
Trinity J. Bivalacqua, MD, PhD
- R. Christian Evenson Professor of Urology
- Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland
As much as 1500 mL of N2O may be exhaled in the first minute by a patient having breathed N 2O-O2 in a ratio of 75%:25% pain management treatment for spinal stenosis discount rizact 5 mg visa. The concentration effect pain treatment varicose veins order cheap rizact online, discussed previously pain disorder treatment discount 5mg rizact with amex, is now reversed arizona pain treatment center reviews purchase rizact in united states online, and gases rush out of the lungs pain treatment for lumbar arthritis purchase rizact 10 mg on-line. More important pain medication for old dogs buy rizact 10mg line, the rapid diffusion of large volumes of N2O into the alveoli produces a significant dilution of the O2 present. This may be reduced to as little as 10% during the first few minutes after termination of N2O flow. The adverse effects of diffusion hypoxia may be prevented through the routine administration of 100% O2 for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes at the termination of the procedure. If, in the opinion of the drug administrator, the patient has fully recovered, the patient may be permitted to leave the office unescorted, to drive his or her motor vehicle, and to return to normal activities with no prohibitions. This vitally important aspect of N 2O-O2 sedation is discussed thoroughly in Chapter 15. N2O has no clinically significant actions on the gastrointestinal tract or any organs. In the presence of hepatic dysfunction, N2O may still be used to effect with no increased risk of overdose or adverse reaction. Decreased methionine synthase activity can result in both genetic and protein aberrations. Liver biopsies have demonstrated a 50% reduction in methionine synthase activity at 45 to 90 min in patients administered 70% N2O. Long-term exposure to N2O (as in the management of tetanus) can produce transient bone marrow depression. A neuropathy resembling vitamin B12 deficiency has been reported in dentists using N2O regularly in their practices and in persons abusing the drug. Wynn has indicated that fertility is decreased in women exposed to N2O for long periods. Central Nervous System the actual mechanism of action of N2O is unknown, but almost all forms of sensation are depressed (sight, hearing, touch, and pain). Memory is affected to a minimal degree, as is the ability to concentrate or perform acts requiring intelligence. The area postrema (the vomiting center) of the medulla is not affected by N2O unless hypoxia or anoxia is present. Nausea and vomiting occurring after the administration of N2O are uncommon in the absence of anoxia or hypoxia. At levels below this ratio, there is no clinically significant effect on the cardiovascular system. In the absence of hypoxia or hypercarbia, blood pressure remains stable with an insignificant drop as sedation continues. Any observed effect of this nature during inhalation sedation is attributable to the relief of anxiety rather than to a direct action of N2O. Respiratory System N2O is not irritating to the pulmonary epithelium; it may therefore be administered to patients with asthma with no increased risk of bronchospasm. Chronic exposure of dental personnel to low levels of N2O has been associated (though not definitively proved) with increased risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal malformation, and other types of disease. There is a slight increase in diastolic, but no change in the systolic, blood pressure with inhalation of 100% O2. First prepared in 1727 by Stephen Hales (who did not recognize it as an element), it was discovered as an element in 1771 by Joseph Priestley (the same man who discovered N2O 5 years later) and almost simultaneously by Karl Scheele (1771). Inhalation of 100% O2 abolishes this reflex stimulation, resulting in a decrease in minute volume. This increase is produced through stimulation of the lower respiratory passages by O2, which acts as an irritant, or by dilation of the pulmonary capillaries by O2 with the production of reflex respiratory stimulation from mild pulmonary congestion. Preparation O2 is most commonly prepared by the fractional distillation of liquid air. These may be divided into two groups: (1) those parts of the respiratory system involved in the transport of gases to and from the outside of the body to and from the respiratory zone of the lungs and (2) those parts involved with the Properties O2 is a clear, colorless, odorless gas with a molecular weight of 32. A full cylinder has 2000 lb of pressure per square inch (psi) at room temperature. The cylinder of O2 is green in the United States and white internationally, as per World Health Organization standards. Structures included in the respiratory zone are as follows: Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs Alveoli Mouth the mouth is considered an accessory respiratory passage. Most people will breathe through the mouth at times, especially during speech and whenever their nasal passages are occluded, such as in respiratory infections. As with the nose, the mouth, because of its mucosal surface and its rich blood supply, serves to warm and humidify the air as it enters the body. These pillars extend superiorly to meet the uvula, a fleshy tab of soft tissue located in the midline at the posterior border of the soft palate. The base of the tongue rises out of the hypopharynx to occupy the floor of the mouth. Using the other passive structures of the oral cavity for support, the tongue and the oropharyngeal reflexes actively protect against threats to the airway. In such cases, both the mouth and nose may be used for the purposes of ventilation. Nose the nose, or nasal cavity, is anatomically the most superior part of the respiratory system. It starts as two flexible, flared, rubbery entryways termed wings or alae, enclosing a space on either side called the vestibule. At its posterior aspect above and behind the soft palate, the septum ends and the right and left nasal cavities unite to form the uppermost portion of the pharynx, the nasopharynx. The process of warming air is readily accomplished by the mucous membranes of the nose, which are well endowed with an excellent blood supply. This large blood flow through the mucous membranes of the nose is responsible for warming of the air, a process that continues throughout the respiratory tract. The nose also serves as (1) a defense against organisms and foreign materials, a function carried out by cilia found throughout the nose and by the mucous film found throughout the respiratory tract-submucosal glands and goblet cells are responsible for the formation of this mucinous lining; (2) a conduit for air to travel to and from the external environment to the lungs; (3) vocal resonance, a function of both the nose and sinuses (empty airspaces found