a pdz domain-containing protein expressed in the inner ear sensory hair cells, underlies usher syndrome type 1c. Leonoudakis D, Mailliard W, Wingerd K, et al: Inward rectifier potassium channel kir2. Pan Z, Kao T, Horvath Z, et al: A common ankyrin-g-based mechanism retains kcnq and nav channels at electrically active domains of the axon. Piao L, Li J, McLerie M, et al: Transgenic upregulation of ik1 in the mouse heart is proarrhythmic. Jordens I, Marsman M, Kuijl C, et al: Rab proteins, connecting transport and vesicle fusion. Godreau D, Vranckx R, Maguy A, et al: Expression, regulation and role of the maguk protein sap-97 in human atrial myocardium. Ueda K, Valdivia C, Medeiros-Domingo A, et al: Syntrophin mutation associated with long qt syndrome through activation of the nnos-scn5a macromolecular complex. To achieve this function, complex molecular networks work in concert, with exquisite temporal precision. The accurate timing of the molecular events demands a comparable precision on the location of each molecule within the cell. Indeed, molecular networks organize within wellconfined microdomains, where physical proximity allows for prompt and efficient interaction. In turn, loss of molecular organization in the nanoscale can be a core component in the pathophysiology of disease. This chapter focuses on the intercalated disc, a region of specialization formed at the end-end site of contact between cardiac myocytes. When first observed through light microscopy (in 1866), the intercalated disc was considered "a cementing material" at cardiac cell boundaries. However, the scientific community at the time was divided on whether cardiac cells were separate from each other or fused into a single syncytium. The latter hypothesis was in fact favored by most during the early twentieth century. The studies of Sjostrand and Andersson1 and others showed that the intercalated disc consisted of a double membrane, flanked by the termination of myofibrils in dense material. Their observations led Muir2 to conclude that "the discs represent the junctions between neighboring cardiac muscle cells. The availability of immunofluorescence microscopy allowed the demonstration that other molecular complexes, not detectable by electron microscopy, are also present in the intercalated disc. Of particular relevance to this chapter is the fact that channel protein complexes involved in both depolarization and repolarization localize preferentially to the intercalated disc. In turn, molecule accessories to ion channels are also relevant for cell adhesion and gap junction function. It is, rather, the home of a protein interacting network (an interactome) where molecules multitask to achieve jointly, intimately related functions: the entry and exit of charge into the cell, the transfer of charge between cells, and the anchoring of cells to each other, which provides a mechanically stable environment critical to ion channel function. The following sections contain an update of current knowledge on the composition of selected molecular complexes of the intercalated disc, their interactions, and the possible mechanisms by which dysfunction of intercalated disc molecules may lead to arrhythmia disease. This discussion converges with other investigators to challenge the notions that: (1) connexins are only involved in the formation of gap junctions, (2) sodium channels are only important for single cell excitability, (3) desmosomal molecules are only relevant to cell adhesion, and (4) it is only through modifications of those functions that these proteins participate in the genesis of lethal cardiac arrhythmias, or are potentially valuable as targets for antiarrhythmic therapy. Intercalated Disc Proteins in Inherited and Acquired Diseases the function of intercalated disc components is relevant not only to normal physiology, but also to the understanding of disease. It is not the purpose of this chapter to review clinical aspects of arrhythmias, but it seems worth mentioning at the outset selected examples where novel findings regarding intercalated disc biology can provide insight into arrhythmia mechanisms. Additional reviews on the characteristics of these structures can be found elsewhere. AdherensJunctions Adherens junctions are specialized structures essential for the mechanical coupling between neighboring cells. The three morphologically different forms of adherens junctions are puncta adherentia, zonula adherens, and fascia adherens, with the last name corresponding to the morphology found in the cardiac intercalated disc. The association between cadherin and the cytoskeleton involves at least two molecular "hinges"; cadherin binds to -catenin and plakoglobin, and both molecules in turn bind to -catenin (among others), the latter being in direct contact with actin. This is only a simplified description, because other interactions are likely to occur. BandC,Proximity (and contact in C, yellow arrow) between mitochondria, gap junctions, and desmosomes. Whereas adherens junctions link the actin cytoskeleton of adjacent cells, desmosomes provide continuity to the intermediate filament network (mainly desmin, in the case of heart). The interaction between desmoplakin and the desmosomal cadherin can be in some cases direct, but it mostly occurs through their association with plakophilin and plakoglobin. Overall, structural and biochemical evidence combined show that desmoplakin binds to plakophilin through their N-terminal domains,28,32 whereas desmoplakin binds to the intermediate filament by way of its C-terminal domain,28,31 yielding a highly organized structure. Different studies have shown that plakoglobin interacts and competes with -catenin at multiple levels, acting as an antagonist of the Wnt/-catenin signaling. This structure, which was similar to the one previously identified in the giant axon of the crayfish, was named the "longitudinal connexion" by these investigators.

