
Monique Anderson, MD
- Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Membership in the Duke Clinical Research Institute

In patients with neurosyphilis arrhythmia prevalence buy avalide visa, the diagnosis is generally dependent on serological study hypertension jnc 8 ppt cheap avalide online master card. The treponemal tests include the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test arteria interossea communis order avalide 162.5mg overnight delivery, microhemagglutination assay prehypertension stress buy cheapest avalide and avalide, hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilis heart attack and vine buy discount avalide on line, and the treponemal immobilization test blood pressure record chart uk buy 162.5 mg avalide. The test is too insensitive, however, to exclude the diagnosis of neurosyphilis on the basis of a negative study. Its frequency of reactivity appears to vary with the clinical form of neurosyphilis, and its presence in asymptomatic neurosyphilis may be substantially lower than in symptomatic disease. To date, there is no consensus regarding diagnostic criteria, and the physician should probably refrain from rigid adherence to narrow guidelines in making the diagnosis. However, a cardinal requirement for the diagnosis of neurosyphilis is a reactive serum treponemal test. Newer generation tests for syphilis and neurosyphilis, particularly those employing the polymerase chain reaction and monoclonal antibodies, may solve this dilemma, but further study is required before widespread application. Although not diagnostic of neurosyphilis, radiological studies may be helpful in excluding other pathologies. Gummas are avascular, dural-based masses with surrounding edema that on magnetic resonance imaging are characteristically isointense, with gray matter on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Although the organism is capable of acquiring plasmids that produce penicillinase, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that penicillin loses its efficacy. The penicillin should be administered at no less than 4-h intervals to maintain the consistent levels at or above treponemicidal values. The successful use of intravenous ceftriaxone, 2 g daily for 10 days, and oral doxycycline, 200 mg twice daily for 21 days, has been reported. An alternative therapeutic course is the administration of a 30-day course of 200 mg doxycycline twice daily following the completion of intravenous therapy. Although secondary prophylaxis is extensively employed, further studies are warranted before secondary prophylaxis or some permutation of it can be broadly recommended. Prevention As a disease that is almost exclusively transmitted sexually, syphilis is preventable by sexual abstinence or a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. Unless the disease recrudesces, as may be seen in early latent syphilis and which is the reason for its distinction from late latent syphilis, neither latent nor tertiary syphilis is considered contagious. In those individuals with primary, secondary, or latent syphilis, the manifestations of neurosyphilis can be avoided by the timely administration of adequate doses of penicillin. Monitoring Therapy Determining the adequacy of therapy depends on careful follow-up of the patient. This delay to reversion from a seropositive status reflects the duration and severity of the illness. Persistent seropositivity suggests persistent infection, reinfection, or a biological false-positive test. The fixed neurological deficits of neurosyphilis may fail to improve with treatment, and some abnormalities, such as tabes dorsalis and optic atrophy, may worsen despite adequate therapy. The cell count should return to normal within 1 year of treatment (usually 6 months) and the protein concentration within 2 years. Hollander H (1988) Cerebrospinal fluid normalities and abnormalities in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus. The study and practice of neurotology serves the clinical frontiers of neurology and otolaryngology and chiefly concerns auditory and vestibular dysfunction. The principal symptoms covered by this subspecialty are dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus (illusory noises). Neurotologists are also sometimes called on to assess patients with facial nerve palsy. Neurotological practitioners must have an excellent command of the anatomy and physiology of the ear, eighth cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve, and central vestibular and auditory pathways. They employ techniques of both the neurological and otological examinations and often use specialized ancillary testing in diagnosis and management. Neurotologists usually begin their training with residency in neurology or otolaryngology and then complete an additional year or more of a dedicated fellowship. Evaluating patients with dizziness and balance disturbances is often quite challenging since the differential diagnosis includes disorders of the central and peripheral vestibular systems as well as common nonvestibular conditions like orthostatic hypotension, peripheral neuropathy, and affective disorders. Bedside examination focuses on hearing, eye movement, limb coordination, joint position sense (proprioception), gait, and standing balance. Hearing loss and tinnitus are hallmarks of auditory dysfunction and are much more often of peripheral than central neural origin. The great majority of auditory problems, including hereditary, age-related (presbycusis), and noiseinduced hearing loss, are symmetrical and slowly progressive. Other common disorders, such as conductive deficits from trauma or infection, may be asymmetrical or acute, but diagnosis is seldom difficult and highly specialized care is not required. Neurotological expertise is often desirable for patients with asymmetrical or acute hearing loss of unclear origin, especially when brain or eighth cranial nerve pathology is suspected. Audiometry and auditory evoked potentials are the cornerstones of diagnosis, along with magnetic resonance or computed tomographic imaging of the ear, eighth nerve, and caudal brain structures. The complex functions of the central and peripheral components of the nervous system together with some of their intrinsic characteristics Neurotoxicity refers to any adverse effect on the chemistry, structure, or function of the nervous system, during development or at maturity, induced by chemical or physical influences. Hence, neurotoxicology is the science that deals with the adverse effects of naturally occurring or synthetic chemical agents on the nervous system. Thus, most morphological changes such as neuronopathy (a loss of neurons), axonopathy (a degeneration of the neuronal axon), or myelinopathy (a loss of the glial cells surrounding the axon), or other gliopathies, are considered adverse, even if structural or functional changes are mild or transitory. Neurochemical changes, even in the absence of structural damage, should also be considered adverse, even if they are reversible. For example, exposure to organophosphorus insecticides or to certain solvents may cause only transient nervous system effects, but these should be considered neurotoxic, as they lead to impaired function. In most, but not all, cases, the developing nervous system is more sensitive to adverse effects than the adult nervous system, as indicated, for example, by the deleterious effects of ethanol, methylmercury, or lead when exposure occurs in utero or during childhood. For example, damage to hepatic, renal, circulatory, or pancreatic structures may result in secondary effects on the function and structure of the nervous system, such as encephalopathy or polyneuropathy. Secondary effects would not cause a substance to be considered neurotoxic, though at high doses neurotoxicity could be evident. Furthermore, some chemicals may have multiple modes of action, and affect the nervous system directly and indirectly. Many compounds (almost 400) are known to be neurotoxic, as evidenced by animal studies, and at least 200 chemicals are known to be neurotoxic to humans. This list includes metals, organic solvents, pesticides, and other organic substances of industrial relevance, but does not include drugs and natural neurotoxins. Indeed, many pharmaceutical drugs, including those whose principal action is not on the nervous system Among natural compounds, some of the most dangerous cases of acute poisoning are caused by neurotoxins (botulinum toxins), derived from Clostidrium botulinum, which inhibit the release of acetylcholine, leading to paralysis, and can be lethal at doses as low as 10 mg. Other potent natural neurotoxins include domoic acid, produced by algae and found in shellfish or seafood, and tetrodotoxin, found in puffer fish organs. However, specific guidelines exist to further probe the potential neurotoxicity of chemicals. Such tests are performed in rodents and are meant to assess specific effects of the tested chemical on the nervous system. