
John G. Augoustides, MD, FASe, FAHA
- Associate Professor
- Cardiovascular and Thoracic Section
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care
- University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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It has been known for almost 100 years that the injection of parathyroid extract in a variety of species induces dosedependent increases in blood flow, resulting in decreased blood pressure (Charbon et al. These tumor-derived molecules exert a variety of effects on other cells residing in the local bone marrow microenvironment that favor tumor establishment and progression in bone (Johnson and Suva, 2017). In recent years it has become apparent that the bone and bone marrow compartment provides not only a receptive growth factor-enriched environment for arriving tumor cells but also favorable niches in which circulating/disseminated tumor cells can survive (Makhoul et al. It is clear that the numerous interactions between invading tumor cells, host bone cells and the immune system that facilitate tumor progression in bone (and elsewhere) are the result of processes above and beyond the action of any single molecule. This information provides an evolutionary argument to explain the many duplicated genes on chromosomes 11 and 12 as well as the many common regulators of both molecules. These and other unanswered questions will only be answered by continued efforts to uncover the underlying biology of this important molecule. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide-depleted mice show abnormal epiphyseal cartilage development and altered endochondral bone formation. The human Pth2 receptor: Binding and signal transduction properties of the stably expressed recombinant receptor. Immunoreactive forms of circulating parathyroid hormone in primary and ectopic hyperparathyroidism. The role of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis by cementoblasts. Parathyroid hormone-related protein is not required for normal ductal or alveolar development in the post-natal mammary gland. Preliminary characterization of circulating amino- and carboxy-terminal fragments of parathyroid hormone-related peptide in humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Parathyroid hormone-related protein and its receptors: Nuclear functions and roles in the renal and cardiovascular systems, the placental trophoblasts and the pancreatic islets. Cyclin D1/Cdk4 regulates retinoblastoma protein-mediated cell cycle arrest by site-specific phosphorylation. Regulation of bone morphogenetic protein activity by pro domains and proprotein convertases. Immunochemical detection of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the saccus vasculosus of a teleost fish. Minireview: Parathyroid hormone-related protein as an intracrine factor-trafficking mechanisms and functional consequences. Relaxant effects of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormonerelated peptides on oviduct motility in birds and mammals: Possible role of nitric oxide. Rank ligand mediates progestin-induced mammary epithelial proliferation and carcinogenesis. Evidence for a causal role of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the pathogenesis of human breast cancer-mediated osteolysis. Ihh controls cartilage development by antagonizing Gli3, but requires additional effectors to regulate osteoblast and vascular development. Similarity of synthetic peptide from human tumor to parathyroid hormone in vivo and in vitro. Use of endoproteinase Lys-C from Lysobacter enzymogenes in protein sequence analysis. Gene-encoding parathyroid hormone-like peptide: Nucleotide sequence of the rat gene and comparison with the human homologue. Lethal skeletal dysplasia from targeted disruption of the parathyroid hormone-related peptide gene. The importance of being proline: the interaction of proline-rich motifs in signaling proteins with their cognate domains. Calcitropic gene expression suggests a role for the intraplacental yolk sac in maternal-fetal calcium exchange. Importin beta recognizes parathyroid hormone-related protein with high affinity and mediates its nuclear import in the absence of importin alpha. Molecular dissection of the importin beta1-recognized nuclear targeting signal of parathyroid hormone-related protein. Isolation and characterization of the human parathyroid hormone-like peptide gene. Identification of an up-stream promoter of the human parathyroid hormone-related peptide gene. Articular cartilage endurance and resistance to osteoarthritic changes require transcription factor erg. A carboxyl leucine-rich region of parathyroid hormone-related protein is critical for nuclear export. Parathyroid hormone-related protein is induced by hypoxia and promotes expression of the differentiated phenotype of human articular chondrocytes. Localization of parathyroid hormone-related protein in breast cancer metastases: Increased incidence in bone compared with other sites. Evidence for a novel parathyroid hormone-related protein in fetal lamb parathyroid glands and sheep placenta: Comparisons with a similar protein implicated in humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy. Action of parathyroid extract on arterial blood pressure and on contraction and 45Ca exchange in isolated aorta of the rat. Evidence for secretion of a novel mid-region fragment by three different cell types. N-terminal amino acid sequence of two novel tumor-derived adenylate cyclase-stimulating proteins: Identification of parathyroid hormone-like and parathyroid hormone-unlike domains. Vasorelaxant properties of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the mouse: Evidence for endothelium involvement independent of nitric oxide formation. A parathyroid hormone-related protein implicated in malignant hypercalcemia: Cloning and expression. Nucleotide sequence of a parathyroid hormone-related peptide expressed by the 10 day chicken embryo. Structural and physiologic characterization of the mid-region secretory species of parathyroid hormone-related protein. Overexpression of parathyroid hormone-related protein or parathyroid hormone in transgenic mice impairs branching morphogenesis during mammary gland development. It plays an important role in maintaining calcium homeostasis during the periods of calcium stress. Osteoporosis A