within the skull, emptying into the nasal cavity); and (4) an organ involved in the sense of smell. In inhalation sedation as practiced in dentistry, the nose is, of necessity, the prime route of entry of the anesthetic gases into the patient. Situations in which the patient becomes unable Pharynx the pharynx extends from the posterior portion of the nose to the level of the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, where it becomes continuous with the esophagus and the respiratory tract through the larynx. The nasopharynx extends from the back of the nasal cavity to the level of the soft palate. The oropharynx starts superiorly at the level of the soft palate to the level of the cricoid cartilage and the base of the tongue inferiorly. The hypopharynx, also known as the laryngopharynx, starts superiorly at the epiglottis to the division of the esophagus and larynx. The major functions of the pharynx are the conduction, warming, and humidification of air and the removal of foreign materials. The junction of the pharynx and the esophagus represents the narrowest part of the alimentary canal. Foreign bodies trapped at this level may produce aspiration or significant decreases in airflow. It functions as a flaplike covering over the larynx that closes during swallowing, covering the airway so that swallowed materials enter the esophagus, not the trachea. The laryngeal cavity extends from just below the epiglottis to the lower level of the cricoid cartilage, where it becomes continuous with the trachea. The primary function of the larynx is phonation, but it also has a protective function because the airway becomes quite narrow at this point. The narrowest portion of the larynx in the adult is located at the true vocal cords. In the child younger than 10 years, the narrowest portion of the larynx occurs at the level of cricoid cartilage. The carina is the name given to the cartilage located at the point of bifurcation. This dimension is enlarged in elderly persons and decreased during pregnancy because of edema. Bronchi At the level of the carina, the right and left main stem bronchi branch off from the trachea. Because of the position of the heart in the left side of the mediastinum, the angle formed by the left main stem bronchus (45 to 55 degrees) is somewhat greater than that formed by the right main stem bronchus (20 to 30 degrees). This is of importance, as aspirated objects will have a greater tendency to enter into the right lung than the left. The right main stem bronchus is wider and shorter than the left, giving branches to the upper and middle lobes and then continuing to become the branch to the right lower lobe. The right upper lobe bronchus has its origin about 2 cm from the carina, whereas the left arises about 5 cm from the carina. It ends at Trachea the trachea is a tubular structure that begins at the cricoid cartilage. The tube of the trachea is formed with approximately 16 to 22 C-shaped cartilaginous rings that are incomplete on their posterior surface. A thin muscle band extends between the incomplete posterior ends of the U-shaped cartilages. The left upper lobe main bronchus originates at the bifurcation of the left main stem bronchus and gives off three branches. The left lower lobe main bronchus, the direct continuation of the left main stem bronchus, gives rise to four branches. As these divisions occur, the number of bronchi increases significantly, as does the total surface area of the lung. As the bronchi continue to divide, they become smaller, and their cartilaginous rings gradually recede, becoming irregular plates. Approximately 150 mL of air is found in the conducting zone in the average-sized adult. The alveolus represents the final airspace and is the unit in which the exchange of gases occurs. The distance between the air within the alveolus and the capillary is approximately 0. This thin wall is essential for the rapid exchange of gases between air and blood. Endothelial cells lining pulmonary capillaries Blood remains within the pulmonary capillaries for approximately 0. The capillary bed in this area is the densest vascular network in the entire body. The exchange of gases in the alveoli depends entirely on diffusion of gases across membranes and is controlled by the partial pressure of the respective gases on either side of the alveolar membrane. Pulmonary capillaries are unique in that they form the densest capillary network in the entire body. It is estimated that pulmonary capillaries are approximately 10 mm long and 7 mm wide. So finely interlaced are they that they may be considered more of a pool of blood vessels than a series of pipes. George et al have compared this with the spreading of a teaspoon of blood over 1 m2 of surface area. Mechanics of Respiration How do gases get into the alveolus from outside the body Air moves from the external environment to the level of the alveolar capillary membrane because of differences of pressure within the respiratory system. The typical respiratory cycle can be divided into five phases: preinspiration, peak inspiration, end inspiration, peak expiration, and end expiration. This negative pressure is produced by the natural tendency of the lung to recoil inward and of the chest wall to recoil outward. As inspiration begins, the muscles of inspiration contract and the chest cavity (thorax) expands, increasing the negative pressure within the thorax to even more than it was at rest. This results in an expansion of the alveoli and the development of negative pressure within them. With the development of negative pressure within the alveoli-a pressure negative to atmospheric pressure-air begins to flow into the respiratory system through the nose and mouth. As air enters the system, a tidal volume develops, resulting in the end of inspiration. Pleural pressure reaches its most negative point, alveolar pressure returns to zero as gases enter the alveoli, airflow into the lung ceases, and the maximum inspiratory volume is reached. Pleural pressure begins to return to its original value (-5 cm H2O), resulting in the creation of positive pressure within the alveoli during expiration and maximal expiratory flow out of the respiratory system. At the end of expiration, pleural pressure has returned to baseline, alveolar pressure has returned to zero, flow has ceased, and the expiratory volume has been delivered, returning the lung to its resting capacity. Under normal respiratory conditions (quiet breathing), most of the pressure that is generated occurs as a result of the elastic characteristics of the lungs. Muscles are involved in the process of breathing, helping produce the increases in negative pressures that draw air into the respiratory system. Some back muscles (accessory) the diaphragm is the primary muscle involved in quiet breathing. In normal breathing, a 1-cm downward movement of the diaphragm causes 350 mL of air to enter the lung.