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development guidelines similarly focus on clinical observations, functional tests These batteries are not meant to provide a complete evaluation of neurotoxicity, but to act as a tier 1 screening for potential neurotoxicity. If no effects are seen at the appropriate dose level, and if the chemical structure of the substance or its metabolites does not suggest concern for potential neurotoxicity, the substance may be considered as not neurotoxic. The decision to carry out additional studies is thus made on a case-by-case basis and may depend on factors such as the intended use of the chemical, the potential of human exposure, and its potential to accumulate in biological systems. Such tier 2 studies may include specialized behavioral tests, electrophysiological and neurochemical measurements, and additional morphologic studies. Examples are tests for measuring learning and memory, measurements of nerve conduction velocity, and biochemical parameters related to neurotransmission or to indices of cell integrity and functions. While on one hand the developing nervous system may more readily adapt to , or compensate for, functional losses as a result of a toxic insult, on the other hand, damage to the nervous system during key periods of brain development may result in longterm, irreversible damage. Evidence that developmental exposure to chemicals and drugs may alter behavioral functions in young animals began to be described in the early 1970s. The field of developmental neurotoxicology thus evolved from the disciplines of neurotoxicology, developmental toxicology, and experimental psychology. Exposure to the test chemicals by the mother takes place from gestational day 6 to postnatal day 10 or 21, thus ensuring exposure in utero and through maternal milk. Tests involve measurements of developmental landmarks and reflexes, motor activity, auditory startle test, learning and memory tests, and neuropathology. In the past several years, the need to develop acceptable alternatives to conventional animal testing has been increasingly recognized by toxicologists, to address problems related to the escalating costs and time required for toxicity assessments, the increasing number of chemicals being developed and commercialized, the need to respond to recent legislations Hence, efforts have been directed toward the development of alternative models, utilizing either mammalian cells in vitro or nonmammalian model systems Exposure to neurotoxic chemicals is increasingly scrutinized as a possible contributor to the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders and of neurodegenerative diseases, perhaps in combination with genetic predispositions There is a general concern that the prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders may be on the increase. In addition to compounds that are well-established developmental neurotoxicants in humans Whether exposure to neurotoxic chemicals contributes to the etiology of these diseases, perhaps in individuals with certain genetic predispositions, is being actively investigated. This process of neuron-to-neuron communication is initiated when an action potential in the presynaptic neuron reaches its nerve terminal. Following a sequence of reactions, this results in the depolarization of the presynaptic membrane and neurotransmitter release. The response produced by a neurotransmitter is dependent on the molecular structure of the receptor. Using structural, functional, and comparative homology studies to classify the neurotransmitter receptors, two major families of neurotransmitter receptors have been identified (described in detail below). Activation of these receptors directly opens the ion channel to let specific ions move into or out of the cell. Thus, binding to the receptor protein initiates a cascade of events translated by secondary messenger systems. These receptors are localized on different neurons to mediate diverse cell-specific responses. Arrival of an action potential at the axon terminal (step 1) triggers calcium entry into the axon (step 2). This causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with the nerve terminal membrane (step 3) and release their contents (step 4). Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse in the synaptic cleft and bind to specific receptors on target neurons (step 5) to initiate communication (step 6). Although they contain the neurotransmitter binding site, this is only one component of a multiprotein complex. Signal transduction is the term used to describe the events that occur after a neurotransmitter or drug activates the receptor by bringing about a conformational change that subsequently gives rise to either an ionotropic or a metabotropic response. In both cases, the signal produced by the binding of a single neurotransmitter molecule to its receptor is amplified. Thus, one signaling molecule can give rise to many responses, both immediate and long term, such as changes in the expression of neuronal genes. Neurotransmitters and Neuroactive Drugs Receptor 2 Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are the principal messengers that neurons use to communicate. Several classes of neurotransmitters have been identified that are categorized by their chemical structure, site of synthesis, presynaptic localization, and mechanism of inactivation. Chemically, this group includes amines (dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, histamine, and serotonin) and an ester (acetylcholine). Both amines and amino acid neurotransmitters are synthesized from precursors in the presynaptic terminal. Neurotransmitters initiate their actions by binding to specific receptors (1 and 2) in the membrane of the target cell. Each neurotransmitter is selectively recognized by a receptor of the appropriate conformation. Activation of the receptor by neurotransmitter binding opens the channel leading to ion flux and altered membrane potential. The activated G protein can bind to an effector protein, leading to the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. Neurons contain several different neurotransmitters that have been grouped in different classes. They become reduced in size by enzymatic cleavage within the vesicles during their transport to sites of release. One consequence of this method of biosynthesis is that under conditions of high activity, the neuropeptide supply at the presynaptic site can be exhausted. In addition, drugs that bind to the same receptor as the endogenous ligand but bring about an opposite pharmacological response are termed inverse agonists. Finally, drugs that act at sites on the receptor protein that are different from the neurotransmitter binding site are classified as allosteric modulators. Drugs acting at allosteric sites are sometimes advantageous to drugs acting at the receptor site by having fewer side effects. Receptor Activation and Signal Transduction Neuroactive Drugs There is an ongoing effort to develop drugs that can mimic or influence the activity of neurotransmitters at their physiologically relevant receptors. As mentioned above, endogenous neurotransmitters sometimes act at several receptors that are differentially localized, and activation of the different receptors produces brain region- or tissue-specific effects. In contrast to the endogenous neurotransmitters, drugs are introduced from outside of the body. Because of receptor multiplicity, a goal of drug design is to create reagents that are selective for a specific receptor. Molecules that act at the receptor and mimic the effects of an endogenous molecule are termed agonists. Drugs that are less effective and induce less than a maximal effect are termed partial agonists. For example, some currently available agonists act at dopamine receptors (D2 and D4) to treat psychosis or at m opioid receptors to modify pain. In contrast, drugs that inhibit the effects of the neurotransmitter, but have no effects on their own, are termed antagonists.