chronic, progressive skeletal disease, characterized by low bone mass and fragility and deterioration of bone microarchitecture; it increases fracture risks. Introduction C cells derive from the neural crest and migrate rostrally to become the parafollicular cells in humans and the ultimobranchial bodies in lower vertebrates. During this forward migration, C cells are expected to concentrate in the thyroid and ultimobranchial body (Wimalawansa, 1993a). However, some C cells may not progress to the thyroid and could be manifest in extrathyroidal tissues in the path way of its migration upwards (Wimalawansa and MacIntyre, 1991). Calcitonin is an endogenous regulator of calcium homoeostasis, especially during "calcium stresses" protecting the skeleton, acting principally on bone. It also has a direct action on the kidneys and gastrointestinal secretory activity as well as direct and indirect effects on the central nervous system in modulating pain. Investigations into its central nervous system role suggest that, in addition to having an intrinsic analgesic effect, it may exert a modulator effect on other neuronal activities, directly at the sites at which it is known to be present, and indirectly, by a mechanism yet to be elucidated at other locations. One difficulty with treatment is that, until few years ago, injection was the only possible mode of administration. However, dosage forms using other routes are being developed, and a calcitonin nasal spray is now commercially available. Intact disulfide bridge is essential for its receptor docking and thus, biological activity. Sunil J Wimalawansa updated the text to this entire chapter and further reading list, added keywords, expanded abstract, and added in-text references. The invariant residues (illustrated as -) are clustered at the two ends of the molecule. For its key biological activities, hypocalcemic effects, and inhibition of osteoclasts, the intact molecule-all 32 amino acids-is required (Wimalawansa and MacIntyre, 1991). Before secretion into the circulation, however, it undergoes a number of posttranslational modifications, including cleavage, disulfide bridge formation, and amidation of Cterminal amino acid, via converting proline into proline-amide. Its primary action is mediated through inhibition of bone resorption by osteoclasts. Thus, it usually is reserved for patients who refuse or cannot tolerate other antiosteoporosis agents, with the exception of patients experiencing acute bone pain (see later for more details). Physiology of Calcitonin and Its Therapeutic Uses 181 Side effects are greatest with intravenous administration, less with intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, and least with intranasal administration (Wimalawansa, 1993a; Wimalawansa and Cooper, 1997). Being a peptide, calcitonin preparations should be refrigerated and protected from direct sunlight to prevent degradation. Adverse Reactions Potentially Life-Threatening Effects Calcitonin is a safe drug with few side effects (Wimalawansa, 1993a; Wimalawansa and Cooper, 1997). In such patients, the dose may need to be increased by two- to threefold or more than the recommended doses to achieve the desired effects. Alternative routes of administration have been investigated, such as pulmonary, rectal, buccal [liposomes], depot preparations, and oral forms, but no real breakthrough has been reported yet. Flushing and transient nausea and vomiting are the only key notable short-term symptoms. As with other medications, such reactions are thought to be caused by allergenicity to excipients rather than the peptide itself. This is noticed by at least a third of patients and probably occurs to a certain extent in most who take this medication. Depending on the route of administration, onset may be within seconds to minutes after administration and may last as long as 1 h. Increased urinary frequency (diuretic effect) occurs in as many as 10% of patients, but diarrhea is rare. Interference with clinical pathology tests Calcitonin has no known technical or chemical interferences or interactions with laboratory tests. These physiological actions are geared to preserving the skeleton (Wimalawansa, 1989). Maintaining Calcium Homeostasis During Calcium Stress During pregnancy, calcium is retained by the fetus in increasing amounts irrespective of the calcium status of the mother (Wimalawansa and Cooper, 1997). During the period of lactation, calcium is secreted into milk against a concentration gradient. Thus, if the maternal calcium and vitamin D intake are suboptimal, mothers who breast-feed for prolonged periods may experience significant bone loss during lactation. The antiinflammatory mechanisms of action probably involve a reduction in vascular permeability, reducing the synthesis and secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1. This effect seems to be independent of changes in tissue/ cellular calcium levels. In addition, a dose-dependent inhibition of prostaglandin and thromboxane biosynthesis is reported to occur as a result of partial inhibition of the activity of cyclooxygenase, the enzyme responsible for the first stage of arachidonic acid metabolism. The reaction is thought to result from a preferential release of various vasodilatory cytokine factors, including vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Its beneficial effect is evident in those with bone pain, sometimes called "migraine of the bone"; this is predominantly due to restoration of normal bone blood flow. Such effects include antistress, antiulcerogenic, and perhaps antiinflammatory properties. Calcitonin directly suppresses the bone resorption activity of osteoclasts and thereby decreases bone resorption. This feedback mechanism will lead to rapid decreases in bone resorption, and thus the amount of calcium leaching from the skeletal surfaces into the circulation will decrease. This will bring back the tightly controlled ionized calcium levels toward the normal range (Wimalawansa and Cooper, 1997). Using their pseudopodia, osteoclasts move over the surface of bone, making resorption pits en route. These cells make a tight seal over the bone surface using its cell membrane pseudopodia, secreting acid and proteases to digest the underneath collagen matrix. Once a certain depth in a pit is formed, the osteoclast moves to a different site.