The phonological loop holds memory traces of verbal information for a couple of seconds combined with subvocal rehearsal (Baddeley pain medication for cancer in dogs buy 5 mg rizact with mastercard, 1986 shoulder pain treatment options cheap 10 mg rizact visa, 2002) pain treatment center university of rochester order rizact 10 mg fast delivery. The declarative system can be further divided into semantic (fact memory) and episodic (memory for specific autobiographical incidents) memory pain treatment herpes zoster discount 10 mg rizact free shipping. Longterm memory can hold information for periods of time from a few minutes to many decades pain groin treatment buy rizact 10 mg, and the capacity is very large treatment of cancer pain guidelines 5mg rizact amex. Normal forgetting rates are determined by such variables as personal meaningfulness of the material, conceptual style and age. Storage in, and also retrieval from, the long-term memory is impaired in the dysmnesic syndromes. Description of the requirements for memory is chiefly referable to long-term memory and can be subdivided phenomenologically into the following five functions. Registration or encoding is the capacity to add new information to the memory store. Retention or storage is the ability to maintain knowledge that can subsequently be returned to consciousness. Retrieval is the capacity to access stored information from memory by recognition, recall or implicitly by demonstrating that a relevant task is performed more efficiently as a result of prior experience. Recall is the effortful retrieval of stored information into consciousness at a chosen moment. Recognition is the retrieval of stored information that depends on the identification of items previously learned and is based on either remembering (effortful recollection) or knowing (familiaritybased recollection). In this process, a stimulus triggers awareness; remembering or knowing then takes place. In other words, there can be impairment of encoding, impairment of storage or impairment of retrieval. Organic Impairment of Memory Memory disturbances can be separated into those that are psychogenic, sometimes occurring in healthy people, and those that are organic, associated with disease of the brain. The latter are referred to as organic or true amnesias and can be described by the different functions of memory. There is evidence that these patients may have difficulty in spontaneously encoding the semantic features of information to a sufficient level at input, and this failure results in poor memory (Mayes, 2002). It is therefore problems in the initial analysis and representation of information and the inability to select the salient semantic features of information that underlie impairment of registration. In a list-learning test situation, for example, the semantic features of the words, such as the fact that the words are derived from a list of the names of flowers, fails to assist the subject to encode the new information. As with anterograde 5 Disturbance of Memory 59 amnesia, the deficit is demonstrated in the impairment of retrieval, but it is thought to be due to impairment of retention (storage), particularly in cases of cerebral trauma. Typically, it follows a temporal gradient in which newer memories are more vulnerable to loss than older ones. There is a dissociation between anterograde and retrograde amnesia such that registration may be impaired without any impairment of retention. This suggests that the anatomic structures involved in new learning and retention of old memories are distinct. Impairment of retrieval can be due to a deficit in either direct retrieval, in which a cue elicits a memory automatically, or strategic (indirect) retrieval, in which a cue provokes a strategic search process that produces a result. The memory output is then monitored for accuracy and placed in a proper temporal-spatial context in relation to other memories (Gilboa and Moscovitch, 2002). Direct retrieval is thought to be dependent on medial temporal lobes and related structures, whereas strategic retrieval is dependent on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Confabulation is a good example of a condition that is a result of impairment of retrieval. It results from a faulty memory system creating faulty cue-memory associations, faulty search strategies and defective monitoring of faulty memories (DeLuca, 2009; Gilboa and Moscovitch, 2002). In episodic memory, that is, memory for events that includes the context, time, place and emotions associated with the event, recognition can take the form of either conscious recollection (remembering) or knowing based simply on a sense of familiarity. In other words, the phenomenal experience that accompanies the recognition of a previously presented stimulus seems to take at least two forms. Recognition can occur when the stimulus evokes some specific experience in which the stimulus was previously involved, or alternatively the stimulus gives rise only to a feeling of familiarity without any recollective experience. An example might be having a strong feeling that one has been previously in a restaurant situated in a city that one is visiting for the first time. In jamais vu, an experience that the patient knows he has experienced before is not associated with the appropriate feeling of familiarity. The person may also have the feeling that some important memory is about to be recalled, although it does not actually arrive. Selective Forgetting In normal forgetting, there is loss of or diminished access to recently acquired and stored information. Rates of forgetting are influenced by the personal meaningfulness of the information, the conceptual style of the individual, the degree of processing and elaboration of the information and age. It is likely that normal forgetting is determined by disuse or interference by more recently learned or more vivid material and underpinned by physiologic or metabolic processes (Lezak et al. In proactive interference, newly learned material interferes with the recall of previously learned material. In retroactive interference, previously learned material interferes with the recall of newly learned material (for a fuller discussion, see Eysenck and Keane, 2010). The process of repression or selective forgetting, however, suggests that forgetting is not simply down to errors in the filing and retrieval mechanism. Forgetting is subject to the influence of affect: which sensations are registered, what is retained and for how long and what information is available for recall. Other forms of active forgetting exist, including motivated forgetting, which subsumes repression as an example. Directed forgetting is the term for the process by which we actively use executive control processes within the prefrontal cortex to forget items that we do not wish to recall. It is obvious from the foregoing that forgetting is an important and normative process. Falsification of Memory False memories concern report of events that never happened or distorted memories of events that happened with the result that an individual claims that something happened and they believe and remember that it happened despite the fact their belief is erroneous (French et al. The mechanisms underpinning false memories in normal populations are relatively well established. First, false memories are commonplace in nonclinical populations as demonstrated by the significant numbers of people reporting alien abduction experiences. Secondly, studies of the flashbulb memories have shown that even for culturally significant and unique events such as the World Trade Centre attacks in New York in 2001, there is considerable distorted recall by witnesses of the event (French et al. The mechanisms underlying the creation of false memories include exposure to postevent information and the role of misinformation in facilitating addition of nonexistent detail in reports. Susceptibility to false memory is at least partly determined by the quality of memory for the relevant observed event. It is remarkable