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Alternatively symptoms 0f high blood pressure order generic synthroid pills, only very shallow bites of endocardium are taken along the anterior rim of the coronary sinus treatment 1st degree av block purchase synthroid 25mcg with amex. When the patch is satisfactorily sewn in place medications metabolized by cyp2d6 buy synthroid mastercard, the atriotomy is closed with a continuous 6-0 Prolene suture treatment 6th feb cardiff order 200mcg synthroid. The heart is filled with saline medications 44334 white oblong purchase synthroid 125 mcg without a prescription, the venous cannula is replaced medications used for adhd generic synthroid 50 mcg with mastercard, cardiopulmonary bypass is recommenced, and the patient is warmed. The aortic cross-clamp is removed, and the cardioplegic site is allowed to bleed freely. Infracardiac Type this type is usually associated with obstruction and represents a true surgical emergency. During the cooling phase of cardiopulmonary bypass, the heart is elevated upward and to the right to expose the anomalous descending vertical vein. A 5-0 Prolene suture is placed at the apex of the left ventricle to simplify retraction of the heart. The posterior pericardium is opened, and a vertical incision is made in the anomalous vein to decompress the pulmonary veins. A marking suture is placed on the tip of the left atrial appendage and reflected leftward to maintain its orientation. After emptying the circulating volume into the pump, the venous cannula is removed. The heart is again lifted out of the pericardial well, and the previous incision on the anomalous vertical vein is extended longitudinally along the length of the pulmonary confluence. A matching incision is made on the posterior left atrial wall and is extended onto the left atrial appendage. The suture previously placed on the left atrial appendage helps to expose and position the left atrium for anastomosis. It is of paramount importance for the atriotomy to fall directly on the common pulmonary vein opening when the heart is allowed to resume its normal position. The superior (rightward) aspect of the anastomosis is performed first with a continuous 7-0 Prolene suture. A small right atriotomy is now performed to close the atrial septal defect, usually a patent foramen ovale. If primary suture closure appears to compromise left atrial size, an autologous pericardial patch should be used (see Chapter 19). Enlargement of the Common Pulmonary Vein Opening the vertical incision on the common pulmonary vein channel may be extended slightly onto the left upper pulmonary vein to allow for a larger anastomosis. However, some surgeons advocate a "no touch" technique, staying well away from individual pulmonary venous ostia to reduce the incidence of postoperative pulmonary vein stenosis. Therefore, it may be preferable to enlarge the anastomosis using the divided vertical vein (see subsequent text). Vertical Vein Draining below Diaphragm It is often useful to ligate and divide the vertical vein and use this tissue to create a wider anastomosis. After dividing the vertical vein at the diaphragm, it is opened longitudinally as described in the preceding text. This creates a hood-type opening of the pulmonary venous confluence, which is then anastomosed to a similar-sized opening on the posterior left atrium and left atrial appendage. Suture reinforcement in this area is most difficult and may disrupt or distort the anastomosis. Supracardiac Type: Superior Approach Another technique for dealing with the supracardiac type is the superior approach. A marking suture is placed on the left atrial appendage and reflected leftward to maintain orientation. The posterior pericardium just superior to the dome of the left atrium is incised, and the pulmonary venous confluence is identified. A longitudinal incision is made along the entire length of the confluence and extended into a pulmonary vein orifice, if necessary, to create a patulous opening. A matching incision is made on the posterior aspect of the top of the left atrium, placing gentle traction leftward on the left atrial appendage. The suture line is started at the leftward extent and carried along the superior edge of the atriotomy and the inferior edge of the venous confluence. Closure of the Atrial Septal Defect A patent foramen ovale or a small atrial septal defect, which is invariably present, must be closed in the usual manner through a right atrial incision. Ligation of the Ascending Vertical Vein the ascending vertical vein is encircled with a heavy tie during cooling. After rewarming, this vein may be kept open as cardiopulmonary bypass is discontinued. After stable hemodynamics are achieved, the vein is ligated as far away from the venous