The use of incretins and fractures-A meta-analysis on population-based real life data spasms the movie trusted skelaxin 400mg. Improving metabolic control reverses the histomorphometric and biomechanical abnormalities of an experimentally induced bone defect in spontaneously diabetic rats muscle relaxant of choice in renal failure skelaxin 400mg discount. Bone formation in spontaneously diabetic Torii-newly established model of non-obese type 2 diabetes rats spasms lung skelaxin 400 mg for sale. High glucose concentrations alter the biomineralization process in human osteoblastic cells spasms after bowel movement generic 400 mg skelaxin fast delivery. Gastric banding induces negative bone remodelling in the absence of secondary hyperparathyroidism: Potential role of serum C telopeptides for follow-up spasms right side abdomen buy skelaxin 400mg on line. Bone mineral metabolism in experimental diabetes mellitus: Osteocalcin as a measure of bone remodeling spasms movie buy cheap skelaxin line. Histomorphometric analysis of diabetic osteopenia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice: A possible role of oxidative stress. Cortical bone laminar analysis reveals increased midcortical and periosteal porosity in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women with history of fragility fractures compared to fracture-free diabetics. Advanced glycation end product modification of bone proteins and bone remodelling: Hypothesis and preliminary immunohistochemical findings. Mechanisms in endocrinology: Diabetes mellitus, a state of low bone turnover-A systematic review and meta-analysis. Divergent effects of selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligands on adipocyte versus osteoblast differentiation. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and bone fractures: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with better bone microarchitecture but lower bone material strength and poorer physical function in elderly women: A population-based study. Human trabecular bone cells are able to express both osteoblastic and adipocytic phenotype: Implications for osteopenic disorders. Bone microarchitecture in men and women with diabetes: the importance of cortical porosity. Similarities in trabecular hypertrophy with site-specific differences in cortical morphology between men and women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sclerostin does not play a major role in the pathogenesis of skeletal complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bone defect regeneration and cortical bone parameters of type 2 diabetic rats are improved by insulin therapy. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligands inhibit estrogen biosynthesis in human breast adipose tissue: Possible implications for breast cancer therapy. The incidence of and risk factors for developing atypical femoral fractures in Japan. Collagen cross-links as a determinant of bone quality: A possible explanation for bone fragility in aging, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus. Hypocalcemia and parathyroid hormone responsiveness in diabetes mellitus: A tri-sodium-citrate clamp study. Compromised cortical bone compartment in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with microvascular disease. Differences in biochemical bone markers by diabetes type and the impact of glucose. Associations with fracture in patients with diabetes-A nested case-control study. Use of glucose-lowering drugs and risk of fracture in patients with type 2 diabetes. A high amount of local adipose tissue is associated with high cortical porosity and low bone material strength in older women. Troglitazone treatment increases bone marrow adipose tissue volume but does not affect trabecular bone volume in mice. Discrepancies in bone mineral density and fracture risk in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes-a meta-analysis. Relative fracture risk in patients with diabetes mellitus, and the impact of insulin and oral antidiabetic medication on relative fracture risk. Diabetes and its complications and their relationship with risk of fractures in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Oral bisphosphonate use increases the risk for inflammatory jaw disease: A cohort study. Differential impact of glucose administered intravenously or orally on bone turnover markers in healthy male subjects. Inhibitory effects of high glucose/insulin environment on osteoclast formation and resorption in vitro. Serum pentosidine levels are positively associated with the presence of vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Defects in cortical microarchitecture among African-American women with type 2 diabetes. Statin but not non-statin lipid-lowering drugs decrease fracture risk: A nation-wide case-control study. Glossary Etiology the study or theory of the factors that cause disease and the method of their introduction to the host; the cause of origin of a disease or disorder. Giant cell tumor A rare but benign bone tumor comprised of mesenchymal stromal cells and multinucleated giant cells with characteristics of osteoclasts. Osteoblasts the cells responsible for bone formation, derived from differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Osteoclasts Multinucleated bone resorbing cells formed by differentiation and fusion of mononuclear precursor cells of hematopoetic origin. Osteosarcoma A malignant primary neoplasm of bone derived from cells of the osteoblast lineage. The disease occurs most commonly in the United Kingdom where it is estimated to affect about 2% of people over the age of 55 as assessed radiographically. The disease is also common in other European countries such as France, Spain and Italy and in people of European descent who have emigrated to other regions of the world, such as Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, and Canada. Osteoclasts are increased in number and size and contain many more nuclei than normal. Several large osteoclasts are visible (white arrows) as well as osteoblasts forming new bone (black arrows). Familial clustering is common and there is a sevenfold increases risk of developing the disease in first degree relatives of patients as compared with controls (Siris et al. In a proportion of families, the disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant trait with an agedependent increase in penetrance (Morissette et al. Evidence of this comes from epidemiological studies which have shown significant decreases in disease prevalence and severity in most countries over the past 25 years (Corral-Gudino et al. The only environmental factor that has been studied experimentally is chronic paramyxovirus infection. This was suggested as a possible