that it is practically impossible to distinguish between true and false memories in terms of the associated emotions or the degree of confidence with which the belief is held and as French et al. Source monitoring involves determining the source of the experience whether it be internal (imagination) or external (actually experienced). Plausibility refers to the degree to which the event is likely to occur in the real world. The nature and origins of false memories in the normal population help to inform our understanding of false memories in clinical populations by drawing attention to the underlying mechanisms and to the similarities and differences in the nature, extent and behavioural consequences of false memories as described earlier. However, studies of false memories have not fully established any consistent findings either with regards to personality factors or to motivational factors. Questions are answered with fluency, and the story 5 Disturbance of Memory 61 appears to be believed implicitly by the pseudologic himself. This usually occurs with an associated personality disorder, and often when the individual is experiencing a major life crisis such as facing criminal proceedings. The picture is of a very isolated person, without family or friends, drifting into the accident and emergency department of a large hospital in a strange city late at night, with stories of his own exploits and importance and the unfortunate vicissitudes he has experienced. With personality disorders and also with affective disorders, especially at times of heightened emotion, memory is falsified and distorted, and events and circumstances can be misrepresented. As well as occurring in the normal state and in personality disorders, it is a prominent feature of affective disturbances. Memory itself was accurate, but on remonstrating on any particular point of fact, further depressive explanations of events would be given. For instance, the marriage licence was described as a forgery, and complicated legal explanations were given as to why the house did not belong to her and her husband. In mania, unacceptable events or opinions may be brushed aside as not having occurred and unrealistic goals pursued as though there were nothing to prevent their attainment. The process is seen when words or phrases come into popular usage for a few months or years by some process of mass spread, in which people using the expression believe they are introducing a new idea. However, in the affect of hopelessness, reactivation of memories of previous failures is a frequent reason for perpetuating neurotic thinking and behaviour (Engel, 1968). Psychogenic amnesia may appear without any organic disease being present, but the presentation of organic brain disease is always modified by psychogenic factors (Pratt, 1977). Misnaming objects and momentary loss of memory for words in healthy subjects may result from faulty retrieval from short- and long-term memory stores rather than from the psychoanalytic explanation of repression. Such errors may be categorized as acoustic or semantic; acoustic errors tending to occur in shortterm stores of up to 30 seconds and semantic ones in long-term stores after more than 5 minutes (Shallice and McGill, 1977). Dissociative Focal Retrograde Amnesia Cryptomnesia is the experience of not remembering that one is remembering. A person makes a witty this is a condition in which there is focal retrograde amnesia for autobiographical events. He was conscious when discovered, and there was no history of head injury or any physical illness. This condition can also occur in the context of a neurologic amnesia, but the extent and severity of the amnesia are judged to exceed what is expected (see McKay and Kopelman, 2009). In dissociation, there is a narrowing of the field of consciousness, with subsequent amnesia for the episode. In dissociative fugue states, there is narrowing of consciousness, wandering away from normal surroundings and subsequent amnesia. The person appears to be in good contact with his environment and usually behaves appropriately, maintaining basic self-care, although he sometimes displays disinhibition. The duration of the episode can be very variable, from a few hours to several weeks, and the subject may travel considerable distances. As he walked about the streets, he found he was near an airport terminal and, to his surprise, he discovered that he was in Montreal. Germane to his adventure was the history of a catastrophic row and the breakdown of his marriage just before he took off. Thus the features of dissociative fugue are dissociative amnesia, purposeful travel beyond the usual everyday range and maintenance of basic self-care (World Health Organization, 1992). The predisposing factors include (a) precipitating stress resulting from relationship, marital or financial problems; (b) depressed mood including suicidal thoughts and (c) a past history of transient organic amnesia (McKay and Kopelman, 2009). Recovered Memory and False Memory Syndrome this is one of the most hotly debated issues in psychiatry and clinical psychology. Recovered memory has been particularly associated with the return of memory for childhood sexual abuse. He concludes that memories may be recovered from total amnesia, and they may sometimes be essentially accurate. An example of recovered memory is a 45-yearold male patient who was being investigated for possible colon cancer after presentation with blood in his stool. His general practitioner conducted a rectal examination, and immediately after this examination, the patient recalled incidents from his childhood of sexual abuse that caused him great distress and required specialized counselling. The term false memory syndrome came into use in 1992, when the False Memory Syndrome Foundation was set up to represent the interests of parents who had been accused of abusing their children sexually. In the opinion of Merskey (1998), sufferers from false memory syndrome are typically female and are usually participating in some type of psychotherapy. They report sexual abuse in childhood that is claimed to have been forgotten and subsequently recovered only in adult life, having been repressed from 8 to 40 years. Another situation in which false memories have been thought to develop has been in nursery day care, when caregivers have been subjected to grave and bizarre accusations. There is empirical evidence demonstrating that there are differences between individuals whose recovered memories have been recalled inside therapy, those whose memories were recalled outside therapy and a third group whose memories of abuse were continuous from childhood into adulthood. In the first group there was 0% corroborative evidence, whereas for the other two groups, it was 45% and 37%. Furthermore, those who had recovered memories outside therapy were able to suppress anxiety-provoking thoughts relating to those events compared with the groups with recovered memory from within therapy and the group with continuous memories suggesting that women with 5 Disturbance of Memory 63 recovered memories from outside therapy are especially adept at suppressing emotional memories when under laboratory conditions, confirming their liability to remain unaware of traumatic memories for long periods before their recovery (Geraerts et al. It is probably best to conceive of confabulation as a loose term that covers a wide range of qualitatively different memory phenomena. The term is used to describe mild distortions of an actual memory, such as intrusions, embellishments, elaborations, paraphrasing or high false alarm rates on tests of anterograde amnesia. It can also refer to highly implausible bizarre descriptions of false realities such as claiming to be a space traveller temporarily resident on earth (Gilboa and Moscovitch, 2002; Box 5. However, it is also true that the term confabulation has been extended, unhelpfully in my view, to include the following: 1. This form of confabulation is momentary, a term introduced by Berlyne (1972), in nature.