confluence as possible. The pathology involves a fibrous intimal hyperplasia with some medial hypertrophy. It may be limited to an anastomotic stenosis between the pulmonary venous confluence and the left atrium, or it may involve the ostia of one or more of the pulmonary veins themselves. Magnetic resonance imaging can be especially useful in visualizing patent pulmonary veins with atretic ostia. Conventional Technique An isolated anastomotic stenosis is approached through a right atriotomy and vertical incision on the atrial septum. The narrowed anastomosis is enlarged by removing as much of the tissue as possible between the posterior left atrium and the pulmonary veins. If good adherence between these two structures is present, no suturing may be required. However, if there is any question about the integrity of the adhesions, the endocardium of the left atrial wall and pulmonary venous confluence should be reapproximated with a running 60 or 7-0 Prolene suture. If ostial stenosis of one or more pulmonary veins is present, it has been traditionally repaired by endarterectomy excision of the scar tissue or by incising and patching the pulmonary vein using pericardium, Gore-Tex, or atrial tissue. The results of these procedures have been disappointing with high rates of restenosis. Sutureless Technique the operation requires that the adhesions between the left atrium and pericardium be left intact. The superior vena cava is cannulated as high as possible and standard aortic and inferior vena caval cannulation is performed. Following aortic crossclamping and cardioplegia delivery, a left atrial incision is made just posterior to the interatrial groove. For right pulmonary venous involvement, as much scar tissue as possible is completely excised from the left atrium and by transecting the pulmonary veins beyond the narrowed area. Alternatively, incisions are made across the stenotic areas up to the pericardial reflection. A posteriorly based flap of pericardium is mobilized and sewn to itself and the P. This creates a neo-left atrial pouch, allowing unobstructed drainage of the open right pulmonary veins into the left atrium. Resection of scar tissue between the left atrium and pulmonary venous confluence results in an unobstructed communication. When left pulmonary veins are involved, the repair can be performed from within the left atrial cavity. Through the resultant opening, the pulmonary vein(s) is dissected out to the left pericardium and divided beyond the stenosed segment. If there are adequate pericardial adhesions, no suturing is required and the left pulmonary vein(s) drains into the left atrium through the closed posterior pericardial cavity. When pericardial adhesions are insufficient, the pericardium must be sutured to the left atrial wall away from the pulmonary venous ostium. This can be performed from inside the left atrium or from the outside by elevating the apex of the heart toward the right side. Alternatively, the left pulmonary veins can be dealt with from the outside by elevating the apex of the heart and opening the left atrium and stenotic pulmonary veins as described for right pulmonary vein stenosis. A pericardial flap is mobilized and sewn to itself and the left atrial wall as described in the preceding text. Identifying Pulmonary Venous Ostia the orifices of the stenotic pulmonary veins may be reduced to pinholes and can be difficult to identify. Phrenic Nerve Injury the suture lines for both the right-sided repair and the outside approach for left pulmonary vein repair come close to the phrenic nerves. Often in a reoperation, the course of the phrenic nerve cannot be appreciated from within the pericardial space. Therefore, it is best to open the pleural space(s) to check the location of the nerve before placing the sutures in the pericardium. Superficial bites over the nerve may be taken, or in some cases, the nerve with its pedicle can be mobilized away from the pericardium. Sutureless Technique as Primary Procedure Many have advocated for sutureless repair as a primary approach toward total anomalous pulmonary venous return, in particular for patients with heterotaxy syndrome, mixed total anomalous pulmonary venous return, and those with unusual orientation of the common confluence. Here, the development of a pericardial well around the confluence and veins affords an adjustment for orientation abnormalities. The plane between the pericardium and the pulmonary veins must be developed carefully, as this provides exposure to the veins as well as limits the borders ("well") of the "neo-atrium". Bleeding Suture line bleeding can be difficult to identify with the sutureless technique, in part because lifting the heart P. In addition, inadvertent entry into the left pleural space, even if