disease trigger based on the identification of nuclear inclusions in osteoclasts that were thought to resemble measles virus (Rebel et al. However, more recent work has shown that these structures are morphologically distinct from measles virus particles on ultrastructural analysis (Helfrich et al. Although experimental studies have shown that targeted over expression of measles virus nucleocapsids protein to osteoclasts can result in abnormalities of osteoclast function and bone turnover (Kurihara et al. In those that do, musculoskeletal pain is the single most common presenting complaint affecting 38% of individuals, followed by bone deformity (20. In one case series about 20% of patients who had presented clinically were truly asymptomatic. Deformity of the facial bones, skull and femurs can occur but this is only detectable clinically when the disease is quite advanced. Clinical signs related to nerve compression syndromes of spinal stenosis may also be evident in some patients. The presentation is usually with a sudden increase in pain and swelling of an affected site. Panel B: X-ray of the upper femur from then same patient showing coarsening of trabeculae throughout the upper femur with areas of osteosclerosis alternating with areas of osteolysis. The right femur is enlarged and a pseudofracture is just visible on the lateral aspect of the femoral shaft at the level of the lesser trochanter. In the long bones, tracer uptake typically starts at the metaphysis and extends proximally or distally to affect the diaphysis. All patients should be carefully assessed for the presence of symptoms that might be due to increased bone turnover as well as for complications such as spinal stenosis, secondary osteoarthritis and fracture that might need surgical treatment. Nitrogen containing bisphosphonates (aminobisphosphonates) are now used in virtually all patients since they are more effective at reducing bone turnover than simple bisphosphonates such as etidronate and tiludronate and have a longer duration of action (Corral-Gudino et al. Vitamin D deficiency should always be corrected prior to administration of bisphosphonate therapy to reduce the risk of hypocalcaemia. In addition to the common adverse effects shown in Table 2, bisphosphonate therapy has been associated with atypical femoral fractures, uveitis, and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Symptomatic atrial fibrillation has also been reported as an adverse effect of zoledronic acid. It is now seldom used due to the fact that bisphosphonates are more convenient to administer, cheaper and have fewer side effects. Bone pain is the most common symptom, affecting up to 38% of those who present clinically. Inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia is caused by mutant valosin-containing protein. Endochondral ossification An indirect ossification that requires cartilage as an intermediator. Hopefully, our discussion will not only raise the attention of general audience but also identify potential knowledge gaps for professionals in this area. Inflammation Inflammatory response, triggered by injury, is responsible for the initial tissue degeneration and the subsequent events. This normal inflammatory/injury response generally plays beneficial role and is essential for normal wound healing; however, this process could be dysregulated, especially in the context of traumatic injuries. For example, in vascular calcification, the initial pro-inflammatory promotes microcalcification, which, in turn, induces further inflammation, and this vicious cycle can be broken by adaptive immune response, which, instead, promotes fibrosis and osteogenic transdifferentiation, and ultimately leads to macrocalcification (Hildebrand et al. Fibrosis and Angiogenesis One feature of normal wound healing is fibro-proliferation of local stem/progenitor cells and the ingrowth of new capillaries or angiogenesis; however, this normal process may also exceed what is needed for optimal repairing. Alternatively, mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells directly differentiate into osteoblasts and osteocytes through intramembranous ossification (Cairns et al. Bisphosphonates are anti-absorptive agents, and several studies demonstrated it could induce osteoclast apoptosis and inhibit calcification (McClure, 1983; Taravati et al. Although clinical improvement after operation is appreciated, there is still significant risk of recurrence (Agarwal et al. It was reported that miR-203, miR-132-3p, miR-499, miR-563 and miR-574-3p alleviate ectopic bone formation either by targeting runx2 or sox9 or other related osteogenic genes (Tu et al. However, none of abovementioned approaches have been commonly accepted in clinics, and further studies are needed to clarify the potential issues. Inhibition of Hif1a prevents both trauma-induced and genetic heterotopic ossification. Combined reflectance and Raman spectroscopy to assess degree of in vivo angiogenesis after tissue injury. Surgical excision of heterotopic ossification leads to reemergence of mesenchymal stem cell populations responsible for recurrence. The obligatory role of Activin A in the formation of heterotopic bone in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Neurological heterotopic ossification: Current understanding and future directions. Complications of open elbow arthrolysis in post-traumatic elbow stiffness: A systematic review. Heterotopic ossification mimicking infection in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury. Alk2 regulates early chondrogenic fate in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva heterotopic endochondral ossification. Defining the balance between regeneration and pathological ossification in skeletal muscle following traumatic injury. Heterotopic ossification in complex orthopaedic combat wounds: Quantification and characterization of osteogenic precursor cell activity in traumatized muscle. Two tissue-resident progenitor lineages drive distinct phenotypes of heterotopic ossification. Inflammatory cytokine and chemokine expression is associated with heterotopic ossification in high-energy penetrating war injuries. Osteogenic gene expression correlates with development of heterotopic ossification in war wounds. Do inflammatory markers portend heterotopic ossification and wound failure in combat wounds Mesenchymal stem cell: Keystone of the hematopoietic stem cell niche and a stepping-stone for regenerative medicine. Neurological heterotopic ossification following spinal cord injury is triggered by macrophage-mediated inflammation in muscle. Ginkgo biloba extract promotes osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a pathway involving Wnt/beta-catenin signaling.