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Planned properly pain medication for shingles treatment generic rizact 5 mg fast delivery, as the sedative effect begins to noticeably wane (about 30 minutes after drug administration) myofascial pain treatment vancouver cheap rizact on line, relatively innocuous procedures are being performed treatment for shingles pain management purchase rizact 10 mg on-line, such as completing restorations pain medication for dogs spayed best buy rizact, suturing a better life pain treatment center flagstaff az 10 mg rizact with mastercard, or adjusting occlusion rush pain treatment center order online rizact. In addition, having received local anesthesia earlier, the patient will be pain free at this time and able to tolerate these procedures without complaint. In most patients, actual treatment time, with one initial titrating dose of midazolam, can usually be extended well beyond 1 hour because of the lack of pain and the relative innocuousness of the procedures carried out at the end of the treatment period. It is uncommon for a patient to require a second dose of midazolam if the duration of the planned procedure was appropriate (about 1 hour). With entry into the third phase, the patient may opine that he or she feels "normal" once again, and the dentist might be tempted to administer additional midazolam. However, by this time, treatment should be nearing completion, the procedure performed is usually atraumatic, the patient has effective pain management (local anesthesia), and although the patient feels normal, he or she is still anxiety free, if not visibly sedated. Occasionally, readministration of midazolam might become necessary to permit successful completion of the procedure. For example, a patient is scheduled for restorative procedures planned for about 1 hour. The patient becomes increasingly aware of the surroundings approximately 45 minutes into the procedure and has become somewhat apprehensive again. By this time, the patient should be responding relatively normally with no adverse or bizarre signs or symptoms noted. Criteria for discharge from the office include the vital signs and the physical reaction of the patient. Under no circumstance can a patient ever be permitted to leave the office feeling poorly or unable to walk without assistance. In such cases, the patient should be permitted to rest until he or she feels better (thus the importance of a recovery area in the office supervised by a trained assistant). A sedated patient should never be left unattended in any room for any length of time; the dentist or a trained member of the staff is physically present at all times, if at all possible. When it is believed that the patient has recovered sufficiently to be discharged, all monitoring devices are removed and the patient is permitted to stand. The foremost criterion in permitting patients to be discharged from the office is their ability to take care of themselves should they, for any reason, be left alone during the remainder of the day. Once recovery is deemed adequate for discharge, the patient is returned to the dental chair and their responsible adult escort brought in. It is potentially possible with midazolam (less likely with diazepam) for the patient to still be amnesic at this time in the procedure, thus the necessity of the escort and written instructions. A note in the chart and anesthesia record sheet is made: "x mg midazolam discarded. You should remain in the company of a responsible adult until you are fully alert. The following may help you feel better: (a) lying down for a while and/or (b) a glass of cola beverage or ginger ale. Do not drive a motor vehicle or perform any hazardous tasks for the remainder of the day. Do not take any alcoholic beverages or any medications for the remainder of the day unless you have contacted me first. The assistant takes a sterile, disposable 3- or 5-mL syringe and after wiping the rubber diaphragm of the vial with isopropyl alcohol (and waiting 1 minute for the alcohol to dry) injects 3 mL of air into the vial of diazepam and withdraws an equal volume of the yellowish diazepam solution. Syringes containing drugs must always be labeled, even when only one drug is used. This further dilutes the drug, minimizing any local irritation that might develop when the drug comes into contact with the vein wall. Diazepam, an oily, viscous liquid, has the ability to cause a burning sensation in some patients as it is administered, with the sensation lasting until the diazepam is flushed from the injection site. In addition, it is advisable to tell the patient that he or she may experience a brief period of warmth when the drug is injected, that this is normal, and that it will subside quickly. The recommended rate of injection of diazepam is 1 mL/min, the equivalent of 5 mg of diazepam per minute. Postoperative instructions were given verbally and in writing to both the patient and companion. Although this may appear to be voluminous and perhaps excessive, especially considering the nature of the usual treatment entry in dental records, this type of recordkeeping is absolutely essential whenever sedative procedures are employed. This is one of the most important actions a health care provider can perform for his or her patient. The average dose of diazepam required to produce this clinical effect is 10 to 12 mg. However, if a diazepam dose of 20 mg has been administered with the patient demonstrating some, but not close to ideal, clinical sedation, additional diazepam may be titrated up to a total of 30 mg. If, on the other hand, the patient has received 20 mg of diazepam but exhibits virtually no signs or symptoms of sedation, it is suggested that the administration of diazepam cease. Experience with diazepam has demonstrated that when no evidence of sedation occurs with a 20-mg dose, the addition of another 10 or 20 mg probably will not prove beneficial to the patient, but may increase the risk of occurrence of several dose-related complications. I am no longer surprised by the number of patients who, lacking any obvious signs or symptoms of sedation, do extremely well and have a significant degree of amnesia at the end of the procedure. Diazepam should continue to be titrated at a rate of 1 mL/ min until this ideal level of sedation is achieved. As clinical experience is gained, the dentist will develop a "feel" for the proper level of moderate sedation. The patient may stretch out, uncross his or her legs, and relax his or her grip on the arm of the chair. The purpose is to maintain patency of the needle (by preventing a blood clot from forming in the needle) during the procedure. Immediately after the administration of diazepam, vital signs and the drug dose (in milligrams) are recorded on the anesthesia record. The range of these doses is of far greater importance because it illustrates the tremendous individual variability in response to diazepam (and all drugs). In my experience with diazepam as a sole agent for sedation, clinically adequate sedation has been achieved with as little as 2. This includes the use of topical anesthetic and all of the other steps involved in atraumatic administration of local anesthesia. Adequate time must be allowed for the local anesthetic to take effect before starting the planned procedure. Although overresponse to the drug can occur, the patient who has overresponded to diazepam will be somewhat sluggish in response to verbal commands, such as "open your mouth. Following local anesthetic administration, a rubber dam should