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A review of systems will allow the identification of neuropathies related to primary disorders of other organs. Autonomic dysfunction can be due to diabetes, amyloidosis, or a paraneoplastic process. Questions on the respiratory status of a patient with neuropathy could lead to a discovery of sarcoidosis or lung cancer. Pattern 7: Symmetrical sensory loss without weakness that could be idiopathic, metabolic, or toxic. Pattern 8: Autonomic symptoms and signs with or without sensory or motor deficits. Neurophysiological Tests After a clinical pattern of peripheral nerve involvement is recognized, ancillary tests must be performed to help reach a final diagnosis. Electrophysiological data provide information on the distribution of neuropathy, supporting or refuting the findings from the history and neurological examination. They also allow the determination of whether the process involves sensory nerves, motor nerves, or both. Finally, theses studies can distinguish axonal from a primary demyelinating neuropathy. Both conduction block and temporal dispersion are electrophysiological indications of focal, segmental acquired demyelination. Conduction block represents a failure of propagation of the action potential across the demyelinated nerve segment. Temporal dispersion reflects a delay, not a failure, of Pattern Recognition of Neuropathic Disorders After a detailed history is obtained and a thorough neurological examination is performed, neuropathic disorders can be classified into several patterns. Recognition of each pattern provides a limited differential diagnosis based on sensory and motor involvement and distribution of pathological signs. The final diagnosis is determined by utilizing pertinent elements of the history and ancillary data. Many clinicians have used this approach in the past without being aware that they were doing so. This is typically seen in polyradiculopathy or plexopathy related to diabetes mellitus, meningeal carcinomatosis, or lymphomatosis, and it could be idiopathic or hereditary. Neuropathies, Overview 501 electrical transmission across a focal demyelinated segment of nerve. Poor performance may be willful or a result of inattention or poor understanding of instructions during the test. Lastly, the importance of normative data in the clinical application of this technique should not be underestimated. It characterizes a lesion by assessing the involvement of sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers and determines the site of the lesion as either pre- or postganglionic. Autonomic function tests can also be useful in evaluating patients with distal painful small-fiber neuropathy. In these patients, distal sudomotor abnormalities detected by means of the quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test or thermoregulatory sweat test provides evidence of peripheral neuropathy. They are easy to perform and can serve as indicators of autonomic system involvement, for example, in a patient with suspected diabetic neuropathy or painful sensory neuropathy. Laboratory Data the next step in the clinical evaluation involves laboratory studies. There are relatively few blood tests that should be ordered routinely in the evaluation of all, or almost all, patients with neuropathic disorders. Additional data can be obtained in selective cases when there is a strong clinical suspicion of a particular disorder. Fasting and 2-h postprandial glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, and glucose tolerance tests are frequently done as part of a neuropathy workup and therefore deserve comment. Determination of the precise role and the best diagnostic test is a subject of continued investigation. In a cohort of 117 patients diagnosed with painful peripheral neuropathy at the Neuromuscular Center of the Ohio State University, none had diabetes based on fasting blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin. It is important to screen for monoclonal gammopathy in all patients with an undiagnosed peripheral neuropathy and perhaps atypically presenting motor neuron disease as well, particularly in the absence of upper motor neuron findings. This is necessary because light chains may be found in the urine when no serum monoclonal protein is evident. In patients who have a monoclonal protein in serum, bone surveys searching for osteosclerotic or osteolytic lesions and also bone marrow biopsy and aspiration may be indicated. Careful long-term follow-up is necessary in patients not found to have an underlying plasma cell dyscrasia. The role of paraproteins in the pathogenesis of neuropathy is debatable, although there 502 Neuropathies, Overview are specific syndromes associated with certain defined antibodies that are contained within the paraprotein. In patients with IgG and IgA paraproteins, and in half of those with IgM, the role of the monoclonal protein in the neuropathy remains uncertain. In terms of contributing to a specific new diagnosis, three antibody assays are especially valuable. The first is the anti-Hu antibody assay, which is used in cases in which carcinomatous sensory neuronopathy is suspected. Lumbar puncture is an informative diagnostic test, particularly for the evaluation of possible demyelinating neuropathies. In most cases, it is difficult to provide a clinical diagnosis based on specific microscopic findings in the peripheral nerve biopsy. The repertoire of pathological changes in the nerve is relatively limited, potentially restricting the value of nerve biopsy. However, there are conditions in which nerve biopsy can be a source of pathognomonic information. Vasculitis, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, giant axonal neuropathy, and leprosy are among the diagnoses that can be established by a nerve biopsy. The disease for which nerve biopsy is most useful is probably vasculitis as this is a treatable condition. The diagnosis of vasculitis needs to be confirmed histologically, and the nerve and the adjacent muscle are often the most accessible and logical choice for a biopsy in cases of suspected vasculitis complicated by peripheral neuropathy. Although there are some disorders for which the nerve biopsy can show characteristic abnormalities, most of these diseases can be diagnosed by other means. Infectious neuropathies such as leprosy can be more easily diagnosed by a biopsy demonstrating acid-fast bacilli in the skin rather than a nerve biopsy. Rarely, nerve biopsy can be justified to help determine the underlying pathological process and thus the underlying diagnosis. It is important to emphasize that nerve biopsies are not performed to address whether a patient has a peripheral neuropathy. This question is more appropriately answered by a combined approach emphasizing clinical and electrodiagnostic studies with support from quantitative sensory and autonomic testing and skin biopsies. Skin biopsy for the evaluation of intraepidermal nerve fibers, a more recently developed technique, is a useful test for predominantly small-fiber