deemed trivial, can be the source of considerable hemorrhage and difficult to control. A: Through a standard left atriotomy, the stenotic ostia are identified and the scar tissue either totally excised (dashed lines) or incisions made across the narrowed areas (dotted lines). The upper chamber may or may not communicate with the right atrium through an atrial septal defect or foramen ovale. Surgical Technique Complete correction is usually performed on continuous cardiopulmonary bypass using bicaval cannulation. The transatrial incision is extended across the right atrium and then across the atrial septum to the fossa ovalis (see Transatrial Oblique Approach section in Chapter 6). Retractors are placed beneath the edge of the atrial septum to inspect the left atrium. The membrane is resected, taking care not to extend the incision outside the heart. Particular care must be made not to enter the left pleural space when opening the veins. A: If the orifice of the appendage is easily visualized, the diaphragm may represent a supravalvar mitral ring. B: Removing the diaphragm to demonstrate the orifice of the appendage (the diaphragm separates the appendage from the veins) suggests this is cor triatriatum. C: Pulmonary veins, appendage, and mitral valve should all be visible at the end of the procedure. The incision on the atrial septum can then be closed primarily or more often with a patch of autologous pericardium prepared with glutaraldehyde using a running 5-0 or 6-0 Prolene suture. The incisions on the right superior pulmonary vein and right atrium are then closed with a running 5-0 or 6-0 Prolene suture. The patient is rewarmed, the aortic cross-clamp is removed, and deairing is carried out in the usual manner. Anderson divides ventricular septal defects into perimembranous, subarterial-infundibular, and muscular types. The perimembranous variety of ventricular septal defects encompasses subgroups of defects that occur near the membranous segment of the interventricular septum and includes those septal defects commonly seen in tetralogy of Fallot and atrioventricular septal defects. Because the path of the conduction tissue is intimately related to the inferior rim of these defects, an accurate knowledge of the surgical anatomy of this region is most helpful. The atrioventricular node is situated in its usual position at the apex of the triangle of Koch, whose boundaries consist of the septal attachment of the tricuspid valve, tendon of Todaro, and the coronary sinus as its base. The conduction tissue passes from the atrioventricular node as the bundle of His through the central fibrous body and the tricuspid annulus into the ventricular septum, following a course along the inferior rim of the defect toward the left ventricular side of the septum. Cannulation Cardiopulmonary bypass with moderate systemic hypothermia is used in most patients. In very small infants (<2 kg), deep hypothermic arrest using a single venous cannula through the right atrial appendage for cooling and warming may be preferred. In all others, the superior and inferior venae cavae are cannulated directly; tapes are then passed around both cavae. Myocardial Preservation Cardioplegic arrest of the myocardium is maintained by intermittent infusion of cold blood cardioplegia into the aortic root (see Chapter 3). The subarterial-infundibular type is best approached through pulmonary arteriotomy. The aorta is cross-clamped, and cardioplegic solution is administered into the aortic root. The edges of the incision are then retracted to provide a good exposure of the tricuspid valve and the triangle of Koch. Coexisting Patent Ductus Arteriosus If a patent ductus arteriosus is present, it should be occluded before the initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass to prevent pulmonary overcirculation and suboptimal systemic perfusion (see Chapter 14). Sinoatrial Node Injury the sinoatrial node is vulnerable to injury from the snare around the superior vena cava. Technique for Closure the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve is retracted with a 6-0 Prolene suture or small vein retractor to expose the defect and its margins for identification. The defect can be closed with a continuous suture technique using 5-0 Prolene, or multiple interrupted sutures of buttressed with Teflon felt pledgets, or a combination thereof. The needle is then passed through a patch of Gore-Tex slightly larger in size than the defect, again through the muscular rim, and then again through the patch, which is subsequently lowered into position. The suturing is continued in a counterclockwise direction along the superior rim, which overlies the aortic valve, until the central fibrous junction of the septum, aortic root, and tricuspid annulus is reached.