be applied, if necessary, for the planned procedure. It prevents extraneous material from falling into the posterior part of the mouth, throat, and pharynx. In this manner, as the sedative effect begins to wane (about 30 minutes after drug administration), relatively innocuous procedures are being performed, such as completing restorations, suturing, or adjusting occlusion. In addition, having received local anesthesia earlier, the patient should remain pain free at this time and able to tolerate these procedures without complaint. In most patients, actual treatment time, with one initial titrating dose of diazepam, can usually be extended well beyond 1 hour because of the lack of pain and the relative innocuousness of the procedures carried out at the end of the treatment period. It is uncommon for a patient to require a second dose of diazepam if the duration of the planned procedure was appropriate (about 1 hour). As discussed in Chapter 25, diazepam sedation may be divided into several phases: stage 1 (minutes 1 to 5): decreased awareness, good sedation, amnesia; stage 2 (minutes 6 to 30): "good" sedation, no amnesia; stage 3 (minutes 31 to 45): sedation wanes, no amnesia; stage 4 (minutes 46 to 60): anxiolysis, no amnesia; and stage 5 (60 minutes and beyond): clinical recovery. With entry into the third or fourth phase, the patient may mention that he or she 371 feels "normal" once again, and the dentist might be tempted to administer additional diazepam. However, by this time, treatment should be nearing completion; the procedure being performed is usually atraumatic, the patient has effective pain management (local anesthesia), and although the patient feels "normal," he or she is still anxiety free, if not visibly sedated. Occasionally, readministration of diazepam might be necessary to permit successful completion of the procedure. The patient becomes increasingly aware of the surroundings approximately 40 minutes into the procedure and has become somewhat apprehensive again. By this time, the patient should be responding normally with no adverse or bizarre signs or symptoms noted. Criteria for discharge from the office include the vital signs and the reaction of the patient. If blood pressure appears significantly depressed (more than 30 mm Hg below baseline) and/or clinical signs and symptoms of sedation remain, the patient must be permitted additional time to recover while continuing to receive supplemental O2. Under no circumstances can a patient ever be permitted to leave the office feeling poorly or unable to walk without assistance. In such cases, the patient should be permitted to rest until he or she feels better (thus the importance of a recovery area in the office, supervised by a trained assistant). The patient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged from the office in the custody of Mary Smith at 12:05 pm. Although this may appear to be voluminous and perhaps excessive, especially considering the nature of the usual entry in dental records, this type of recordkeeping is absolutely essential whenever sedative drugs are employed. There should be no doubt at a later date as to exactly what transpired during the sedative procedure. The patient turns and sits with his or her legs touching the floor before standing. If all is well, the patient is reseated in the dental chair and their escort brought in. Once recovery is deemed adequate for discharge, the patient is returned to the dental chair and his or her responsible adult escort brought in. In the presence of both persons, postoperative instructions are presented verbally and in writing. It is potentially possible, although quite unlikely with diazepam, that the patient may still be amnesic at this time in the procedure, thus the necessity for the escort and written instructions. Additional postoperative instructions should be included if mandated by the dental treatment. A note in the chart and anesthesia record sheet is made: "x mg diazepam discarded. Retitration of Midazolam or Diazepam the administration of a single titrating dose of either midazolam or diazepam for sedation provides approximately 45 to 60 minutes of sedation. When combined with adequate local anesthesia, treatment time usually exceeds 1 hour. There are occasions, however, when treatment requires approximately 2 hours or more to complete. In situations where the dental procedure is planned to exceed 1 hour or where a planned 1-hour procedure is unexpectedly prolonged, the duration of sedation may be extended by additional titrating doses of either midazolam or diazepam. Retitration with midazolam or diazepam will almost always require a smaller dose than that required for the initial titration. For example, if 6 mg of midazolam was required initially, a midazolam dose of 2 or 3 mg might produce the same clinical level of sedation on retitration. For reasons that are explained in Chapter 27, the total combined dose of midazolam administered at one appointment should, if possible, be kept to not more than 10 mg, whereas that of diazepam to not more than 30 mg. When midazolam or diazepam is readministered, vital signs are once again recorded on the anesthesia record sheet 373 Anticholinergic + Benzodiazepine In this section, a modification of basic technique is described: the addition of an anticholinergic to midazolam or diazepam. Selection of a suitable anticholinergic is based on the needs of the patient and the desired duration of its action. If the patient is younger than 6 years or older than 65 years, scopolamine is not recommended because of an increased risk of emergence delirium. When these techniques are used as described, serious complications will not arise. The incidence of complications and adverse events increases with increased duration of the procedure. This includes, for the relatively inexperienced operator, nitrous oxide-oxygen (N2O-O2). If this proves to be futile, the procedure is terminated and rescheduled for another time, at which a different technique of sedation will be used. The administration of additional drug or of a different drug to the patient can increase the risk of problems. The patient receives diazepam or midazolam as discussed previously, and the anticholinergic is then administered. Rather than the amnesic period lasting approximately 10 minutes, it may extend over greater lengths of time. This is not the case when midazolam is administered because the duration of amnesia associated with midazolam is considerably longer than that produced by scopolamine. One of the disadvantages of employing anticholinergics is that some patients will complain that the drying effect is bothersome, both during the procedure and in some cases after the procedure on returning home. Although drugs are available to reverse anticholinergics (the reversible cholinesterase inhibitors neostigmine and physostigmine), their routine use is not recommended because of possible undesirable side effects. Opioid + Benzodiazepine In this section, the addition of an opioid analgesic, either fentanyl, meperidine, or hydromorphone, to midazolam or diazepam is discussed. When used for a well-defined purpose, the combination of a benzodiazepine and an opioid is quite rational. The end point of depth of sedation achieved in this manner should be no greater than that "ideal" level observed with the basic techniques described earlier. In this first technique, in which the primary requirement is sedation, the patient will have received a larger dose of the antianxiety drug and a smaller dose of the opioid analgesic.