peripheral neuropathies that are relatively inaccessible to standard electrodiagnostic testing. The punch biopsy procedure of the skin carries a low risk of complications, and discomfort is minimal. Loss of intraepidermal nerve fibers is characteristic of distal painful sensory neuropathy. This intraepidermal nerve fiber population is not directly assessed by any other means of study. These are patients who particularly benefit from a skin biopsy, although there are other clinical settings in which skin biopsies may be helpful. For example, the technique has particular application as an outcome measure in disorders affecting the small myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fiber populations. Treatment Therapy can be directed toward the underlying disease process or it can be symptomatic. Symptomatic pharmacological therapy is mostly directed at pain control, with medications that are used daily for pain prevention, and others used for breakthrough pain. Three broad categories of drugs can be used for daily treatment of neuropathic: antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antiarrhythmics. The former class includes amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine, and imipramine, the first-line agents for most patients with neuropathic pain, and usually well tolerated at low doses. Unfortunately, with higher doses and in elderly patients their use is often accompanied by intolerable anticholinergic and sedative side effects. Anticonvulsants can also be very effective in reducing neuropathic pain, and examples include carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, and pregabalin. It is Neuropathies, Overview 503 important to begin with a low dose and to increase the dosage slowly to avoid side effects of oversedation and unsteadiness. The antiarrhythmic and sodium-channel blocker mexiletine can be used for neuropathic pain treatment. Muscle cramps, a common problem for patients with peripheral neuropathy, may be helped by low-dose diltiazem, a calcium blocker. Lidocaine can be used as an ointment, and more efficiently as a transdermal patch. Another topical therapy is transcutaneous nerve stimulation, but it seems to be effective in only a minority of patients. Orthostatic hypotension associated with autonomic neuropathies can be treated with fludrocortisone and the oral sympathomimetic agent midodrine. Midodrine is an a1-adrenoreceptor agonist that increases blood pressure by producing arterial and venous constriction. Pyridostigmine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, may sometimes help treat orthostatic intolerance. Other therapeutic modalities can stop or slow a disease process (pathogenetic treatment) or act on a cause of the illness (etiological therapy). For example, for immune-mediated neuropathies a variety of immunosuppressive therapies are available, including oral and intravenous corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis, and other immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and cyclosporine. These options should be considered for acute and chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, vasculitic neuropathy, and other neuropathies associated with definable connective tissue disease. Leprous neuropathy is usually effectively treated with a multidrug regimen, including dapsone, rifampicin, and clofazimine. The most important vitamin-deficient states that can cause peripheral nerve disorders are cobalamin (vitamin B12), a-tocopherol (vitamin E), and thiamine (vitamin B1). Replacement therapy is indicated in all of these conditions, with the expectation of reasonable success in cases in which supplementation is instituted early during the course of illness. As a rule, the response is seen after at least several months of treatment, and recovery is slow. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) can be associated with neuropathy both in deficient states as well as in hypervitaminosis (as a peripheral neurotoxic agent). Neuropathy, Anti-Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein E Nobile-Orazio, University of Milan, Milan, Italy r 2014 Elsevier Inc. The vast majority of patients have, however, a chronic progressive, symmetrical and predominantly distal neuropathy, which in almost two-thirds of the patients has been associated with reactivity of M protein with a number of neural antigens. Occasional patients were reported to have high titer of these antibodies despite the absence of an IgM monoclonal gammopathy. In these patients, however, IgM reactivity was monoclonal, revealing the presence of an otherwise undetectable monoclonal gammopathy. The circulating levels of these antibodies is, however, critical to assess their diagnostic and pathogenetic relevance. The advantage of the commercial system is that, although more expensive, it is more standardized than the usually homemade immunoblot system, making it easier to compare results among different laboratories. In addition, it avoids the cumbersome procedure required for myelin preparation and Western blot assay. On neurological examination, almost two-thirds of the patients have a predominant or selective sensory impairment, whereas one-third of them have a concomitant motor impairment. Loss of position and vibratory sensation is usually more affected than touch, and pain sensation is often preserved. Limb weakness and hypotrophy usually appear later in the course of the disease, being prominent in a minority of patients. A postural and action tremor in the upper limbs is frequent and sometimes becomes the most invaliding symptom. Deep tendon reflexes are almost invariably ubiquitously lost, although cranial nerves and the autonomic system are not impaired. Several patients develop some disability after several years, even if only few of them become severely disabled. Whether this relatively favorable prognosis was also the consequence of the therapies performed during the course of the neuropathy remains unclear. Occasionally patients may have a more rapidly progressive course leading to severe gait ataxia and frequent falls in a few years. This should lead to hematological 506 Neuropathy, Anti-Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein investigation including a complete X-ray skeletal survey to look for sclerotic or lytic lesions and bone marrow examination to reveal the presence of focal or diffuse bone marrow lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. This examination is, however, not strictly necessary for the diagnosis of this neuropathy. Most patients also have a disproportionate prolongation of distal latencies for the degree of proximal conduction slowing, revealing a distal accentuation of conduction slowing. Sensory nerves are usually more affected than motor nerves and are more severely affected in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs, reflecting the distribution of clinical impairment. Needle electromyography shows signs of chronic partial denervation with sparse fibrillation, with more severe involvement of intrinsic foot muscles.