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In this trial, 4 of 10 patients treated with myoblasts experienced ventricular tachycardia. Subsequently, more than 100 phase 1 trials have been completed around the world using a wide variety of cell sources; they have failed to find major adverse effects, including arrhythmias. Different patient populations have been studied manifesting a range of heart diseases; however, the majority of effort has focused on ischemic heart disease, given the prevalence and burden of this disease. The current best understanding of the clinical risk of arrhythmias comes from the handful of phase 2 clinical trials shown in Table 57-1. Although both patient populations reflect pathology secondary to coronary artery disease, the state of the myocardium receiving the cells is rather different, and the delivery approaches required are distinct. Therefore, the effects of the cell therapy on arrhythmia risk could be quite different. Following a myocardial infarction, the myocardium undergoes dynamic remodeling in multiple phases consisting of an acute inflammatory stage, followed by gradual replacement fibrosis. In these trials, primary angioplasty for acute revascularization of the myocardium was performed, and the patients subsequently were randomized to undergo bone marrow harvest of cells with either bone marrow mononuclear cells or placebo delivered to the myocardium. Thus, the cells are delivered to the infarct bed, although depending on the extent of reperfusion, how broadly these cells are deposited and how they distribute in the infarct is not currently well described, nor is the retention and survival of these cells in the myocardium well understood. Questions have arisen regarding differences in efficacy that have focused on cell preparation procedures including the use of heparin, which has been proposed to blunt the beneficial effects. In addition, the timing of cell delivery after myocardial infarction has been suggested to be a critical variable. In all these trials, the incidence of arrhythmias has been relatively low, and no significant difference was observed between the placebo and cell-treated patients. A metaanalysis of these trials also failed to detect any difference in arrhythmias Clinical Experience With Cell Therapy for Ischemic Heart Disease and Arrhythmias Starting in 2001, clinical trials evaluating the effects of cell therapy for various forms of heart disease have been performed. The initial phase 1 trials have tested a wide range of primarily autologous cell products. Cell delivery methods have varied, including catheter-based intracoronary, intravenous, and Table 57-1. Lunde K, Solheim S, Aakhus S, et al: Intracoronary injection of mononuclear bone marrow cells in acute myocardial infarction. Schachinger v, Erbs S, Elsasser A, et al: Intracoronary bone marrow-derived progenitor cells in acute myocardial infarction. Janssens S, Theunissen K, Boogaerts M, et al: Bone marrow cell transfer in acute myocardial infarction. Roncalli J, Mouquet F, Piot C, et al: Intracoronary autologous mononucleated bone marrow cell infusion for acute myocardial infarction: Results of the randomized multicenter bonami trial. Menasche P, Alfieri O, Janssens S, et al: the myoblast autologous grafting in ischemic cardiomyopathy (magic) trial: First randomized placebo-controlled study of myoblast transplantation. Basic research and studies in animal models have suggested that the effect of cell therapies on the heart is complex and dependent on the details of cell delivery methodology, donor cell types, and underlying cardiac disease. Multiple mechanisms of benefit have been identified, including a range of paracrine effects, mechanical effects, and rarely generating new cardiomyocytes. The experimental studies have also identified multiple potentials ways in which cell therapy can be proarrhythmic or antiarrhythmic. Regardless, the appealing concept of repairing or regenerating myocardium with stem cells has led to the rapid translation from the research laboratory to clinical trials. Several different primarily autologous cell preparations have been delivered via the intracoronary or intramyocardial route in patients with coronary artery disease in phase 1 and 2 trials. The initial results from the trials have been variable and show either an improvement primarily in ejection fraction or no effect. The trials have not identified safety concerns, including a lack of proarrhythmia by the cell therapy. Phase 3 trials are underway; therefore, more definitive clinical data will be available in the next few years. The patient populations most amenable to this therapy are not known, nor is the optimal cell type for each disease known. It is likely that different cell preparations will show differences