The first is the slow induction technique in which the patient is administered an N2O-O2 ratio of 93% to 7% for 1 minute myofascial pain treatment vancouver order discount rizact line. As signs of excitement develop pain management dogs cats buy rizact 10mg without a prescription, 100% N2O is administered until the patient reaches the third stage of anesthesia allied pain treatment center boardman oh order rizact now. In the rapid induction technique advanced diagnostic pain treatment center ct discount rizact 5 mg without prescription, 100% N2O is given for 45 to 60 seconds until the patient reaches the third stage of anesthesia cape fear pain treatment center pa 5mg rizact overnight delivery, at which point 10% O2 is added back pain treatment vibration buy 5 mg rizact visa. The percentage of O2 is changed to meet the needs of the patient: the anesthetic level is a variable depending on the type of individual and may differ within the limits of 5% to 80% of headache, which, of course, should be avoided by arranging for a greater number of sittings of shorter periods each. The types of procedures best suited for analgesia are the excavation of hypersensitive dentin, the preparing of roots for the adaptation of crowns and bridges, the scaling of deep pyorrhea pockets, etc. It will not obtund pain sufficiently to permit the removal of vital pulps or the extraction of teeth or the lancing of abscesses, all of which require complete anesthesia for their performance. The number of dentists using N2O increased as the 1940s passed, the purity of the gases improved, and the quality of the machines for gas delivery increased, yet the success rate of N2O-O2 analgesia still remained low. The use of local anesthesia as the primary means of pain control became more accepted. In 1945 lidocaine, the first of the newer, more effective amide-type local anesthetics, was introduced into clinical use. N2O, which had been introduced in 1844 as a means of eliminating pain, was no longer the "ideal" drug for this task. Rather than seeking the elimination of pain as its primary goal, N2O could now be used for the management of anxiety and the production of relaxation (sedation). With this change in the goal being sought came changes in technique, dosage, and the approach to the patient. Seldin describes the ways in which the drug was used in the 1940s: the administration of nitrous oxide is no longer limited to the use of the gas by itself. In order to obviate the haphazard technique of "straight" nitrous oxide anesthesia, to reduce the possibility of unfavorable sequelae, and to extend the operating time, oxygen has been added. Pure nitrous oxide, with the exclusion of air or oxygen, usually referred to as "straight nitrous oxide. Pure nitrous oxide without the addition of air or oxygen was the first form in which the gas was employed for the purpose of producing unconsciousness. Today, despite the tremendous advances in the art of anesthesia, some, few, practitioners still persist in the use of socalled "straight nitrous oxide. Any point within these rather widely divergent extremes may be required to maintain different subjects at an even keel in the normal plane in the third stage. Seldin then recommends "setting the dial at 100% oxygen for several inhalations" at the end of the procedure. In discussing analgesia with N2O, he states: It is evident that analgesia with nitrous oxide and oxygen is an exceedingly safe procedure, because nitrous oxide is in itself the least harmful anesthetic known to the profession. Analgesia may be maintained without the slightest danger for periods of thirty minutes and longer on any patient, regardless of age. The concepts of individual variation and titration are discussed by Seldin: After the first few inhalations, each subject becomes a law unto himself, and his personal needs in respect to the proper mixture of these gases must be determined by the various symptoms of analgesia manifested by him from 1 minute to the next. In fact, considerable variations in the dial settings may be detected for the same person from day to day. This proves the falsity and irrationality of the recommendations made by gas-machine demonstrators that a standard percentage setting, consistently maintained, will induce and sustain perfect analgesia on all patients, irrespective of age or physical condition. Much of the impetus for the use of N2O-O2 analgesia and sedation stems from his writings and lectures. The use of 100% N2O was decreasing rapidly, and with the advent of newer, more effective, local anesthetics such as lidocaine and mepivacaine for operative pain control, N2O-O2 became a very popular agent for the management of the apprehensive dental patient. Interest in the field of anesthesiology in dentistry grew, and in 1953 the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology was formed. In the years that have followed, this organization has led the way in advancing the standards and practices in the use of anesthesia (general, local, and sedation) within dentistry in the United States. Postgraduate programs in inhalation sedation increased in number; however, with but few exceptions, their quality remained low. Harry Langa, presented the Development of Courses and Guidelines postgraduate programs of quality throughout these years. Between that time and the publication of the second edition of his classic textbook, Relative Analgesia in Dental Practice: Inhalation Analgesia and Sedation with Nitrous Oxide, in 1976, he had trained more than 6000 dentists to use this technique safely. As schools and other organizations began to present courses in inhalation sedation, it became obvious that the level of training being offered and its quality varied considerably. It was decided that standards ought to be established for the teaching of the various techniques of pain and anxiety control in dentistry. In 1964 the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology held the first of four workshops, attended by representatives of 43 dental schools, out of which came the Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety in Dentistry. Three primary areas-the undergraduate dental student, the graduate dental student, and continuing education for the postgraduate student-were addressed by the guidelines. The primary goal of these devices was to prevent the administration of O2 in a less-than-atmospheric concentration. With more and more scientific information being gathered about the effects of the gases used in inhalation sedation, further modification of these units has occurred. For example, in recent years the nasal inhaler has undergone a change in design in order to minimize the chronic inhalation of trace amounts of N2O by dental personnel. Other refinements in the apparatus for the delivery of N2O-O2 will be forthcoming as knowledge of the technique and drugs increases. Since the first edition of this book was published in 1985, I have noticed a significant change in the composition of enrollees in continuing education courses in inhalation sedation. Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, course participants were almost exclusively dentists and other dental personnel. Only occasionally did other health professionals (physicians, podiatrists) enroll in these programs. Indeed, review of course rosters through 1984 reveals but three nondental health professionals (one physician, two podiatrists) of a total course enrollment of more than 800 "offices. The use of inhalation sedation in dental hygiene has particularly grown in popularity. N2O is currently being used by dental hygienists in 32 states with the physical presence of a dentist. The Early Anesthesia Machine Another area requiring improvement was the inhalation sedation unit itself. Significant changes had been made in the method of delivering N2O-O2 to the patient since the first clinical use of the agent in 1844. Early in the history of inhalation anesthesia, a bladder bag filled with 100% N2O was used. By 1846 Morton had improved on this method of delivering inhalation anesthetics to the patient. John Snow, in England, devised and first used an inhaler in 1847 that was quite similar to the full-face masks used today in anesthesia. However, in 1872 the Johnson Brothers, in England, began to produce liquefied N2O on a commercial basis. White Company of Philadelphia began the marketing of liquefied N2O cylinders in the United States. They also manufactured an anesthesia device that administered N2O gas from the cylinder to the patient. In 1898 Sir Frederick Hewitt manufactured and sold the first devices for delivering N2O-O2 anesthesia. Teter introduced the second N2O-O2 anesthesia machine in the United States in 1902. McKesson perfected the first intermittent-flow N2O-O2 anesthesia machine with an accurate means of controlling the percentages of both gases and marketed it in 1910. Also in 1910, the third of the pioneers in the manufacture of anesthesia devices, J. By 1918 the four major manufacturers of anesthesia devices in the United States were McKesson, Connell, von Foregger, and Heidbrink. From the designs of these and other pioneers, the modern anesthesia machine has developed. The major change required to adapt the anesthesia machine for inhalation sedation was the removal from the unit of all but the O2 and N2O gas supplies and flowmeters. However, situations developed in which the cylinder of O2 became depleted during a procedure, resulting in the delivery of 100% N2O to the patient. These include tangential information that will be offered to help the practitioner problemsolve and apply inhalation sedation even more creatively. The history of N2O-O2 sedation is colorful, interesting, insightful, and a source of pride for the dental profession inasmuch as we can gain an appreciation for the sacrifices made to make this first anesthetic available to humankind. In the succeeding chapters in this section, we review the indications for inhalation sedation, the pharmacology of N2O and O2, techniques of their delivery to patients, complications associated with its use, and the components of the armamentarium. All of the material contained in these chapters was in large part first discovered or developed by the men discussed in this chapter. Davy H: Researches, chemical and philosophical; chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, 1800. Long C: An account of the first use of sulphuric ether by inhalation as an anaesthetic in surgical operations. Bankoff G: the conquest of pain: the story of anesthesia, London, 1946, MacDonald. American Dental Association: Transactions of the fourth annual meeting at Niagara Falls, New York, 1864. American Society of Dental Surgeons: Resolutions adopted at eighth annual meeting. Tomes J: A course of lecture notes on dental physiology and surgery, London, 1848, John Parker. Clark M, Brunick A: Handbook of nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation, ed 4, St Louis, 2015, Mosby. American Dental Association Council on Dental Education: Guidelines for teaching the comprehensive control of pain and anxiety in dentistry. House of Delegates, American Dental Association Council on Dental Education: Guidelines for teaching pain control and sedation to dentists and dental students, Chicago, 2016, the Association. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Materials, Instruments and Equipment: Revised guidelines for the acceptance program for nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation machines and devices, Chicago, 1986, the Association. Inhalation sedation represents the most nearly "ideal" clinical sedative technique. The depth of sedation achieved with inhalation sedation may be altered from moment to moment, permitting the drug administrator to increase or decrease the depth of sedation. With no other technique of sedation does the administrator have as much control over the clinical actions of the drugs. This degree of control represents a significant safety feature of inhalation sedation. The duration of action is an important consideration in the selection of a pharmacosedative technique in an outpatient. In situations in which a sedation technique has a relatively fixed duration of clinical activity, dental treatment must be tailored to this, whereas in those techniques with a flexible duration of action, the planned procedure may be of any length. Although variations do exist, peak clinical actions do not develop for most orally, rectally, intranasally, and intramuscularly administered drugs for a period of time that makes their titration impossible. Recovery time from inhalation sedation is rapid and is the most complete of any pharmacosedation technique. Because N2O is not metabolized by the body, the gas is rapidly and virtually completely eliminated from the body within 3 to 5 minutes. As discussed, titration is the ability to administer small, incremental doses of a drug until a desired clinical action is obtained. In my opinion, the ability to titrate a drug represents the greatest safety feature a technique can possess because it permits the drug administrator virtually absolute control over the actions of the drug. Very few side effects are associated with its use, as described in the following chapters. The drugs used in this technique have no adverse effects on the liver, kidneys, brain, or cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Inhalation sedation with N2O-O2 can be used instead of local anesthesia in certain procedures. N2O does possess analgesic properties when given in the usual sedative concentrations. The analgesia produced by a 50% concentration of N2O is equivalent to that of 10 to 15 mg of morphine. However, the degree of analgesia is quite variable from patient to patient and therefore cannot be relied on to provide all of the pain control required for a procedure. Certain procedures, such as those involving soft tissues (scaling, curettage), may be performed in many instances without using local anesthesia. The continuing cost of the gases (O2 and N2O) used in inhalation sedation is high. The equipment required for inhalation sedation occupies considerable space within the dental surgery suite. Placed in the usual small dental surgery office, a portable N2O-O2 unit can be quite cumbersome. When it is used in combination with at least 20% O2, there will be a small percentage of patients in whom the technique will fail to produce the desired clinical actions. Inhalation sedation units available in the United States (and increasingly worldwide) are designed so that they will not deliver less than 30% O2, with a maximum limit of 70%. Failures will occur primarily because of the lack of potency of the agent or due to the administration and/or titration technique. For inhalation sedation to be effective, the patient must be able to inhale the gases through either the nose or the mouth. In an outpatient setting, it is advantageous for the patient to be discharged from the office after a procedure with no prohibitions on activities. Recovery must be complete, with absolutely no doubt in the mind of the dentist that the patient is able to function normally; if not, the patient should not be permitted to leave the office unescorted.