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Rethinking the Sources of Neurotrophic Factors for Signaling and the Means by Which their Signals Modify Neuronal Structure and Function It is now evident that not all neurotrophic factor signaling arises through release of the factor from its postsynaptic target. Indeed, the data are clear that in the corticostriatal system, anterograde transport from cortical neurons followed by release at distal axons impacts the structure and function of postsynaptic striatal neurons. Recent studies have begun to define the means by which the dendritically generated signal is transmitted to the cell body. The concept can now be advanced that signaling derived from the targets of innervation supports the ability of the responding neuron to make and modify synapses not just with its postsynaptic partner but with its presynaptic partner as well. The Result of Signaling Is a Function of the Local Cellular Context in Which It Occurs An emerging insight, not yet fully explored, is that signaling within axons serves not only to inform the structure and function of synapses and cell bodies but also to directly impact each of the cellular domains in which signaling occurs. It is plausible that distinct roles for neurotrophic factor signaling, and mechanisms appropriate to them, are carried out in each of the domains for signaling, i. Although the initiation of signaling events may share much in common, the temporal and spatial regulation of signals, and the means by which they are locally applied, may mediate events specifically appropriate to the local context. When those same signals travel to dendrites, they enhance synapse formation with presynaptic partners, which is not dependent on protein synthesis. The idea that intracellular signaling serves intracellular communication was less prominently featured at the time but can now be seen as no less salient. Finally, as reviewed above, the context for signaling appears to modify the conception of the cell as a unitary entity with all signaling evoking the same set of changes regardless of location and instead views it as a diverse set of local contexts that differ in downstream signaling effectors as well as the targets engaged by these effectors. The challenges include the need, in spite of the physical distance that may intervene, to transmit the signal with specificity, high fidelity, and robust amplitude. The elucidation of other features of the proposed mechanism for long-distance transmission continues to engage and intrigue the neurobiology community. This suggests that preformed complexes of downstream signaling intermediates exist in TrkA-containing domains at the surface. Subsequent cosorting of these elements to endosomes in transit was also demonstrated as was the ability of the isolated endosome to signal, ex vivo, to downstream kinase targets. Accordingly, the signaling endosome was viewed as a nanomachine for signaling with the ability as a unitary entity to signal continuously from distal axons to cell bodies, thus informing them about the status of the domain in which their axons grow and the synapses they make. The signaling endosome hypothesis is consistent with the emerging view that cellular signaling pathways are highly organized and compartmentalized to confer specificity and sustainability of signal transduction. The signaling endosome hypothesis is supported by a wealth of experimental evidence. It is noteworthy that TrkA is enriched in light buoyant density membranes before and after activation. Note, however, that the recruitment of Trk receptors from a recycling compartment occurs in parallel with endocytosis. It is possible, and indeed likely, that different neurons use a different complement of such organelles to transport signals. Studies to bring additional insights are an important next step in clarifying retrograde signaling pathways. In these studies, Rab5-positive early endosomes appeared to be involved in an early sorting step but were absent from axonally transported vesicles. What contribution these organelles make to signaling was not apparent in these studies. Trk was present in Rab5-positive macroendosomes derived from surface membranes in a process that was dynamin- and Rac dependent but clathrin independent. Indeed in the studies of Pincher, it appears that most Trk receptors are distant from the cytosol. No evidence has been presented to support the hypothesis proposed by Hendry and colleagues. Moreover, it is not clear 578 Neurotrophic Signals, Axonal Transport of that the signaling endosome needs protection from cellular factors to survive transport in the sciatic nerve preparation. Whether this mode of signaling occurs and what physiological role(s) it may play are interesting but unanswered questions. Evidence from the Chao Laboratory suggests that Trk associates with both the 14 kDa light- and the 74 kDa intermediate chain of dynein. Furthermore, Segal and colleagues found that pTrk colocalizes with dynein, but not with the anterograde motor kinesin, in rat sciatic nerve axons. Movement was dominated by that in the retrograde direction and trafficked at an average speed, while moving 1. Also noted was the tendency for endosomes to pause at the same apparent location within the axon. This interesting phenomenon has not been explained but can be envisioned as due to local changes in the cytoskeleton. This is especially interesting in light of recent findings for the role of actin modulatory elements, which support the transport of signaling endosomes. It is plausible that local changes in actin content or the presence of additional cytoskeletal elements may play a role in causing endosomal pausing. Autophagosomes in neurotrophin signaling It is increasingly apparent that autophagy is an essential degradation pathway for dysfunctional cellular components. The formation of the autophagosomes requires the participation of at least four major protein complexes. Misfolded proteins and damaged organelles are collected into autophagosomes, which then fuse with lysosomes to degrade or recycle components. Autophagosomes mature as they move along axons proximal to the cell soma where they become fully acidified. Delivery of autophagosomes to the cell soma ensures efficient cargo recycling close to where proteins are synthesized. At the very least one can envision a role in the degradation of elements of the signaling pathways. The dynein motor protein complex is responsible for powering retrograde movement within cells. It comprises many different subunits (the heavy chains, the intermediate chains Signaling Endosomes That Do Not Contain Nerve Growth Factor When considering the mechanisms of retrograde signaling, several alternative models have been proposed by which signals are transported to cell bodies. It is possible that several mechanisms play a role and possibly complement one another. Neurotrophic Signals, Axonal Transport of 579 In fact, two possibilities may be suggested. In the second, there would be no need for endosomal transport of the ligand or the receptor. The result was activation of TrkB in well-defined puncta, some adjacent to but others distant from the beads. One caveat to apply to these studies is that release of even small amounts from beads may evoke signaling and that it is difficult to know to what extent this signaling may be sufficient to induce cellular events. It is not yet clear how findings so clearly at odds with each other