in utility depending on the underlying cardiac disease. Will genetically engineered cells be preferable for expressing proteins that help to couple, promote targeting to the area of need, or optimize paracrine signaling Tissue engineering applications currently under investigation could enable new delivery strategies using viable patches of tissue. Understanding the risk of arrhythmias with the ongoing cell therapy approaches will continue to be of utmost importance to ensure that these therapies are safe and effective. Arrhythmia risk can be dynamic, such as an increase in risk early following cell delivery and potentially a decrease later. In some cases, it is useful to at least transiently treat the patient with antiarrhythmic drugs to lower the risk of arrhythmias. More detailed monitoring for arrhythmias during the trials is needed to clarify risk and potentially to define one form of benefit-reduction in arrhythmias. Routine surveillance for arrhythmias is reasonable using Holter monitors or implantable event recorders. Consideration of the electrophysiologic effects of cell therapy to the diseased myocardium will continue to be essential to advance this revolutionary new form of treatment. Because patients with chronic ischemic heart disease do not have robust coronary perfusion to the area of diseased myocardium, targeted intramyocardial injections typically have been the delivery method of choice. Targeting the delivery of cells has focused on areas of viable but at-risk myocardium. Autologous skeletal myoblasts were injected epicardially around the echocardiographically determined area of akinesis, and there was no improvement in the primary outcome of ejection fraction. However, after 24 months there was no significant difference in the incidence of arrhythmias between the two groups, although there was a nonsignificant trend of more arrhythmias after surgery in the myoblast group. The two other phase 2 multicenter trials intervening on patients with chronic ischemic heart disease have focused on patients who have no possible revascularization options left, but have persistent symptoms of angina or heart failure. These trials have used electroanatomic mapping of the myocardium to determine areas of viable (electrical signal) but noncontracting (lack mechanical signal) referred to as hibernating myocardium, to which the cell delivery is targeted by catheter-based endocardial injection. Regarding arrhythmias in these no-options patients, there were no differences reported between cell-treated patients and placebo, and no sudden cardiac deaths were reported in either study. Thus, the efficacy of cellular therapy in this patient population remains unclear, but the interventions appear safe without any evidence for a proarrhythmic effect. Differences in cell types, delivery methods, and patient populations raise many questions requiring future study. Kajstura J, Gurusamy N, Ogorek B, et al: Myocyte turnover in the aging human heart. Marelli D, Desrosiers C, el Alfy M, et al: Cell transplantation for myocardial repair: An experimental approach. Kehat I, Kenyagin-Karsenti D, Snir M, et al: Human embryonic stem cells can differentiate into myocytes with structural and functional properties of cardiomyocytes. Takahashi K, Tanabe K, Ohnuki M, et al: Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors. Valiunas V, Doronin S, Valiuniene L, et al: Human mesenchymal stem cells make cardiac connexins and form functional gap junctions. Leobon B, Garcin I, Menasche P, et al: Myoblasts transplanted into rat infarcted myocardium are functionally isolated from their host. Roell W, Lewalter T, Sasse P, et al: Engraftment of connexin 43-expressing cells prevents post-infarct arrhythmia. Halbach M, Pfannkuche K, Pillekamp F, et al: Electrophysiological maturation and integration of murine fetal cardiomyocytes after transplantation. Scorsin M, Marotte F, Sabri A, et al: Can grafted cardiomyocytes colonize peri-infarct myocardial areas Orlic D, Kajstura J, Chimenti S, et al: Bone marrow cells regenerate infarcted myocardium. Mirotsou M, Zhang Z, Deb A, et al: Secreted frizzled related protein 2 (sfrp2) is the key akt-mesenchymal stem cell-released paracrine factor mediating myocardial survival and repair. Kubo H, Jaleel N, Kumarapeli A, et al: Increased cardiac myocyte progenitors in failing human hearts. Bu L, Jiang X, Martin-Puig S, et al: Human isl1 heart progenitors generate diverse multipotent cardiovascular cell lineages. Zhou B, Ma Q, Rajagopal S, et al: Epicardial progenitors contribute to the cardiomyocyte lineage in the developing heart. Diagnostic Evaluation Assessment of the Patient With a Cardiac Arrhythmia Mithilesh K. As always, the initial evaluation begins with a careful history and physical examination. Despite this drawback, the