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Hypokalemia spasms right flank order 400mg skelaxin visa, if present, can blunt differences between sides because it decreases aldosterone secretion, and may potentially mask a unilateral aldosterone production. In contrast, that of the right adrenal vein is much more difficult owing to its small size and its draining directly into the inferior vena cava at various angles or directly into a small accessory hepatic vein (Davidson et al. As prior knowledge of the right adrenal vein anatomy can facilitate catheterization in difficult cases (Miotto et al. Therefore, unless sequential catheterization can be performed within 5 min on both sides, which can be challenging in many cases, particularly if there are anatomical variations, bilaterally simultaneous catheterization should be preferred, and precautions to minimize stress should be systematically exploited (Rossi et al. Because of the clear-cut increase of success in demonstrating bilateral selectivity, the administration of cosyntropin has become a standard procedure even despite no proof for increased success in ascertaining lateralization. At variance with all these findings and the theoretical expectations, Mathur et al. This study was unique in that it provided no evidence that cosyntropin stimulation improves the assessment of selectivity (Mathur et al. In a more recent study of 47 patients, 85% of which had successful bilateral catheterization, Wolley et al. Moreover, among those with an inconclusive diagnosis precosyntropin only 50% were diagnosed as unilateral postcosyntropin and in 6% of all patients the diagnosis changed (Wolley et al. However, because there was no conclusive evidence on whether use of cosyntropin stimulation is associated with improved or worsened outcome, defined as remission of hypertension and hypokalemia as endpoints, these major referral centers were almost equally split into those that use and those that do not use cosyntropin stimulation (Rossi et al. This finding could be anticipated since when cortisol secretion is maximally stimulated during cosyntropin infusion, the time difference between blood sampling from one side and the other is irrelevant, at least for the assessment of selectivity. Given that secretion of aldosterone is pulsatile and highly variable there are chances of creating artificial gradients between the adrenals when using the sequential blood sampling technique, particularly if the interventionist is not proficient and fast enough. The latter furnished a more accurate identification of lateralization than those obtained sequentially, which, moreover, produced a higher chance for creating factitious lateralization to the last sampled size, regardless of it being right or left. For the left side, the tip of the catheter should be placed distal to the orifice of the left inferior phrenic vein. For the right side, adrenal vein should be distinguished from accessory hepatic vein and when the right adrenal vein drains into accessory hepatic vein, the tip of the catheter should be confirmed to be located in the right adrenal vein instead of hepatic venous tributaries by injection of a single amount of contrast just before and after blood collection. To this aim the hormone most widely used is cortisol, because of its high rate of production and easy assay although attempts to use epinephrine (Freel et al. As the need for a trade-off between too restrictive and too permissive cutoffs was clearly shown (Rossi et al. Nonetheless, recognizing the fact that many studies are not bilaterally selective and/or can provide equivocal results, a following section has been devoted to the clinical decision-making in these difficult cases. This has the advantage of furnishing to the radiologist the immediate feedback on whether selective blood sampling from each adrenal vein was achieved and to permit further attempts of before removing the catheters, if selective catheterization was not initially obtained, thus avoiding the need for a further catheterization (Mengozzi et al. The hypothesis that the rapid intraprocedural assay of cortisol, and androstenedione, can be useful will therefore be tested prospectively in the Intra-Procedural Cortisol Assay During Adrenal Vein Sampling: Rationale and Design of a Randomized Study I-Padua (Cesari et al. It is worth considering that the choice of more restrictive (higher) cutoffs, with and without stimulation, undoubtedly leads to selection of a population with a higher chance of being cured with adrenalectomy. For studies without cosyntropin, these cutoff values were generally lower by a value of 2, but the decision-making principles were the same. Thus, only persistent hypokalemia with suppressed renin and high aldosterone after adrenalectomy are regarded as definitive evidence of incorrect lateralization. If medical control of blood pressure and hypokalemia is poor, the benefit/risk from surgery is increased, and therefore the clinician should lower the threshold for recommending surgery. However, the limited number of specialized centers that can perform for this technically demanding procedure results in missed opportunities for optimal surgical management (Rege et al. Early studies suggested a wide range of complication rates varying between less than 0. This decrease is likely attributable, at least in part, to avoiding routine adrenal venography and minimizing the injection volume for anatomical confirmation of the adrenal vein catheterization. Complications are more common in the right than left adrenal vein, mainly because of the anatomical diversity and complexity. While they do not seem to depend on the methods of catheterization, such as sequential or bilateral simultaneous, and the use of cosyntropin stimulation (Rossi et al. Rapid cortisol assays improve the success rate of adrenal vein sampling for primary aldosteronism. Adrenal vein sampling using rapid cortisol assays in primary aldosteronism is useful in centers with low success rates. Androstenedione and 17-a-Hydroxyprogesterone are better indicators of adrenal vein sampling selectivity than CortisolNovelty and significance. The intra-procedural cortisol assay during adrenal vein sampling: Rationale and Design of a Randomized Study (I-Padua). Adrenal venography and ultrasound in the investigation of the adrenal gland: An analysis of 58 cases. Prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism in resistant hypertension: A retrospective observational study. Case detection, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with primary Aldosteronism: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. Review of surgical management of aldosterone secreting tumours of the adrenal cortex. Single-center outcome of laparoscopic unilateral adrenalectomy for patients with primary aldosteronism: Lateralizing disease using results of adrenal venous sampling. Comparison of adrenal vein sampling and computed tomography in the differentiation of primary aldosteronism. Impact of accessory hepatic veins on adrenal vein sampling for identification of surgically curable primary aldosteronism. Clinical management and outcomes of adrenal hemorrhage following adrenal vein sampling in primary Aldosteronism. Impact of different diagnostic criteria during adrenal vein sampling on reproducibility of subtype diagnosis in patients with primary aldosteronism. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism-the Japan Endocrine Society 2009. Age-dependent Increases in Adrenal Cytochrome b5 and Serum 5-Androstenediol-3-sulfate. New concepts in adrenal vein sampling for aldosterone in the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism. Identification of the etiology of primary aldosteronism with adrenal vein sampling in patients with equivocal computed tomography and magnetic resonance findings: Results in 104 consecutive cases. Dynamic testing with high-dose adrenocorticotrophic hormone does not improve lateralization of aldosterone oversecretion in primary aldosteronism patients. Vascular remodeling and duration of hypertension predict outcome of adrenalectomy in primary aldosteronism patients. Intraprocedural cortisol measurement increases adrenal vein sampling success rate in primary aldosteronism. Long-term control of arterial hypertension and regression of left ventricular hypertrophy with treatment of primary aldosteronism. Localization of aldosterone-producing adrenocortical adenomas: Significance of adrenal venous sampling. Primary aldosteronism: Factors associated with normalization of blood pressure after surgery. Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation during adrenal vein sampling for identifying surgically curable subtypes of primary aldosteronism: Comparison of 3 different protocols. A stress reaction affects assessment of selectivity of adrenal venous sampling and of lateralization of aldosterone excess in primary aldosteronism. Does contralateral suppression at adrenal venous predict outcome following unilateral Adrenalectomy for primary Aldosteronism Preoperative diagnosis and localization of aldosterone-producing adenoma by adrenal venous sampling after administration of metoclopramide. Impact of new quick gold nanoparticle-based cortisol assay during adrenal vein sampling for primary Aldosteronism. Is adrenal venous sampling necessary in all patients with hyperaldosteronism before adrenalectomy Genetics of Familial Hyperaldosteronism Silvia Monticone, Martina Tetti, Isabel Losano, Franco Veglio, and Paolo Mulatero, University of Turin, Turin, Italy r 2019 Elsevier Inc. Further studies demonstrated that the point of recombination is always comprised between intron 2 and exon 4 (Dluhy and Lifton, 1995) and Gly288 and Ala320 are the two residues indispensable for 18-hydroxylase and 18-oxitase activity respectively (Curnow et al. The possible mechanisms underlying such a wide variation in clinical phenotype have been extensively investigated. It has been hypothesized that early onset of high blood pressure levels and/or the inappropriate amount of aldosterone during vascular development could determine the formation of cerebral aneurysms (Litchfield et al. In case of affected children, in whom there might be concerns related to growth retardation and the antiandrogenic effects of glucocorticoids and spironolactone respectively, eplerenone may be considered the first-line therapy (Funder et al. The second family presented two affected members: a 37-year-old female with hypertension and spontaneous hypokalemia and her 63-year-old father affected by poorly controlled hypertension. Afterwards, the linkage has been demonstrated also in other families belonging to three different continents (Australia, Europe and South America) (Sukor et al. However, for two affected Australian families the linkage with locus 7p22 could not be demonstrated (So et al. Furthermore, the two patients showed markedly increased levels of 18-hydroxycortisol, 18-oxocortisol, deoxycorticosterone, and 18-hydroxycorticosterone) (Geller et al. Both the father and the two daughters required bilateral adrenalectomy in order to normalize aldosterone and potassium levels and to control hypertension (Therien et al. Adrenal glands showed bilateral hyperplasia and subverted histological architecture of the adrenal cortex (Gomez-Sanchez et al. The genetic basis of this disorder has been uncovered through the application of the next generation sequencing, which allowed the identification of the germline p. The consequent alteration of the filter causes the loss of ion selectivity, sodium influx and depolarization of the cell membrane which activates voltage-dependent calcium channels. G151E substitution caused cell lethality due to a massive sodium influx and the consequent osmotic shock. However the surviving cells can produce large amount of aldosterone (Scholl et al. Initially the diagnosis was based on the particular clinical features displayed by the family described by Geller et al. G151E mutation has been reported in three different families, affecting a total of seven patients (Scholl et al. All patient except two showed severe hypertension and low potassium levels with onset in early childhood, which were well controlled by pharmacological therapy with spironolactone and amiloride (only two patients underwent bilateral adrenalectomy) (Scholl et al. Moreover, none of the affected patients showed adrenal hyperplasia at adrenal imaging. All the mutations are located near or within the selectivity filter of the channel (represented in green). All the other patients required bilateral adrenalectomy in order to control blood pressure, hypokalemia and symptoms mimicking diabetes insipidus. Moreover, histological analysis confirmed nodular hyperplasia in one patient and diffuse hyperplasia of adrenal cortex of three out of four patients who underwent surgery. This condition is rare and its prevalence has not been evaluated in large population; Mulatero et al. Met1549Val substitution, among four families (in one case it was a de novo mutation). Met1549 lies in a conserved position in the S6 helix of repeat 3 (Marksteiner et al. In normal quiescent adrenal glomerulosa cells, the cell membrane is maintained in a hyperpolarized state, preventing the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. As a consequence, the channel opens at more hyperpolarized potentials, closer to the glomerulosa resting potentials, causing an increase in intracellular calcium concentration. Increased calcium influx in glomerulosa cells leads to aldosterone production and cell proliferation, while neurological manifestations are due to abnormal neuronal calcium signaling (Scholl et al. Both the index cases had healthy parents, demonstrating that de novo germline mutations occurred (Scholl et al. The affected children manifested early onset severe hypertension, hypokalemia and seizures. The first patient is a female of European ancestry who suffered from severe hypertension at birth (119/78 mmHg), biventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary hypertension and second degree heart block. Other neurological manifestations include apparent cerebral palsy, cortical blindness, neuromuscular abnormalities. Interestingly, blood pressure was normalized by the calcium channel blocker amlodipine and ventricular hypertrophy regressed (Scholl et al. The second patient is an African American female, with cerebral palsy, spastic quadriplegia, mild athetosis, severe generalized intellectual disability, complex and partial seizures at birth. Different mutations lead to variable calcium conductance, resulting in variable cell lethality. Individuals with mutations causing cell lethality do not develop adrenal hyperplasia (Scholl et al. Conclusions the recent advances in the genetics of familial hyperaldosteronism have provided new insight in the molecular mechanisms responsible for autonomous aldosterone overproduction. Genetics of Familial Hyperaldosteronism 629 See also: Adrenal Venous Sampling for Primary Aldosteronism.