can be explained, but relative differences in the models used have been suggested. This speculation suggests that such signals might be repeatedly generated by signaling endosomes during transport to complement their signaling. Whether or not such a signal exists and what temporal and functional benefits it would provide are only now beginning to be assessed. These findings have engendered a vigorous debate, and others have presented evidence supporting the need for local activation of TrkA in cell bodies to support survival of neurons. These data were interpreted to show that axonal swellings act to clog axonal transport. Unanswered is the mechanism by which transport is affected and the physiological significance. Although the body of data in hand is supportive of a role in pathogenesis, studies that define the underlying mechanism and show that it plays a necessary role in pathogenesis are needed. Moreover, it will be important to discriminate between changes in anterograde versus retrograde transport. Endocytic receptors and growth factors that can be guided and transported by the endosomal recycling pathway may play a prominent role in cellular function. In view of the wealth of information now available, signaling endosomebased trafficking in axons can be seen as using many if not all of the same mechanisms used by nonneurons. The prospect is exciting that future studies will provide important new insights into signaling from endosomes. Indeed, proteins that misfold are germane to axonal transport and to underlying pathogenesis. Moreover, the involvement of axons is an early manifestation of pathogenesis, one that may be present before atrophy of cell bodies. The foregoing discussion of the role of axonal signaling in the biology of neurons and the circuits they support raises the possibility that axonal dysfunction is not only implicated in pathogenesis but also serves to drive it. Studies to test this assertion and to understand the underlying mechanisms can be seen as a first step toward discovering treatments to restore axonal structure and function to prevent or forestall neurodegeneration. An increasing number of human neurodegenerative diseases are being shown to demonstrate defects in axonal structure and axonal transport. Whereas accumulation of mutant proteins or organelles in axons is a hallmark of these diseases, pointing to impaired axonal transport, the demonstration of such defects and the elucidation of underlying mechanisms are in an early stage. Increasing access to medical care and eliminating institutionalization have resulted in increased longevity such that it now approaches age 60s. These changes were correlated with changes in downstream endocytic compartments, including recycling endosomes, late endosomes, and lysosomes. Axonal transport is impaired in wobbler mice, and Vps54 might be critical for retrograde vesicular transport and, in particular, for axonal transport in motor neurons. Mutant htt appears to influence this interaction and in so doing reduces the stability of intracellular TrkA. Dysfunction and death of these motor neurons result in muscle weakness and atrophy, which will eventually lead to paralysis and death of the patients. The 582 Neurotrophic Signals, Axonal Transport of disease is typically featured by weakness of the foot and lower leg muscles that eventually results in foot drops and highstepped gait with frequent tripping or falls. In severe cases, amputation is required to prevent the spread of axonal degeneration. In addition, retrograde axonal signaling is important to convene injury signaling in damaged axons. In the case of axonal lesions, the cell body must receive accurate and timely information on the site and extent of axonal damage to mount an appropriate response. Mechanisms for transmitting such information along the length of the axon from the lesion site to the cell soma include injury-induced discharge of axon potentials and two distinct types of retrogradely transported stress-related macromolecular signals. Neurotrophins Further Reading Ascano M, Bodmer D, and Kuruvilla R (2012) Endocytic trafficking of neurotrophins in neural development. Introduction Neurotrophins consist of a family of four highly homologous growth factors that promote survival, differentiation, and function of neurons during the development of the central and peripheral nervous systems. In adults, neurotrophins also play important roles in modulating synaptic plasticity and in regulating the response of the nervous system to injury and disease. Removal of the limb bud in the chick embryo led to the death of peripheral neurons innervating the limb, implicating the production of a growth factor synthesized in peripheral targets that provided trophic support. Like most growth factors, neurotrophins are initially synthesized as a precursor (proneurotrophin), which encodes a prodomain and a mature domain. Intracellular cleavage of proneurotrophins leads to the release of C-terminal mature neurotrophins, with neurotrophic activities. In contrast, the prodomain regulates intracellular trafficking and protein folding. These studies have expanded the repertoire of biological functions for the neurotrophins. Neurons are born in excess and only those whose axons innervate target cells and transport neurotrophins retrogradely will survive, whereas those with insufficient access to neurotrophins will die by apoptosis. Neurotrophins are also synthesized locally by glial cells and neurons themselves and can medicate survival, migration, and proliferative effects during development. Neurotrophins also regulate the elaboration of dendritic processes, local guidance of developing axons, and acute growth cone turning. In addition, neurotrophins influence the formation of ocular dominance columns in the developing cortex. Together, the varied and even divergent functions of neurotrophins underscore their importance in the development of the nervous system. Adulthood Neurotrophins are synthesized throughout adult life, confirming that their functions are not confined to developmental processes. However, mature neurons lose their dependence on neurotrophins for survival and instead utilize neurotrophins to maintain neuronal phenotype and modulate synaptic function. Hence, they play critical roles to fine tune the structure and function of the nervous system in response to acute and chronic stimuli. Following injury and disease, neuronal phenotypes in the adult nervous system can be compromised. In response to injury, the expression of neurotrophins is upregulated in both the peripheral and central nervous systems. Local release of mature neurotrophins can promote axon regeneration and nerve repair in the peripheral nervous system, and the regrowth and reorganization of central neural connections. The mechanisms that regulate whether the actions of proneurotrophins or mature neurotrophins predominate remain to be determined. Neurotrophins are found in all mammals and lower vertebrates, and structurally-related proteins have been identified in invertebrates. Activation of specific pathways leads to the activation of specific genes that regulate how neurons respond to neurotrophins. In addition, Trk activation can lead to local signaling events in neurons, to modulate synaptic plasticity and acute remodeling of dendritic structures. The transmembrane receptor p75 is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, and encodes an intracellular death domain.