history often can provide direction and diagnostic clues as the first step in assessing the patient with, or suspected of having, a cardiac arrhythmia. Many patients are acutely aware of any cardiac irregularity, whereas others are oblivious even to long runs of a rapid ventricular tachycardia or atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate. Often the asymptomatic patients are those referred for evaluation of an arrhythmia noted incidentally during assessment for another reason, such as a preathletic physical examination in a child or adolescent, a preinsurance physical examination in an adult, or a routine preoperative assessment. Most frequently, they use terms such as a thumping or flip-flopping sensation in the chest; a fullness in the throat, neck, or chest; or a pause in the heart beat, "as if my heart stopped or skipped a beat. Presumably, the premature beat, particularly if it is a ventricular extrasystole, occurs too early to permit sufficient ventricular filling to cause a sensation when the ventricle contracts. The ventricular systole that ends the compensatory pause may be responsible for the actual palpitation and is caused by a more forceful contraction from prolonged ventricular filling or increased motion of the heart in the chest. If the premature complexes are frequent or particularly if a sustained tachycardia is present, patients are more likely to complain of lightheadedness, syncope or near-syncope, chest pain, fatigue, or shortness of breath. The presence of associated cardiovascular problems influences the nature of the symptoms. For example, a supraventricular tachycardia at a rate of 180 beats/min can provoke chest pain in a patient with coronary artery disease or syncope in a patient with aortic stenosis, but result in only a breathless feeling in an otherwise healthy young person. Bradyarrhythmias have their own constellation of symptoms that usually includes syncope, near-syncope, and fatigue. In this setting, nonspecific symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, and fatigue can be due to compromise in cardiac output and prolonged duration of the arrhythmia or its rate, either very fast or very slow. Palpitations Awareness of an irregular heartbeat varies greatly from patient to patient. Patients who complain of symptoms most commonly note palpitations, defined as sensations experienced as an unpleasant awareness of forceful, irregular, or rapid beating of the heart. It often is helpful to have the patient tap out the cadence of the perceived palpitations, from onset to termination. The rate of the untreated tachycardia often narrows diagnostic possibilities, and patients should be taught to count their radial or carotid pulse rate. Palpitations, hot flashes, and sweating in middle-aged women suggest perimenopausal syndrome. Palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath on mild exertion, typically in young women with structurally normal hearts, suggest the syndrome of inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Palpitations owing to sinus tachycardia on standing should point toward postural hypotension. Palpitations and presyncope on standing can be symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. PresyncopeandSyncope the diagnosis of presyncope and syncope and its cause requires comprehensive history taking from the patient and witness. It is more important to differentiate a benign cause of syncope from a malignant cause. Of the reflex syncopes (neurocardiogenic, carotid hypersensitivity, and situational), neurocardiogenic is the most common. It should be differentiated from syncope owing to orthostasis, which is commonly seen in autonomic failure. When caused by a cardiac arrhythmia, onset of syncope is rapid and duration is brief, with or without preceding aura, and usually is not followed by a postictal confusional state. The history of syncope should be elicited and interpreted carefully because older people who have fallen might deny loss of consciousness during the event because of brief retrograde amnesia. With vasodepressor and cardioinhibitory syncope, the episode usually unfolds more slowly and can be preceded by manifestations of autonomic hyperactivity such as nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, sweating, or yawning. Bradycardia can follow tachycardia in patients with the bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome, and treatment of both may be necessary. Noncardiac causes of syncope such as hypoglycemia, transient ischemic attack, and psychogenic often can be excluded by a careful history. The remaining sudden deaths (15% to 20%) are due to noncardiac causes such as pulmonary embolism, drugs, drowning, and sudden infant death syndrome.

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