An E2 dendrimer conjugate which selectively stimulates extranuclear estrogen signaling maintains protective effects on cortical bone without stimulating the uterus (Bartell et al spasms while peeing 400 mg skelaxin for sale. Many target genes have been proposed zerodol muscle relaxant generic skelaxin 400mg on-line, but few have been extensively validated (Almeida et al spasms icd-9 cheap skelaxin 400mg on-line. Whether the altered mechanoresponsiveness in these models is explained by altered bone turnover (Vanderschueren et al spasms face purchase skelaxin with a mastercard. Most likely muscle relaxant gas purchase skelaxin 400mg without a prescription, the effect of Role of Estrogens and Androgens in Osteoporosis 237 androgens on trabecular bone involves reduced bone resorption spasms lower left abdomen skelaxin 400mg free shipping, rather than an anabolic or increased bone formation effect (Chiang et al. Hence, the quest to identify the-extraskeletal-target cell(s) responsible for the effect of androgens on cortical bone remains open. The perinatal T surge on the other hand is a major regulator of pubertal growth hormone secretion and ultimate height, but it appears redundant for the inhibition of trabecular bone resorption and periosteal expansion induced by androgens (Sims et al. Still, the role of the somatotropic axis, by itself as well as its contribution to the effects of sex steroids in male or female osteoporosis, remain poorly understood. This is an important topic for future research because a direct role of androgens in the development of osteoporosis in older men has not been confirmed (Finkelstein et al. However, some epidemiological studies suggest that the combination of low serum E2 and T may be associated with higher fracture risk than low E2 alone (Amin et al. On the other hand, an independent effect of androgens in older men remains hitherto unconfirmed (Table 1). The development of osteoporosis in older men is mainly associated with estrogen deficiency, especially when serum T concentrations fall below 200 ng/dL and consequently, E2 serum levels below 10 pg/mL (Finkelstein et al. According to the free hormone hypothesis however, this small percentage constitutes the active sex steroid because only nonprotein-bound hormones are proposed to diffuse across cell membranes to active their nuclear receptors. Calculated or measured free T or E2 concentrations are often used in clinical practice as well as in studies related to osteoporosis, although many fundamental and practical concerns surround this approach (Laurent and Vanderschueren, 2014). Role of Estrogens and Androgens in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis Role of Sex Steroids in Osteoporosis Work-Up the role of sex steroids in the diagnosis of osteoporosis is generally limited. Still, current guidelines recommend measuring serum T concentrations in the work-up for male osteoporosis (Watts et al. This may be useful in younger men with unexplained "idiopathic" osteoporosis, while it may have little usefulness in a geriatric population. However, post-menopausal women at high risk for fractures should be treated with osteoporosis drugs such as bisphosphonates (Almeida et al. Thus, they induce bone loss in premenopausal women but prevent bone loss in post-menopausal women. Lasofoxifene additionally reduces non-vertebral fractures as well as coronary heart disease and stroke (Cummings et al. Hip fracture prevention has not been demonstrated however, and for bazedoxifene evidence of breast cancer chemoprophylaxis is lacking. In clinical practice, raloxifene or lasofoxifene may be useful in relatively young post-menopausal osteoporotic women with low risk of hip fractures or venous thromboembolism, or in women with contraindications to other drugs (Almeida et al. Testosterone Several randomized trials have examined the effects of T therapy in post-menopausal women. In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the prescription of T for adult or older men in some countries, particularly in the United States. While T replacement therapy has established benefits in men with congenital or acquired hypogonadism (Basaria, 2014; Finkelstein et al. Notably, the definition of a clinical syndrome associated with "low T" levels in older men remains controversial. According to the Role of Estrogens and Androgens in Osteoporosis 239 European Male Aging Study criteria of total T o 11 nmol/L, free T o 220 pmol/L and at least three sexual symptoms, only 3. Secondly, not only adverse effects on the prostate but particularly adverse cardiovascular events have drawn much attention (Basaria et al. The stimulatory effects on the prostate may be blunted by concomitant 5a-reductase inhibitors, without affecting the musculoskeletal benefits (Amory et al. The benefits of T appeared limited to men with baseline low T levels and treated for longer duration with T at relatively high doses, with possibly greater effectiveness of i. More recently, the Testosterone Trials investigated the efficacy and safety of T therapy in men with late-onset hypogonadism. Additional significant increases were seen on femoral and spine cortical and trabecular bone and estimated strength; the effect was greater on trabecular than on cortical bone, and greater on the spine than on the hip (Snyder et al. Therefore, current guidelines in male osteoporosis recommend that hypogonadal men with low T and low fracture risk may not need additional anti-osteoporotic medications, while men at increased fracture risk should be treated with approved fracture prevention drugs (Watts et al. Estrogens are essential for cortical and trabecular bone development in both genders; however, key elements of musculoskeletal sexual dimorphism are determined by androgen effects of periosteal bone formation and trabecular bone resorption. During midlife, men continue to consolidate their cortical and trabecular bone assets, likely independent of sex steroids. Although the clinical role of sex steroids in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis in general is limited, there is growing interest and attention for bone loss and fracture risk in patients treated with hormone deprivation therapies for breast and prostate cancer. Further research is needed to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which sex steroid regulate bone metabolism, which could potentially lead to the development of new drugs to exploit their musculoskeletal benefits without adverse reproductive or cardiovascular effects. Bone health and bone-targeted therapies for nonmetastatic prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Estrogen receptor-alpha signaling in osteoblast progenitors stimulates cortical bone accrual. Estradiol, testosterone, and the risk for hip fractures in elderly men