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Despite evidence supporting all these notions, no significant memory abnormalities have been Relevant Website This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Rafael Pelayo, Kin Yuen, volume 4, p 307, r 2003, Elsevier Inc. Sleep paralysis is a transient inability to perform voluntary movements at sleep onset or more typically on awakening. They are usually distressing, especially when accompanied by hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. The experience is typically frightening, although patients may become less frightened over time with repeated episodes. Episodes are often described as occurring when a subject tries to wake up abruptly from a dream, particularly a nightmare. Sleep paralysis episodes may be particularly frightening when accompanied by the visual or auditory imagery of hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. Sleep paralysis with hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations has been singled out as a highly likely source of beliefs concerning supernatural phenomena. Sleep paralysis episodes may occur more commonly in patients who are sleep deprived, stressed, or have very irregular sleep schedules. Sleep paralysis is relatively common in the general population and more frequent in students and psychiatric patients. Attacks may be avoided by maintaining a regular sleep schedule and decreasing stress. Medications are not usually indicated for sleep paralysis, and patients may be less concerned when they are reassured of the usually benign nature of sleep paralysis episodes. Typically, medications that improve cataplexy can also reduce sleep paralysis episodes in patients with narcolepsy. Because sleep paralysis is a relatively common phenomenon, it should never be considered diagnostic for narcolepsy in the absence of other supportive findings. The presence of sleep paralysis, particularly in young patients, should lead to the obtainment of a more detailed sleep history and possibly to sleep studies. Sleep Disorders Further Reading American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2005) International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 2nd edn. By 3 months of age, they are usually able to sleep through the night but daytime napping is present until approximately 5 or 6 years of age. The percentage of stage N3 decreases after the age of 20 years, whereas stages N1, N2, and awakenings after sleep onset increase with age. Older adults often complain of poor sleep, frequent awakenings, and the need for daytime naps. The implication of having a slightly longer internal biological clock is the tendency to retire to bed later with each passing night, but as previously discussed, this is overcome by environmental cues of light and dark that entrain the circadian cycle. Appropriate exposure to light or other zeitgebers (stimuli such as light, exercise, meals, and work schedule that influence the circadian rhythm) can shift the circadian clock. For example, exposure to light in the morning can advance the biological clock and cause an individual to wake up earlier the following morning. Conversely, exposure to light in the evening can delay the biological clock and cause an individual to fall asleep later and wake up later the following morning. One major theory is the two-process model, which postulates that sleep and wakefulness are regulated by a homeostatic process and a circadian process. Homeostasis is a process by which the pressure to sleep increases in proportion to the duration of wakefulness. Circadian rhythm disturbances occur when the biological clock does not meet the demands of the external environment. Their sleep architecture is normal but they are difficult to awaken early in the morning. Traveling west delays the sleep cycle, whereas traveling east advances the sleep cycle. Wakefulness Further Reading American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2005) International Classification of Sleep Disorders 2nd ed: Diagnsotic and Coding Manual. Intermittent obstruction of the shunt follows and in turn leads to intracranial hypertension. This unphysiological intracranial hypotension is compensated by reduction in the internal volume of the cranium by hyperostosis of the calvaria, hyperpneumatosis of the sinus cavities, craniosynostosis of the cranial sutures, and continuous reduction in the size of the supratentorial ventricles. The skull prematurely closes but the brain continues to grow and a pseudotumor-like condition with small ventricles and decreased compliance of the ventricular wall from venous hypertension develops. Clinical symptoms appear when the ventricular catheter becomes occluded by choroid plexus or ependymal tissue. Such children may be diagnosed with pediatric migraine or referred for psychological or psychiatric evaluation. However, many more of these patients will become symptomatic after they leave the pediatric centers. Treatment In 1973, the first antisiphon devices and high-resistance valves were introduced. Other attempts at counteracting the problem of overshunting include subtemporal craniectomy or other means of cranial expansion. Most experts agree that valves designed to prevent overdrainage should always be used, although it appears that overdrainage continues to happen with the new shunt systems, albeit at a slower rate. There is some overlap across categories, but appropriate classification aids in management decisions. Management is best with a shunt that incorporates the subarachnoid space, although patients with true cephalocranial disproportion may need a cranial expansion procedure. Shunt-Related Migraines Patients with shunt-related migraines typically have a strong family history of migraine headaches. Their headaches are usually episodic and children often suffer from seasonal allergies. These patients usually improve briefly after shunt manipulation, but the same problems quickly return after intervention. Intracranial Hypotension Patients with intracranial hypotension have severe headaches that are not present when they recline in bed. Their headache worsens when they assume an erect position and improves rapidly when they lie down. These headaches are analogous to postlumbar puncture headaches, and meningeal enhancement can be seen on imaging. This condition implies overshunting, and patients respond to a programmable valve at a higher setting with an antisiphon device. Current Treatment Paradigm Most shunted patients do well for long periods of time. In a small percentage, the headaches are a major interference in daily functioning. Accurate categorization of their symptoms can help with management, and the first treatment step in most cases is to use programmable shunts that incorporate an antisiphon device. This strategy attempts to improve and understand the pathophysiology and treatment of symptoms in each individual patient. If the patient is not symptomatic or only mildly ill, the drain is closed under careful observation. These patients have usually undergone resection or treatment of a brain tumor or have experienced a subarachnoid or intraventricular hemorrhage. This problem is not always simple to fix, but many believe it develops from overshunting, which then leads to catheter occlusion. The initial treatment should be valve replacement with an adjustable valve at a high setting and an antisiphon device. Normal Volume Hydrocephalus Patients with normal volume hydrocephalus have shunt failure without ventricular enlargement. Treatment requires that their shunts be explored, and they are routinely found to be nonfunctional. Increased Intracranial Pressure with a Working Shunt the scenario of increased intracranial pressure with a working shunt suggests cephalocranial disproportional. The patient remains in close contact with our service and follow-up scans are obtained 6 weeks and 1 year after the procedure. In our experience, all of these patients had their first shunts placed during infancy. Clinically, these patients are at great risk because the level of recognition of this condition among treating physicians is low. If this goal cannot be achieved with endoscopic fenestration, then all compartments should be shunted and spliced together proximal to the valve mechanism. When a patient returns complaining of exacerbation of headaches, the shunt system must be evaluated to ensure that it is working as planned. A rapid magnetic resonance imaging sequence is preferred because of the radiation risk. The disease is characterized by severe, life-modifying headaches with normal or smaller-than-normal ventricles. Initially, it should include placement of an adjustable shunt valve with an antisiphon device. Sense of Smell the sense of smell plays a critical role in fundamental life events such as avoiding predators, finding receptive mates, recognizing trails and territory, and locating food. Different from mammals, smell in humans appears to play a lesser role in survival, compared with vision and hearing. As almost everyone agrees, loss of smell affects the taste of food and in turn decreases appetite. They have primary apical dendrites that extend into a spherical bundle of a glomerulus. In mammals, the olfactory system is the only sensory system in which peripheral information is sent directly sent to the cortex, bypassing the sensory thalamus. Therefore, it has been proposed that the olfactory bulb combines the function of the peripheral sensory system and the thalamus. Consistent with this idea, several studies have demonstrated that activity in the olfactory bulb reflects not only sensory information but also the internal state of animals and task-dependent variables. Because of the relative simplicity of the anatomy of the olfactory bulb and the combination of both sensory- and state-dependent activity in a single network, the olfactory bulb has been used as an attractive model for testing principles of sensory information processing. Structure of the Olfactory System Main Olfactory System the Olfactory epithelium Olfactory epithelium is structurally adapted to perform its function as a sensory system. The olfactory epithelium is composed of three distinct cell types: basal cells, olfactory sensory neurons, and sustentacular (or supporting) cells. The olfactory sensory neurons are bipolar neurons sensing environmental chemicals. Each olfactory sensory neuron in the mouse expresses only one functional odorant receptor gene out of more than 1000 genes. The olfactory sensory neurons are unique in that they can regenerate throughout adulthood. They possess olfactory cilia, which are exposed to the mucus and provide the meeting place for odorants and their odorant receptors. At the other end, axons from olfactory sensory neurons expressing a given odorant receptor converge onto a specific site in the brain, the glomerulus in the olfactory bulb. Between 10 and 100 axons form bundles and penetrate the ethmoidal cribriform plate. Odorant receptor Lifelong efforts searching for the odorant receptor gene family by Buck and Axel were rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004. The odorant receptors are members of a seven-transmembrane receptor family and are mainly expressed in olfactory sensory neurons. These olfactory sensory neurons project their axons into the dorsal part of the olfactory bulb. The septal organ comprises an island of sensory tissue located on either side of the nasal septum and is positioned at the nasopalatine duct. Various types of chemosensory receptors are also expressed in Grueneberg ganglion neurons, which project their axons to defined glomeruli within the olfactory bulb. The chemosensory receptors expressed in these neurons appear to play a role in detecting alarm pheromones. Main olfactory bulb the main olfactory bulb is the first relay station of the central olfactory system. Air containing odorants is inhaled into nasal mucosa, which resides under the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. There are olfactory sensory neurons that detect odorants, basal cells which serve as precursor cells of olfactory sensory neurons, and supporting (sustentacular) cells that support the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory sensory neuron is a bipolar neuron projecting its dendrites to the mucus and forming dendritic knobs where olfactory cilia exist. In the olfactory cilia, odorant receptors are present and detect odorants in the mucus. Accessory Olfactory System Vomeronasal organ the vomeronasal organ is another chemosensory system that perceives and processes stimuli related to social and reproductive behaviors in many species of vertebrates. It also contains a sensory epithelium that is not directly exposed to the airflow, and thus possesses a pumping mechanism for flushing the organ with mucus. In the coronal section of the vomeronasal organ, a crescent-like lumen lined with a sensory epithelium is sited medially, whereas a nonsensory cuboidal epithelium lies laterally.
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