from the Framingham study. Peak bone mass from longitudinal data: Implications for the prevalence, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of osteoporosis. Reference ranges for testosterone in men generated using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in a community-based sample of healthy nonobese young men in the Framingham heart study and applied to three geographically distinct cohorts. Effect of testosterone supplementation with and without a dual 5alpha-reductase inhibitor on fat-free mass in men with suppressed testosterone production: A randomized controlled trial. The role of activation functions 1 and 2 of estrogen receptor-alpha for the effects of estradiol and selective estrogen receptor modulators in male mice. Injection of testosterone may be safer and more effective than transdermal administration for combating loss of muscle and bone in older men. Musculoskeletal and prostate effects of combined testosterone and finasteride administration in older hypogonadal men: A randomized, controlled trial. Androgen receptor disruption increases the osteogenic response to mechanical loading in male mice. Differential regulation of bone and body composition in male mice with combined inactivation of androgen and estrogen receptor-alpha. Mineralization and bone resorption are regulated by the androgen receptor in male mice. Growth hormone and sex steroid effects on bone metabolism and bone mineral density in healthy aged women and men. Epidemiology of fractures in the United Kingdom 1988-2012: Variation with age, sex, geography, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Genetically modified animal models as tools for studying bone and mineral metabolism. Effects of enobosarm on muscle wasting and physical function in patients with cancer: A double-blind, randomised controlled phase 2 trial. Effects of raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, on bone turnover markers and serum sex steroid and lipid levels in elderly men. Androgens and skeletal muscle: Cellular and molecular action mechanisms underlying the anabolic actions. Clinical review: the benefits and harms of systemic testosterone therapy in postmenopausal women with normal adrenal function: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Increases in bone density during treatment of men with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Gonadal steroiddependent effects on bone turnover and bone mineral density in men. Vertebral fractures and trabecular microstructure in men with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy. Structural decay of bone microarchitecture in men with prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy. Comparison of bone mineral density and body proportions between women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome and women with gonadal dysgenesis. Bone microarchitecture and estimated strength in 499 adult Danish women and men: A crosssectional, population-based high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomographic study on peak bone structure. Attainment of peak bone mass at the lumbar spine, femoral neck and radius in men and women: Relative contributions of bone size and volumetric bone mineral density. Reproductive hormones and longitudinal change in bone mineral density and incident fracture risk in older men: the concord health and aging in men project. Long-term effects of dihydrotestosterone treatment on prostate growth in healthy, middle-aged men without prostate disease: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Effects of transdermal testosterone on bone and muscle in older men with low bioavailable testosterone levels, low bone mass, and physical frailty. Hormonal and biochemical determinants of trabecular microstructure at the ultradistal radius in women and men. The unitary model for estrogen deficiency and the pathogenesis of osteoporosis: Is a revision needed Relationship of volumetric bone density and structural parameters at different skeletal sites to sex steroid levels in women. Estrogen receptor alpha in osteocytes regulates trabecular bone formation in female mice. Nongenotropic, sex-nonspecific signaling through the estrogen or androgen receptors: Dissociation from transcriptional activity. Kinase-mediated regulation of common transcription factors accounts for the bone-protective effects of sex steroids. Estrogen protects bone by inducing Fas ligand in osteoblasts to regulate osteoclast survival. Body composition, volumetric and areal bone parameters in male-to-female transsexual persons. Sex hormone-binding globulin regulation of androgen bioactivity in vivo: Validation of the free hormone hypothesis. Androgens have antiresorptive effects on trabecular disuse osteopenia independent from muscle atrophy. Reproductive endocrinology: Functional effects of sex hormone-binding globulin variants. Associations of serum sex hormone-binding globulin and sex hormone concentrations with hip fracture risk in postmenopausal women. Remaining lifetime and absolute 10-year probabilities of osteoporotic fracture in Swiss men and women. Inactivation of estrogen receptor alpha in boneforming cells induces bone loss in female mice. Inactivation of the androgen receptor in bone-forming cells leads to trabecular bone loss in adult female mice. Impaired skeletal muscle development and function in male, but not female, genomic androgen receptor knockout mice. From estrogen-centric to aging and oxidative stress: A revised perspective of the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. The estrogen receptor-alpha in osteoclasts mediates the protective effects of estrogens on cancellous but not cortical bone. Estrogen and androgen play distinct roles in bone turnover in male mice before and after reaching sexual maturity. Endogenous sex hormones and incident fracture risk in older men: the Dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study. Female mice lacking estrogen receptor-alpha in osteoblasts have compromised bone mass and strength. Effects of loss of steroid receptor coactivator-1 on the skeletal response to estrogen in mice. Differential effects on bone of estrogen receptor alpha and androgen receptor activation in orchidectomized adult male mice. Body composition and bone mineral density in male-tofemale transsexuals during cross-sex hormone therapy using gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist. Estrogen prevents bone loss via estrogen receptor alpha and induction of Fas ligand in osteoclasts. Deletion of estrogen receptor beta in osteoprogenitor cells increases trabecular but not cortical bone mass in female mice. Osteoblast deletion of exon 3 of the androgen receptor gene results in trabecular bone loss in adult male mice.
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